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Did I do the right thing??


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Well, I guess I should have posted this on the mature forum..because it would seem Interceptor is the only mature one here who answered and kept his judgements to himself."

Most of the responders to you in this topic are from the Mature Man forum genius.
Interceptor is a great guy with a big heart but he is wasting his valueable time when he offers up a great post of his to "help" you.

You really don't want to be helped. You just want us all to be caught up in your perpetual never ending drama so that you can hang on the edge of what we say to you next.

You already know how you are going to proceed with the various dilemmas you present to us but you present them anyway to get our attention and again so that you can hang on every word in hopes what one of us says will spark that tasty drama inside that dark destroyed mind of yours.

I checked your first post ever on Sosuave to see how your progression here has gone.
Not surprisingly it has gone from bad to worse. You began as a self centered cheating piece of human wreckage and a liar to boot and in the four years time you've been a part of this place not much has changed. You are still very rotten to the core and unwilling to look inside yourself to make a change that would help to improve your life. None of the epic posts in the past four years made towards you have been followed by you. The wisdom is lost on you, utterly disregarded by you because you are what you are and refuse to change.

"Guess he is the only one who realizes that I am here posting a problem no different in patheticness than the "how can i get my ex back?" or "i wrote her this, what do you think?" posts all over this board."

Don't give yourself any credit.

The guys that make those posts eventually learn their lesson and move on in a few weeks (some cases a month) after us pounding it through their thick skulls that it is the right thing for them to do to move forward with their lives in a positive and healthy direction.

You on the other hand keep setting yourself up for failure because failure is what you crave.

Failure= drama
Drama= you getting to cry
Crying= you getting comforted by the other girl your obsession is fvcking
Obsessing= you getting to come on here and tell us all about how you "hate it".

What a joke.


"You're all here on a DON JUAN forum striving to be the a$$hole that my ex is...and I am here striving to find out WHY good guys want to BE that a$$hole. Not asking how to keep one."

You already know why. Again stop playing dumb. You know he acts that way because he wants your pvssy, the other girl's pvssy and as many pvssies as he can get his hands on. He acts this way with you and the other girl because he knows the both of you crave drama and being hurt and getting to cry so he is just giving you what you want so he can get what he wants that again being your pvssy. He doesn't care about you at all SunnyD. Honestly what is there to care about? You don't love yourself, you are pathetic and shallow, you relegate yourself to being an emotional manipulator's cvm receptacle in a vain hope to make him validate you by some day making you his girlfriend because of how much effort you put in towards being a slvt for him. Dream on honey. The only thing he wants and the only thing you are going to get is not the ring on your finger and the white picket fence but his balls slapping your ass 90 miles an hour then resting comfortably on your chin after of course your telling us for the 40 millionth time its over with him for good this time lmao.

So yeah we KNOW why you are here so quit playing dumb. Your manipulations are utterly pathetic and transparent. Why not do something useful if you are going to continue to clutter up this forum with your presence and share some of the tips this guy uses on you and the other girl for us. I've got a setup right now with two bimbos that sounds very similar to your story and for all I know I'm the guy you are so pathetically crazy over but in the small chance that I am not I'd like to compare technique's with a fellow master which the man that has got you so hung up over him clearly is.

Better yet why not send him the link to this place? He'd be an awesome addition for sure and make up for the bandwidth costs you have incurred on this site with your drama/attention seeking pointless tripe.

"Thanks anyway. I can see from the responses that many of you have no respect for women at all. I don't take offense to what you have said here about me..I realize you are just bitter towards women in general from being rejected..which is why you're here after all."

Actually I think if anyone is bitter towards women here it is because of continually running into worthless drama queens such as yourself. Most of us like women just fine. It is YOU and your TIME WASTING posts we have a problem with. Take your bullsh!t to Loveshack.org. You are not here to change or improve your life. You are here to get yourself off by pulling us into your never ending drama.

