Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Race threads, I get it but at the same time I don't get it.

I get it because some women act one way towards a group of guys, then behave cold towards you, for what seems like no reason.

I don't get it because everyone guy has had women behave standoffish towards them at some point for no reason. Why? That's her problem not yours, if you want happiness you need to accept sometimes the world isn't going to be the way you want it.

In the end, I think the question boils down to "Can any man be so desperate for one particular race of women that he is willing to travel to other parts of the world for them?"

I think some of you guys ought to have more important things to do.
That's why I'm in a LTR and been out of the game for quite some time. I'm a assimilated black male with a job and ambitions, so there's really nothing out there for me in the game. I wasted my college mental energy obsessing over this uphill battle with dating girls of another race and it killed me in the inside. Now that I'm in LTR, I could care less and I'm able to focus on better stuff. The issue is that people like us were told that our race did not matter and that it was our fault by white guys. In addition, we were told made up anecdotal claims about how we were all full of shvt and whiners. This is complete bullshvt, so I will never remain silent on this issue. I know we can't change what a woman is attracted to, but at least stop with the "your race doesn't matter" or "my Asian friend pulled a white girl 1 month ago" bullshvt.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I think men of minority groups should experiment moving around and living in different cities, almost all men in their 20s and 30s should for reasons outside of dating in general. You should expand your horizons as a man rather than just staying in one city your whole life.

All that being said, I will say this in regards to dating.

If a high value guy of a minority group has a hard ceiling on the women he can date in an area and is having to fight for scraps in the dating market there, then that is telling of something far more than just dating itself.

Women are very perceptive in general, this is even more true of attractive women. If say hot blondes in an area are against going for a high value guy of a certain race, then that means there is a certain image men of that race have on the social scene there and there is definitely some underlying racism involved.

The women themselves aren't racist at all for having a "preference" but that "preference" is likely due to the fact that there is some real dislike towards men of that race. Attractive women do not want to face the backlash of dating a race that is perceived poorly in the social scene of that area like Asian and Indian men are in places such as Toronto, Vancouver, NYC, and Los Angeles.

So yes, a man should consider trying out various locations because whatever is affecting men of that race's dating chances in an area, it has far more to do with just dating itself.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
That's why I'm in a LTR and been out of the game for quite some time. I'm a assimilated black male with a job and ambitions, so there's really nothing out there for me in the game. I wasted my college mental energy obsessing over this uphill battle with dating girls of another race and it killed me in the inside. Now that I'm in LTR, I could care less and I'm able to focus on better stuff. The issue is that people like us were told that our race did not matter and that it was our fault by white guys. In addition, we were told made up anecdotal claims about how we were all full of shvt and whiners. This is complete bullshvt, so I will never remain silent on this issue. I know we can't change what a woman is attracted to, but at least stop with the "your race doesn't matter" or "my Asian friend pulled a white girl 1 month ago" bullshvt.
Then why the hell are you whining on here, telling everyone to stick to their own kind, and posting on my thread?

Go spend time with your girlfriend and stop posting on my thread, no one really takes your posts seriously anyways.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
If you have problems picking up chicks in any city the problem isn't the city the problem is YOU.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I think men of minority groups should experiment moving around and living in different cities, almost all men in their 20s and 30s should for reasons outside of dating in general. You should expand your horizons as a man rather than just staying in one city your whole life.

All that being said, I will say this in regards to dating.

If a high value guy of a minority group has a hard ceiling on the women he can date in an area and is having to fight for scraps in the dating market there, then that is telling of something far more than just dating itself.

Women are very perceptive in general, this is even more true of attractive women. If say hot blondes in an area are against going for a high value guy of a certain race, then that means there is a certain image men of that race have on the social scene there and there is definitely some underlying racism involved.

The women themselves aren't racist at all for having a "preference" but that "preference" is likely due to the fact that there is some real dislike towards men of that race. Attractive women do not want to face the backlash of dating a race that is perceived poorly in the social scene of that area like Asian and Indian men are in places such as Toronto, Vancouver, NYC, and Los Angeles.

So yes, a man should consider trying out various locations because whatever is affecting men of that race's dating chances in an area, it has far more to do with just dating itself.
Excellent post. I agree with all of it.

The guys who say that racial preferences don't exist in cities are the white guys who have never experienced discrimination in their lives. It's the same thing as turning a blind eye to slavery.

