Did I just mess up, or am i overthinking this?


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
I just started talking to this girl that used to like me. In the past we've hooked up and have had sex, but nonetheless we stopped talking for about a month. We started talking again last friday when I saw her out and we decided to discuss why we had stopped talking in the first place. She had said that she felt that I didnt really talk to her much ( which is true to a certain extent). Anyway we exchanged numbers and she seemed really excited to be friends again and she insisted that I hit her up to chill. So monday rolls around and she intitates the text, we text 10 texts back and forth the conversation seems to go fine but eventually dies out. Later on in the week I hit her up this time asking her to chill the same day, but instead she says shes busy but then ask me to come out with her friends to belmont the following day. I tell her that Im going to be there already with 2 different groups of people but that I'd hit her up nonetheless. So Saturday rolls around and I end up meeting up with her and her friends for a little while, but looking back I didnt really get a chance to just talk to her, it was more of a group like conversation. To make matters worse my friends are blowing up my phone trying to find out where I am so I'm continue to get sidetracked from the situation. In addition to this I was kind of bored around her friends who I didnt know well at all but anyway after about 15-20 minutes I end up telling her that I was going to meet up with a few of my friends to which she said ok. I didnt think anything of it the day of because I was there originally with other people, and the racetrack was a madhouse that day, but looking back I feel like I barely spoke to her not really having a quality conversation. Anyway this was the last I saw her. Now its tuesday and I still havent spoken to her, but will most likely see her tn if I go out. What do you guys think, did I mess up here? Im thinking of casually apologizing when I see her in person,bc I honestly feel bad about it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Why don't you take her out by yourself.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Your right it seems kind of petty if she'd be annoyed at me for not talking to her much. But yeah I intend to take her out just us two. Probably going to run into her tn so I'll just play cool as if nothing happened. If I don't see her tn then I guess I'll just text her tm.