Thanks all for the replies.
wanderingman I was thinking she was trying to get a read on me, she's continually doing things that seem slightly but not entirely inappropriate. She responded to my
text about an upcoming performance at 4:30am today. She also "accidentally" sent a text meant for her boyfriend. Could be innocent, could not be.
Sonic1 I did not respond to her late night romantic texts. She sent four texts around 1:00 - 1:30am. The first one I forgot to mention, but it was something like "thank you for seeing me through tonight." Earlier that night she had taken a taxi to my house to practice. I drove her home after practice because she was having a lot of our mutual friends over to play music together. I don't know what this text meant. The next day, and I still hadn't responded, she texts me "just now reading my drunk texts from last night. haha. so when do you want to play music again?"
It's really interesting playing music (we play folky singer songwriter stuff, think Ryan Adams or Neil Young type songs) and talking about lyrics and past experiences because this is what I also do with men who I play this type of music with. In fact, my three best friends I've made in the past 10 years have been guys that I wrote and recorded music with. I really bond with people over music and this girl is just like my best guy friends in that regard, if that makes sense. The difference is she has a pvssy, is not bad to look at, and she comes on to me like crazy sometimes.