Places like Minnesota are 4% Asian and I can see why Asian guys would do well there. There is no cultural stigma against Asians like in CA. Just look at online dating profiles in CA and see how many women write "no indian guys".

If a guy moves to a different city to increase his chances it shouldn't bother you. If you lived in Atlanta and have been unemployed for two years but know you'd get a job in Boston, would you stay in Atlanta?

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
If you lived in Atlanta and have been unemployed for two years but know you'd get in Boston, would you stay in Atlanta?
But that isn't the case is it? Not most of the time. It's more like "If you lived in Atlanta and have plenty of jobs offers, but for some reason you have a bias (the same bias you claim the people in Atlanta to have btw) towards a particular job you believe you'd get a job in Boston (no one knows anything for sure), would you stay in Atlanta?"

These particular white girls think that your race is the least attractive in terms of guys out of all the races because of stereotypes and you think white girls are better than the girls from other races...because of stereotypes. The same biases are being used for different conclusions.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

On another note, this obsession with white blonde girls is also because of the media is it not?

Personally, I don't see how a guy can move to another part of the world for a particular race of woman and NOT come across too strong when he meets one he likes. It's a bit like the threads I used to read on Roosh's forum, where some guys would get so worked up about a countries favorable reception of their race that I genuinely believe some of these guys thought all they had to do was show up and women would be all over them (those thread were embarrassing).

Emotions rule over logic, if a woman likes you no amount of disapproval from her friends or family is going to change it. Racism is usually misunderstood by a lot of people, in this case white women (let's be honest here it's white women we're talking about) aren't necessarily not attracted to a man's race, it's more what his race represents.

The more you can disassociate yourself from the negative stereotypes of your race the better you should do, though this should be obvious.

However, that's not the point. Stop putting white girls on pedestals and live your life...the more you seek a woman's love and approval, the more unattractive you become.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Then why the hell are you whining on here, telling everyone to stick to their own kind, and posting on my thread?

Go spend time with your girlfriend and stop posting on my thread, no one really takes your posts seriously anyways.
And all you do is bvtch and whine about how you can't get a pretty blonde white girl. You were literally banned from this forum and created a new account so stay about reputation on this site please. You Asians have a better situation than us blacks, but I always see you put blacks with whites which is far from the truth.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
But that isn't the case is it? Not most of the time. It's more like "If you lived in Atlanta and have plenty of jobs offers, but for some reason you have a bias (the same bias you claim the people in Atlanta to have btw) towards a particular job you believe you'd get a job in Boston (no one knows anything for sure), would you stay in Atlanta?"

These particular white girls think that your race is the least attractive in terms of guys out of all the races because of stereotypes and you think white girls are better than the girls from other races...because of stereotypes. The same biases are being used for different conclusions.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

On another note, this obsession with white blonde girls is also because of the media is it not?

Personally, I don't see how a guy can move to another part of the world for a particular race of woman and NOT come across too strong when he meets one he likes. It's a bit like the threads I used to read on Roosh's forum, where some guys would get so worked up about a countries favorable reception of their race that I genuinely believe some of these guys thought all they had to do was show up and women would be all over them (those thread were embarrassing).

Emotions rule over logic, if a woman likes you no amount of disapproval from her friends or family is going to change it. Racism is usually misunderstood by a lot of people, in this case white women (let's be honest here it's white women we're talking about) aren't necessarily not attracted to a man's race, it's more what his race represents.

The more you can disassociate yourself from the negative stereotypes of your race the better you should do, though this should be obvious.

However, that's not the point. Stop putting white girls on pedestals and live your life...the more you seek a woman's love and approval, the more unattractive you become.
They don't want to hear it. Truth is everywhere is pretty much the same and they are going to waste their time and energy like I did chasing white women. You want a white girl, deal with the fact that you are going to have an uphill battle every time. If you can't handle the bullshvt then dats your own race. These Asians clearly don't have it as bad as black men. At least their women are attractive and have a productive culture. Try being black when most of your women are masculine, loud, matriarchal, and lower on the income bracket.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
But that isn't the case is it? Not most of the time. It's more like "If you lived in Atlanta and have plenty of jobs offers, but for some reason you have a bias (the same bias you claim the people in Atlanta to have btw) towards a particular job you believe you'd get a job in Boston (no one knows anything for sure), would you stay in Atlanta?"

