Default Openers


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
The other two are too goofy. Do women like goofy openers?
Those are just what I pulled from the top of my head. I usually like to make the strange obvious, or add my own twist to things. It's not much different than "Did you see that car crash outside?" Pull whatever you can work with within your surroundings. If someone walks past the both of you with a bright orange sweater that says "I like OJ", comment on that. Things that are beyond ordinary or aren't obvious until someone points it out will make great conversation. It beats the hell out of "Hi, haven't I seen you before?"

On the mustard building opener, you can develope conversation on that. "What do you think posesses a person to paint something mustard yellow?"

I made a comment to a friend this past weekend on an ugly yellow car (remembering my post here). I said, "Whenever that guy gets a scratch on his car, he can just cover it up with mustard". My buddy burst out laughing his ass off.

Women are very observant, and you'd be surprised how many will notice the same things you do.

Last weekend, I used the wooly purse opener (which turned into a neg).

Me: That's a nice wooly purse
Her: Thanks
Me: Did your grandma knit that?
Her: (laughing) No, I bought it at xxx

She ended up hitting on me all night.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by Desdinova

1.I usually like to make the strange obvious, or add my own twist to things. It's not much different than "Did you see that car crash outside?" Pull whatever you can work with within your surroundings.

2.... with a bright orange sweater that says "I like OJ"
It beats the hell out of "Hi, haven't I seen you before?"

3. On the mustard building opener, you can develope conversation on that. "What do you think posesses a person to paint something mustard yellow?"

4."Whenever that guy gets a scratch on his car, he can just cover it up with mustard". My buddy burst out laughing his ass off.

5. Me: Did your grandma knit that?
Her: (laughing) No, I bought it at xxx
1. A good average opener. she would not laugh or think he has wit but very very decent. All we need is "defaoul car outside".
The problem is to find that something... a decent opener that I can say in almost any situation even witout a crashed car.

2. Hm. The opener is good for some early 20 chicks, they'll laugh at anything. The problem what if she is not wearing orange?
Note that "Haven't I seen you before here" a) can be applied to anyone anywhere b) that anyone can wear anything c) it is decent and shows you have wit to come up with a good opener. OJ is find for young chicks, older ones could easily get uptight about it...they might not even get it. You have to point at at??..

3. Thats overly goofy...I don't get it...

4. This is perfect! But there should be a yellow car somewhere. Not something that is easily obtainable.

5. Again, perfect! But again.. you have to find that wooly purse before you say it. I.e. it is very good, but very situational.

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
I used a good one today...just say "are you from ____?"'s casual and you can use it on anyone. You just say you just were in said city, used to live there, or whatever. As long as you know something about said city, you can pull it off easily. Say you were just there or used to live there and there was this girl who looked exactly like her. Don't even bother explaining that unless she asks though. The girl I tried it on today didn't even ask why I just started a convo.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by Inc. ©
I used a good one today...just say "are you from ____?"'s casual and you can use it on anyone.
It is probably not bad, (though it seems awkward to me..) but there are tons of dudes who opened me that way: they were pitching quixstar etc to every dude.
It went:
"Excuse me, Are you from ___ (current city)?"
"No, why?"
" We are expanding our business blah blah...".

So I personally find a bit awkward to be asked or ask "Are you from..". She may ask "Why do you care.." and a story about a girl who look like she would not seem plausible.
Though you are right - those chick who like you will not ask "why", but the rest will, and you will have to be ready to say some made up story to a chick who is not interested already. Kind of a trap.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
There are two default opener that I use.

1. Hi
2. Excuse me

Then I will go for either of the three

1. Question
2. Complement
3. Comment about the environment

In two minutes or less I got what I want and Leave. The next best thing is the follow-up call.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
5. Again, perfect! But again.. you have to find that wooly purse before you say it. I.e. it is very good, but very situational.
That's why you have to be observant. Teaching yourself to be observant isn't hard. Once you develope that skill, you can find almost anything to use as an opener.