Deep one itis, depression, with a suposed fixed inner self


New Member
Jul 15, 2011
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You guys pointed out good the problem, the vibe. I really feel it, i don't transmit the right vibe when aproaching and stuff.

Do you guys know good ways i can improve myself?


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
it's all about attitude man.

when i 15, i'm 21 now. i could have had sex with PLENTY of girls. but i didn't i felt like i didn't deserve to. i felt like girls didn't want me to kiss the or get close with them. i look back at it now. all i see is all the opportunities i missed.

it's ALL about attitude. what i mean by this is: never think you are a victim in life. don't think like someone jipped you because you didn't get this or that. girls don't care that you reed comic books or like stupid music. if that's what you do. that's what you do!

the past few years. haven't been the best for me. i had been unemployed. i started getting into this stuff. then i picked up a job. had sex with the girl i had oneitis with. ( more then once. she gave me head in a bar carpark on my birthday ;) ) things started to go my way. now i'm on top of the WORLD! i got money. i am going out sarging each week. things are happening.

this ALL happened. when i changed my mind set. sure i have set backs. but i don't care about them anymore. if something bad happened to be before, like a girl blowing me off. i used to get SO upset. now it's on to the next one!

everyday is a good day kid, just try missing out on


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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MakeMeHappy said:
You guys pointed out good the problem, the vibe. I really feel it, i don't transmit the right vibe when aproaching and stuff.

Do you guys know good ways i can improve myself?
I'll make a recommendation that worked wonders for me. Listen to or read some of Nathaniel Branden's material on self-esteem. I'm no superstar DJ, not by a longshot, but what Branden's stuff did for me was help me feel completely comfortable with myself to the point where today I have no qualms whatsoever about going out to clubs by myself and meeting new people and, as others have put it, "vibing" with them. My downfall is approach anxiety. I have HUGE anxiety over this, that I have not yet been able to overcome. Nevertheless, for the first time in my life I am able to believe that I can overcome it. Previously, I used to read other people's advice or their experiences and tell myself, yeah, maybe that stuff applies to THEM, but my situation is unique, so it could never apply to ME -- I'm just uniquely hopeless. Doesn't sound like much, but for me, even the simple step of overcoming such limited thinking feels a massive (lifelong) burden has been lifted from my shoulders.

Google around for Branden's work. You don't have to buy into all his claims about self-esteem. Just use what works. If the term "self-esteem" bothers you (as it apparently bothers some), don't even think of it in those terms. Just do the exercises. Things like his sentence completion exercises worked like magic in opening my eyes to the disempowering beliefs I had about myself (and to replacing them with more appropriate ones). Since I first began doing this, I can honestly say I have filled the "holes" that I thought I had in my life. Nowadays I just WANT to have fun with girls, and eventually marry and have children. But I no longer feel desperate about it, like I'm somehow "less than" for this part of my life being a work in progress rather than a completed project.

If this doesn't strike you as related to your problem then please ignore this post.