These particular white girls think that your race is the least attractive in terms of guys out of all the races because of stereotypes and you think white girls are better than the girls from other races...because of stereotypes. The same biases are being used for different conclusions.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

On another note, this obsession with white blonde girls is also because of the media is it not?

Personally, I don't see how a guy can move to another part of the world for a particular race of woman and NOT come across too strong when he meets one he likes. It's a bit like the threads I used to read on Roosh's forum, where some guys would get so worked up about a countries favorable reception of their race that I genuinely believe some of these guys thought all they had to do was show up and women would be all over them (those thread were embarrassing).

Emotions rule over logic, if a woman likes you no amount of disapproval from her friends or family is going to change it. Racism is usually misunderstood by a lot of people, in this case white women (let's be honest here it's white women we're talking about) aren't necessarily not attracted to a man's race, it's more what his race represents.

The more you can disassociate yourself from the negative stereotypes of your race the better you should do, though this should be obvious.

However, that's not the point. Stop putting white girls on pedestals and live your life...the more you seek a woman's love and approval, the more unattractive you become.
I've literally never said anything about white girls. I like Latinas. In fact I love indian girls but they are out of my reach in california because they all want white guys. Even my own sister married a white guy and said all indian guys are nerds.

Ironically white girls aren't that attractive where I live. The women who get the most attention are the Asian women. Now, white girls in Florida? Yes, they are hot I won't lie.

White men in places like Alabama think white girls are the best. How come white girls aren't calling them out for their racial preference out there? Your argument makes no sense.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
I guess any white dude that dates fine Asian, Latina, Indian, or black chicks is somehow "lowering" himself because he chose not to date his fellow white goddesses that non white dudes lust after as the end all be all to their existence.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
There you have it folks, you see it now, this is why minorities can't even talk about this topic. If it isn't outright disagreement it is passive aggressive feminazi level nonsense from guys like @3agle 3yes trying to guilt trip men for wanting to go somewhere where they can get the kinds of women they want. Never mind the fact that it is common sense if you want white women, you're going to go to Minneapolis over San Francisco because there are just more of them there.

But these guys are just using this passive aggressive guilt trip because they don't want men of color to have successful dating lives, they pretend to be oblivious to it all and take some moral high ground just like some Trump hating feminazi that attacks men for judging women by their looks.

That's what these people are, trying to show off by taking some sort of a moral high ground and sound like a voice of reason when really, they're just damn good at ****blocking.

If not that, then you get sour grapes, if I couldn't get white girls then why the hell should you?

We haven't even got to the outright racists on here yet.

I am Hispanic, in Arizona I would have to fight for scraps in regards to Hispanic women there.

Thankfully I picked Chicago as a city and I have had a rich dating life in Chicago, something I would never be able to have in Arizona.

It's one thing to believe that location doesn't matter but to stoop far low and stop men from even getting that information? It just speaks to the struggles men of color have not only in dating but just finding good info in regards to dating.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
By the way, I love white girls, redheads and blondes in particular. I plan on exclusively dating white women and no one else, if I can put myself in circumstances where I am only dating them then I am going to do that. Would not be pissed of a white guy did the same with latinas, they do that already so no issue there right?

What's with this guilt trip towards minorities for wanting to date white women? I expect it from some hypocrite self-hating ethnic woman who has hit the wall and now wants her free meal ticket but from a fellow man? This is why so many people are losing faith in game related communities.

I have a preference, it is exclusively towards white women, I've been with a good number, and I plan on keeping it that way.

Go ahead and call me a self-hater, while you're at it, go after me for caring about a woman's looks. Most of you belong on a feminist community anyways.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Excellent post. I agree with all of it.

The guys who say that racial preferences don't exist in cities are the white guys who have never experienced discrimination in their lives. It's the same thing as turning a blind eye to slavery.

Places like Minnesota are 4% Asian and I can see why Asian guys would do well there. There is no cultural stigma against Asians like in CA. Just look at online dating profiles in CA and see how many women write "no indian guys".

If a guy moves to a different city to increase his chances it shouldn't bother you. If you lived in Atlanta and have been unemployed for two years but know you'd get a job in Boston, would you stay in Atlanta?
Don't bother with him or @9Volt as those guys have agendas, they don't want you having success. They play up the naive generic PUA advice giving "u can do anything yeh set yer mind to brah" advice to talk you out of putting yourself in good situations.

