I only have a handful of people in Facebook, close friends. But I never use it. I would never add women I am dating, because then they would see each other. Also, what if the girl you are dating turns out to be a vindictive flake; she will know the names of your friends through Facebook, and who knows what she will write to them. There are other issues too. I have some people I want to keep in contact with in MSN instead, where I can send a
message or some link now and then. That is how I keep in touch with some people from a town I used to live with.
I guess Facebook has its uses though, if you use it wisely - like some say here, use it for work or for friends you don't meet often. But just not for adding anyone you see. It seems many girls will add just about anyone, to rack up a long "Friends" list, which they think equals social status. It is all about being SEEN and being HEARD to them. Showing that they are PART of things, and have lots of people to BACK THEM UP, etc. Women have always survived through other people, ever since the Stone Age, and Facebook seems like a tool geared perfectly toward women - and the men who want to chase them.
The rule with anything online, whether Facebook or MSN or email, is: if you have a girl added, don't write a lot and often. She will have lots of guys trying to get her attention. Have you ever seen an attractive girl sitting by her computer with MSN Messenger activated? Windows pop up with "Hello!" from guys all the time, and the girl ignores them. Maybe she writes "hello" back after a while. "i was afk". Don't be that guy.
BigJimbo said:
vkontakte, bigmir, and a few face accounts for me. Facebook is much too "Anglo' for my tastes. I run away from the Anglo herd. Here is the message in this post - BE UNIQUE. Write that down. You can thank me later.
I also like how on facebook every American and British female looks thin! It is amazing. I gotta hand it to the Anglo broads. They do know how to hide their true selfs.
Amazing what you get from countries with around 20% unemployment, abusive males, world's highest suicide rates, and no middle class. Facebook? Uh, I think not! Go ahead and hate me. You know you would be me if you could!
The countries with the highest suicide rates are Belarus, South Korea, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Japan (Korea and Japan because it is part of their honor customs), Russia, Guyana, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Hungary, Latvia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, Finland, Belgium, Croatia....
The United States is number forty in the list. And the U.S. unemployment rate is far lower than 20 percent. And the U.S., like other Western nations, has a much bigger middle class than most other countries. But thanks for playing, buddy.