Delusion vs Realism: Who knows it?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Im curious. Ive been on this board for 6+ months and have been seeing a repetitive pattern of posts.

Most posts involve:

Is she playing hard to get?

is her Anti-slvt defense up?

is she just too scared?

can a girl that finds you attractive ignore you?

Mixed signals?

I notice many of these posts never have a follow-up. Which to me translates as guys sweating over an encounter with a woman, that didnt work out in the end.

Maybe its just me, and my experiences, but isnt it CLEAR when a girl shows little/moderate interest?

We waste so much time trying to figure out if a girl is interested in us and try to twist disinterest in so many ways to a point where we cannot accept disinterest and keep twisting it until we are satisfied being confused rather than rejected?

I have met many women that have given me migraines thinking : does she like me? why was she so flirty - then doesnt return phone calls? Why did the date go so well - but flakes on a 2nd date?

After meeting and dating so many women, Ive come to the conclusion that it is a WASTE of time trying to FIX a relationship or see what went wrong

For me, the reality check was pursuing false hopes and explantions - Is she too scared to commit? Has she been hurt in the past? Is she just playing games ?

I would twist reality, to form ANY kind of explanation, ANYTHING besides rejection and disinterest

when it all boils down to what I dont want to hear or accept


Every girl I have ever encountered that I had to wrack my brain to figure out if she had interest in me or whatever, has died in the past

The girls I HAVE hooked up with in the past have expressed IL way beyond doubt

So what I want to ask you guys is have ANY of you really succeeded in hooking up with a girl that boggled your mind as far as IL, and was it worth it?

I no longer want to deal with ********, mixed signals, or trying to figure out IL (I urge you folks to do the same)

if a girl doesnt take the initiative to show you she likes you ,SHE is pretty much expressing she doesnt like you, Accept the Rejection and MOVE on

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
Good post, ManOMan.

It started to occur to me the same thing, you can sweep a woman off her feet but in the end after the motions she still doesn't like you and that's that. You've succeeded in mastering the formula but if you can't "hold her down" long-term or for some period of time then you may not have staying power. To each their own, if you want a one-night stand you don't really need a high interest level from her, but if you're into getting in a relationship with her you'll need a good interest level from her to maintain that.

To me, moderate time together and you'll do o.k.

Then again, I'm somewhat of a cynic when it comes to life so maybe I'm just jaded. (Not as cynical as Winston Wu, though):D
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I never spent more than 3 minutes pursuing a girl in my life - either it is a yea or nay! Don't want to be your friend mami. :)

ManoMan, the problem here is that many of these dudes want to be friends and take up to two years to make their move. The thing is that many of these guys are shy and introverted or lack confidence - so I do understand their mindset and their approach and I do not personally blame them for their inbred subdued personality traits. This is just who they are as an individual!

But you cannot go on with this timid approach for all of your young life, you have to be more aggressive and fearless with the pursuit and say 'to hell with the consequences" and don't take rejection as if the end of your life is near! Although rejection does hurt, just don't let it kill your ambitions in life!!!


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
This is all true. Why waste your time with a woman you had to convince and trick into liking you. Sounds like too much work for me.