Once you start to get comfortable talking to and touching women, you will begin to see them as PEOPLE instead of sex goddesses. They have as many if not more fears and insecurities than you and this should help knock them off that lofty pedestal of yours. As a DJ, one important thing to understand about women is that most of them strive to preserve their reputations. The worst thing that can happen to alot of these chicks is being labeled a slut, (unless of course she really is a slut and proud of it) so they need a damn good reason to tell their friends about you once you finally do tag that ass. So, what is the escape clause in their contract of sexual favors? Why, the Incredible Connection clause, of course! Never heard of it? Allow me to read from the Great ******** Book of Unspoken Agreements:
Article 54 Section BJ-69:
The Incredible Connection Clause
"If a woman is swept away by her emotions and as a result gets the Sloppy Sausage Special, then said female is not responsible for the dirty deeds she delights in. It is the man who assumes responsibility for said sinful act due to the fact that he was simply too charming/sexy to give her any other choice but to submit to her passions!"
I know, I know. So crazy and yet so true in many cases...
Soooooooo, the real question here is how do we make this connection and give women permission to be the dirty whøres they long to be? Many people have their theories and I won't $hit on any of them. Rather I will share what has worked for me up to this point. For the answer, I look back on my most profound interactions and there see that there was always an element of DESTINY involved. Now I am gonna get a little deep here, so bear with me. You see, my fellow aspiring DJ, like most people, I often forget how miraculous our very existence is. Take our bodies as an example. Did you know that your body is currently processing trillions of cellular functions per second as you read this? It's true, despite the fact that you might be an AFC, you are an incredible being of infinite possibilities. Beyond this example, it's really hard for me to put into words..human beings are just amazing. We all know this at some level, but do we consciously recognize this? I have met alot of humans in the past 6 months. All of them are amazing by merit of the fact that they exist, but few are exceptionally cool cats that I would go out of my way to hang out with. From all my interactions, I have noticed that most people are in fact isolated and completely self-absorbed. These folks bore the living snot out of me because they tend to live in ignorance of 3 really important things.
a. They are amazing and powerful enough to make all their dreams come true
b. They could die tomorrow
c. There are no coincidences or accidents in this life. Everything has a purpose...which is to teach and make us grow
Really think about these things before you read on....
Example: Met a fellow New Yorker last night at some random club. A friend of a friend. It was his last night in Spain and we were both starved for good english conversation. He was one of the coolest people I have met in a long time and we got along famously. Turns out he is a DJ himself and we were discussing techniques. Anyways, I was genuinely happy to be hangin out with this fellow because he's from my hometown and I feel lucky that I caught him before he left. So I told him how I had planned to stay home that night but a strange series of events had brought me to that bar and it was definitely destiny that we met. He laughed and said if he didn't know any better he'd think I was trying to pick him up! I laughed and told him not to flatter himself and that his weak C&F skills wouldn't work on me. We spent the whole time laughing and making a scene of ourselves at the club. He taught me something I will never forget. We were watching a couple of player wannabe's run game on these 9's when he says to me,"You know, you just made me realize something about my game. Here we are, two strangers who after talking for twenty minutes, are getting along like long-lost brothers. How did this happen? I think it's because people like you and me don't take ANYTHING for granted. We know that every moment is unrepeatable and we are exactly where we are supposed to be right now. Our paths have just crossed man, that is actually some pretty powerful $hit when you really think about it. I never noticed until now but I almost always play this destiny aspect up when I am dealing with the ladies. Works like a charm!"
It was the only thing he said that I didn't die laughing from. Because it really struck a chord in me and made me think.
In a few sentences this guy seemed to capture the essence of what a true DJ is to me. Someone who appreciates the perfection of any situation, no matter how imperfect it may seem. Someone who can turn a total stranger into a devoted friend. Someone not afraid/lazy to leave their friends at a party. Man, I remember reading that great post by Pook about letting yourself fail in order to learn. What an awesome attitude! Learning is what separates AFC from DJ, moron from genius. It doen't matter if you fu¢k up. Being this fearless and open to new possibilities, will instantly set you apart from all those shy people out there. If you want to make that connection, then embracing your sense of destiny is a powerful way to make it happen. It is definitely not the only way and does not work well on the hoochie-mamas who just want to have fun. But once again i entrust you to the voice of your instincts here...
Try this out on any girl you meet and have a good rapport with. Let the conversation flow nicely, which by now you should be a pro at. After getting comfortable and making her laugh a few times, and at a high point when you are both smiling and having a good time, tell her how you weren't planning on going out that night, but you are glad you did cuz you are having the best time and how you love life's surprises and there is a reason for everything, etc etc. This is important..Don't ASK if she believes in destiny!! SHOW her that you do. She might be curious about your sudden change into deeper topics so be prepared to regale her with a tale of destiny from your own life (i.e: near death experience or love-at-first-sight tales). The most important aspect of this approach is sincerity. Yes, (GASP!) you actually have to like this person! Give her your full attention sparingly, mix in some kino/eye contact and watch your game play itself!