What's up DJs? Just started reading this site and finished the bible. What can I say but I'm out of the matrix in the process of learning the new knowledge. Anyways so I met this girl got the number and were suppose to got out for lunch. She was sort of flaking when I called her the day before saying things like "I've have a project due the next day I haven't started."
right? So she suggested we watch a movie later and I agreed to call her later that night. (An AFC move realized too late) Anyways called her around nine and no answer so I left a message. That was yesterday and I felt disrespected that the plan had not cancelled verbally but just left as is. So I took her off the buddylist and am Nexting her unless she calls me with an apology and a way to make it up
What does the experienced DJ think about this move? I thought it was in line with what I read and if she wasn't interested I would have wasted valuable time on her. So continue hunting for something better right? Comments please