I'm thinkin maybe aiming you towards this routine, it's really close to the one you got, a few things moved around, but it'll develop a core of strength for you... think this: "Move big weights, and you are big." I.e. Not too many small guys moving a lot of weight around.
Squats 3 x 5
SLDL 3x5
Calves (your choice of exercise) 2 x 10
Wide grip flat bench 2 x 6 (index fingers on the rings)
Incline medium grip bench 2 x 6 (pinkies on the rings)
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Upright rows or side laterals 1 x 10
(maybe a little rear delt work if you really want it)
Dead lifts 2 x 5
Hyperextension 1 x 10-15
Bent over rows 2 x 4
Reverse grip narrow grip pull downs 2 x 6
Standing wide grip curls 2 x 8 (or your favorite curl here)
Squats 3 x 5
SLDL 3x5
Calves (your choice of exercise) 2 x 10
Wide grip flat bench 2 x 6 (index fingers on the rings)
Incline medium grip bench 2 x 6 (pinkies on the rings)
Weighted dips 2 x 10
Upright rows or side laterals 1 x 10
(maybe a little rear delt work if you really want it)
Dead lifts 2 x 5
Hyperextension 1 x 10-15
Bent over rows 2 x 4
Reverse grip narrow grip pull downs 2 x 6
Standing wide grip curls 2 x 8 (or your favorite curl here)