I've got to hand it to you though you pulled the wool over my and interceptor's eyes for quite a long while. I too at one point thought you were here like most of us to be helped and change your ways for the better but no you are just here to get high once again off of drama and attention. Reading your opening post from four years ago and observing you now it is painfully clear you were never here to change. Only here for a captive audience to your dramatic life's play.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
This kind of reminds me of a situation I was once in, except I was at the other end. I was working at an amusement park and living in the employee housing. I started sleeping with two women at the same time, they eventually found out and consoled each other and then confronted me. I felt horrible, I had been dishonest. But what made it worse, is they both came back later to apologize to me, and the same thing started up again. So, Sunny you are doing the right thing by cutting this guy out completely. Good on ya.
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
After reading this thread, I decided to read all of Sunny's posts in this forum, and what I read reminds me of a girl I once knew in the past (in addition to my brother's girlfriend also). And such girls are some of the most selfish, the most manipulative and the biggest liars in this world.

They don't care about anyone's feelings except their own. They'll do anything to get every man under their control, and when they fail, they will slander him, gossip about him and exaggerate and secretly try to mess up his life. They act like they're innocent victims of "male abuse" when in fact the man is the one who's usually being victimized by these creatures.

I am thinking a lot of my brother these last few days because I keep worrying that he will eventually suffer a lot because of his girlfriend. His girlfriend is in many ways just like Sunny. Drama, drama and more drama. Along with manipulation and such. I always wish he could see what she's doing to him and how she's cleverly and gradually separating him from his family ... but he is too blind. And my mother doesn't help him at all when she agrees with him that his girl is one of the most innocent girls out there. Innocent, lol.

Anyway, to the poster who actually believes Sunny cut her man out completely. That's bull****. We all know she'll be back to pleasuring him again soon.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
All the younger guys and more inexperienced guys need to analyze this thread and learn from it. This is the definition of a low-quality woman. Sorry Sunny. I liked you when you first came on here, but this thread is out of control.

At any time, you could just quit texting this guy and ignore any forms of communication from him. You could easily cut him out of your life with one felt swoop by deleting him from your phone and moving on to greener pastures. But you don't. That tells me one thing: that somewhere, deep down inside, you're actually enjoying all this, the drama, the male attention you get on here with the threads you create, etc.

So guys, take note. Do not ever actually date a girl like this. If you're going to spin a plate who acts like this, don't have any expectations with her and above all else don't date her exclusively. This is a textbook example of low-quality, someone you do not want to make any sort of an emotional investment into.

Learn to recognize a low-quality girl from the first one or two conversations you have with her. That will save you a ton of time. And don't get caught up in looks, either. The hottest girls are often the lowest quality.

My grandpa once told me, "The worse you treat em, the longer you keep em." Have to say there's some truth to that saying when I read something like this.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
when i was younger and I was not exposed to the games women like you play, I was very sympathetic and often, my "captain save-a-ho" mentality would kick in to feel bad for your mistreatment. Not that I want to get into their panties but to genuinely give my sympathy and felt bad for you.
When i had a chance to meet those guys that these girls bash about, they're really NOT as bad... I didn't get it. So, i placed a wall to making friends with them.

it wasn't until i understood the "game" that i understand it's not men who are assh>le, it's women like you who enjoy the drama that makes us who we are.

It's manipulative women that use men for their egos that deserve no sympathy from me.

yesterday, an old female friend of mine called me out nowhere after a couple of years. i thought she wanted to catch up on old times. but it's not true at all. She thought I was still the nice guy I used to be and listen to her sh>t. she was biatching about her bf treating her badly and how useless he is and she's so going to dump him. She ran out of options and so decided to call me.

I WAS SOOOO PISSED OFF. I asked her if she talked to her gfs and asked them what they said. She said, no, cause they'll tell her to dump the guy and she is not ready yet. I'm like, wtf are you biatching about then?

she was asking me where she would find another guy that is manly enough for her. (again, another setup)
I told her, if anyone comes up, I'll let you know. (I had to use indirect language back at her in saying, i'm not fu<king interested in her)

Again, wtf is wrong with you women? 67% divorce rate and you still don't f>cking have a clue? is this game you play really worth the emotional pain you put on yourself and others? when are you going to smarten up?

It is women like you that i continue trying to avoid and next. the disgusting part is, there are more and more of you now and that makes finding the "one" to settle down with so difficult.

so spare us the drama


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
This is awesome. Now, should I be treating b*tches like this off the bat? Or do it later?

How do I get to this point?
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
This guy treated SunnyD like a piece of trash and she is obsessed over him.

The funny thing is the women will deny it till their last breath. But all you have to do is search for the posts women make and they all are obsessed over the guy that treats them like dirt.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Damn Mike, that was cold.

