Hi guys,
So after chatting for a day or 2 last week, I met up with this woman from tinder last Friday. We went out for dinner and before the food came out, we were all over each other. It was one of the best date, I've been on and she felt the same...Since then we have texting all day everyday whilst discussing plans for meeting up tomorrow with her saying she would pay for dinner this time.
Yesterday I sent her a message in the morning, kind of flirty and fun, nothing heavy. She got back to me a few hours later, which she explained she was busy at work and told me her plans for the day...She didn't leave a X which she usually does so that kind of set red flags off.
I replied to her message, joking and flirty like always and I didn't get a reply, along with a question. A few hours later I sent her a picture in my suit as I was at work. Again no reply.. I didn't send her a question or anything that warranted a reply...however I was expecting one
Last night I deleted her number to prevent me coming across as needy and weak incase I sent her a text this morning to see what happened yesterday. However I think maybe I shouldn't have deleted it. In my heart of hearts I know I done the right thing but cannot understand how it went wrong..I didn't bombard her with texts,most of them statements not questions yet flirty,kept a decent amount of time between them...women!...so confused right now..advise me guys..Did I do the right thing?
times when it's okay to do something:
-whenever the **** you want
reasons when it's okay to regret doing something:
-when your actions have tangible consequences and you have evidence which suggests that they could've been avoided.
so, essentially, if you don't want to talk to her anymore or if she refuses to talk to you anymore or whatever, then you've done the right thing, don't beat yourself up about whether or not you messed up, you only messed up if you have some undeniable proof that she would've sucked your **** if only you had texted her one more time
as for your texting game, your only mistake I can see was texting again when she didn't respond, when someone doesn't respond you don't text them again for a while until you either have an actual reason to talk to them again (and entirely new conversation started a few days later) or until they respond no matter how long it takes.
when someone doesn't respond, they either didn't see your message yet, didn't get to respond yet, or are ignoring you. none of those things are solved by double texting.
don't listen to these people telling you that deleting her number wasn't a good idea, why do you want the number of someone who doesn't want to talk to you anymore? why should you keep a number you don't plan to use on the off chance she responds?
I've deleted the numbers of numerous girls who ignored my texts, sometimes I think back and wish I could still talk to them, I then stop myself when I realize that even if I still had their number they'd continue to ignore me and it wouldn't be any different lmao