Outside of K-Street and the capital police protected buildings it's a crime infested sh!t hole with no money. Unless Congress gives DC money to improve the area, it will remain a sh!t hole. Fit girl or average girl to overweight girl, you'd be surprised of the attitude on some of these females. Pro females are all about their degrees and think they're top sh!t because they have a JD, MBA or PHD. All that means is they have a sh!t load of school debt.But overall women from the wealthier places like the Northeast, and out west like LA tend to take care of themselves more, less obese. From guys I've talked to who have visited LA they all tell me the women and men are less obese and more fit compared to Florida.
I imagine they're a bit snobbish though, especially when it comes to $$$.
I'm from St. Louis and even though MO is known as a hick state I will say the women, at least in the metro area of St. Louis are in MUCH better shape up there. Go to the gym and overall just better shape.
Not sure about DC the city. I suspect most live outside of DC and work there due to the high crime and uber high rent and housing cost in DC. DC is probably a pretty transient city with many of the decent women working for the government or lobbyist and firms. They probably are very snobbish and hang mostly with the elites in DC. Meaning you gotta be in the clique. I would think DC would be a terrible place for dating unless you have a great job which gives status with politicians. Like if you had a run of the mill decent job or a job in an unrelated field it would be hard to fit in.
One would agree that Israeli females tend to stay in shape due to mostly the military conscription they have for all citizens. Here's what I read on the news today. Disgusting.

Shay Zanco Is the Israeli Model Changing the Shape of the Industry
The rising star doesn’t want to just tick a box.
I waive the white flag with the body positivity crap...
Rant over.