And why are so many replies here WREAK of bitterness and anger at women? We're players here, remember?

Sunny, no one's gonna tell you anything that you don't already know.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
Damn Mike, that was cold.

And why are so many replies here WREAK of bitterness and anger at women? We're players here, remember?

Sunny, no one's gonna tell you anything that you don't already know.
And why are you trying to suck up to this girl?

Yeah, we're players, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't provide no-nonsense advice to some broad who has come on here and posted multiple threads about the same guy who has used and abused her over and over again. All the while, the situation could easily be fixed by her simply deleting the dude from her phone.

Bitterness and anger toward women? No, I don't have those qualities - nor do any of the other guys who called her out. What I am is bitter and angry toward any poster who posts constantly about the same dumb problem (one that is easily fixable for that matter).


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
i dont suck up to nobody by nature - i said the truth:
She will NOT hear any advice she hasn't heard before. She probably asked 100's of people on internet, as well as personally. Im certain theey all said essentially the same thing, or maybe a grand total of two different advices. WTF is she still asking stupid questions that she knows answers to - shes not 10 years old, bro.

But I do envy her ex's mind-fvcking abilities. He mustve learned some voodoo **** to be able to **** with her head like THAT.

psh.. I wish i had *****e$ crazy over ME like that. But instead im here jerking off ..(again) surprise fvckin surprise..

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I can't believe nobody credited Kontroller for his jaw-dropping, politically-incorrect, and BLUNT retort.

Well, here is to Kontroller for cutting to the heart of the matter and telling it like it is.

Sadly though dude, I think you've just added fvcking tanker of gasoline to the small fire. She probably is not going to learn from your post or anyone else's post. The only way she would is if Interceptor made a post like yours. But he is too good of a man to post something like that though.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
this thread is funny as hell.
but if we switch the 2 characters around, we'll see that sunny is a female version of an afc.
she gets cheated on, but still goes crawling back because she's insecure and needs the attention.
just like how male afc's bow down to women and let them treat us however they want to while still putting her on a pedestal.

the guys being mean on here are just trying to prove to themselves that they learned something on this site, and you prob remind them of the times that their feelings got hurt. but i don't give a **** about this.
it's just hillarious really. :)

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
HHAHAHA i just remembered, what is the golden rule on here about trying to help a girl solve her problems?


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
The Bat said:
I can't believe nobody credited Kontroller for his jaw-dropping, politically-incorrect, and BLUNT retort.

Well, here is to Kontroller for cutting to the heart of the matter and telling it like it is.
I actually repped KX for that post last week. He was spot-on.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Actually any anger showed towards Sunny in this topic is for her wasting the time of great posters like Interceptor, VU, joekerr and others who have given her great and well written posts over the years only to have to re-iterate their advice in new and even more time wasting posts weeks or months later when they could actually be posting to someone more deserving that would listen to their advice unlike Sunny who repeats the destructive cycle with her abuser over and over and over again and comes back here for more advice she will not listen to.

She repeats this cycle because she loves drama and loves to hurt and cry and be comforted and fvcked and fvcked up in the head again by this guy when he cuts her off from his schlong once again when she acts up and tries to manipulate him into an exclusive relationship with her (rotflmfao like thats ever going to happen!!!).

Also since Sunny has exhibited a clear need to be treated like a piece of trash to get turned on I'd argue I and others who are treating her so crassly are not only showing our disgust for her disregard of great posts towards her in the past but we also would like to have the "Sunny experience" which I'm sure is akin to that of a high priced call girl but obviously without the cost when the currency used is giving her what she wants ie you hot piece of ass get daddy a drink while your cute ass is up!

So yeah to all you symps in here who think talking harshly to Sunny is some great revelation that we all hate women get lost.

In reality the truth is this and more simplified...

1. Sunny wastes the time of great posters by asking for advice to a problem she will NEVER solve because she loves the drama the problem generates for her. The wasting of time is what created the angry replies to her in here.

2. Some of us would like to fvck Sunny ourselves so talking to her in an angry or crass way is simply the way to do it because Sunny loves this sort of thing. She likes jerks, deadbeats, assh0les and angry men. She wants a Mike Tyson type in her life or an Ike Turner. Which is why she told us about a UFC fighter she slvtted it up for a few topics back. So yeah Sunny give me your number already. My palm has your name on the bottom of it girl.