I agree with you on CA and perhaps even the southwest in general, the place is even cancer for Hispanic guys. If you aren't white or black, I wouldn't bother with that area.

I am glad I am in Chicago, way better than being in anti-brown Arizona.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Don't bother with him or @9Volt as those guys have agendas, they don't want you having success. They play up the naive generic PUA advice giving "u can do anything yeh set yer mind to brah" advice to talk you out of putting yourself in good situations.

I agree with you on CA and perhaps even the southwest in general, the place is even cancer for Hispanic guys. If you aren't white or black, I wouldn't bother with that area.

I am glad I am in Chicago, way better than being in anti-brown Arizona.
Yeah you're right bro. I always go out and count how many Asian dudes are dating white chicks, how many Indian dudes might have success or not with top of the line white chicks and then plan on how I can stop the madness and which city I should consider moving to where there are no white women dating anyone of another race, or below a certain height.

I'd suggest buying stilts, blue contacts, dye your hair blond, change your names to Chad, Brett, or Sven and then you can all be happy as pigs in shyt being the tallest, blond haired blue eyed God to your white Goddesses.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah you're right bro. I always go out and count how many Asian dudes are dating white chicks, how many Indian dudes might have success or not with top of the line white chicks and then plan on how I can stop the madness and which city I should consider moving to where there are no white women dating anyone of another race, or below a certain height.

I'd suggest buying stilts, blue contacts, dye your hair blond, change your names to Chad, Brett, or Sven and then you can all be happy as pigs in shyt being the tallest, blond haired blue eyed God to your white Goddesses.
Given that I am doing fine and just moving cities where my darker appearance is more well received (against your wishes at that), I'll pass, you should learn some reading comprehension before giving advice.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Given that I am doing fine and just moving cities where my darker appearance is more well received (against your wishes at that), I'll pass, you should learn some reading comprehension before giving advice.
I suggest you gain some reading comprehension as since when have I said:

They play up the naive generic PUA advice giving "u can do anything yeh set yer mind to brah" advice to talk you out of putting yourself in good situations.
Yet you at the same time claim you're moving cities where your darker appearance is more "appreciated". Guess you are doing anything you set your mind to. Or are you just flapping your gums?


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
I suggest you gain some reading comprehension as since when have I said:

Yet you at the same time claim you're moving cities where your darker appearance is more "appreciated". Guess you are doing anything you set your mind to. Or are you just flapping your gums?
Yes, I am proud of it, and I hope others do the same thing because unlike you, I want guys on here to have promising dating lives and the kinds of dating lives they want.

Once again, go join the feminists, you belong with them. Tell us how all of us men are sexist oppressive pigs because we want attractive women.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
And all you do is bvtch and whine about how you can't get a pretty blonde white girl. You were literally banned from this forum and created a new account so stay about reputation on this site please. You Asians have a better situation than us blacks, but I always see you put blacks with whites which is far from the truth.
Asians DO have it worse than blacks though, that I can vouch for. But they don't have it the worst. I feel bad for Indian dudes, now THOSE guys got it tough.


Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
Asians DO have it worse than blacks though, that I can vouch for. But they don't have it the worst. I feel bad for Indian dudes, now THOSE guys got it tough.
Comes down to location once again.

In the southwest, they do because they get mistaken for Mexican at times.

I've met a few Indian players in Chicago, they seem to be doing okay here.

I'd definitely avoid the northeast if I was an Indian or Arab of any kind, those women absolutely hate men of those races.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Yes, I am proud of it, and I hope others do the same thing because unlike you, I want guys on here to have promising dating lives and the kinds of dating lives they want.

Once again, go join the feminists, you belong with them. Tell us how all of us men are sexist oppressive pigs because we want attractive women.
You most likely don't get your precious white sorority party chicks because you sound like a desperate nutcase.

not every chick is going to like me. That's a fact.

I can't play the white Italian male card hey you're white like me! You HAVE to date me!

chicks date who they want. And yes liberal chicks are HUGE frauds.

Wtf is so special about white chicks that puts them "above" every other chick?

reasons. solid reasons. not fantasies of "perfection" about them you dream up in your mind.