So I decided to lower my calories drastically. I was already working out and stuff and I thought I was doing okay diet wise, but the truth is I would do really well throughout the day, and by nighttime I would pig out. I also had been doing bad at avoiding sweets and stuff.
But now, I am going to stick to around 1000-1200 calories max a day, and do cardio maybe twice a day and weight training 4 times a week. The thing I nkow about myself is I both lose and gain fat pretty fast.. so if i keep consistent wtih my regiment, I will 100% burn all this fat really quickly
I'm not super fat or anything i just have as light gut and a bit of love handles, as well as some slight chest fat. I know that lowering this fat can drastiaclly improve your testosterone to estrogen ratio as well as lower prolactin levels , thus increasing your libido naturally. and Not only that, probably gain an inch or so on my penis.
I'm not just going for fat loss though. I will also be implementing a diet that helps clear out the arteries and blood vessels for maximum pipework as well as really focusing on my cardiovascular health.
Right now my erections can get rock hard in some instances, but mostly are soft. I know its being pretty sedentary while eating tons of junk which led me to this, besides porn and masturbation of course, which i did alot of. I used to watch porn with like 15-20 porn tabs open, switching from one to another.
I feel good about the future. I believe it will take me less than 3 months to get to where i need to be
p.s. i also feel like this is majorly going to help my body confidence and self image.. which i kinda struggled with since i am very self conscious
Hey bro, what % of body fat would you calculate you are at now?
Excess body fat converts testosterone in the body to estrogen. So the more body fat you have the more of this conversion which is taking place daily.
With this mindset you are starting to adopt, any chest fat in the pectoral area ( man boobs ), or excess waist fat is "too much". You should see a light outline of abs without flexing. I'm not saying you should have body builder abs, but there should be less than an inch to pinch on your waist and less than 1/4" to pinch on your pectorals if you want to minimize this estrogen conversion.
Body fat also stores toxins. This is a fact which is not really mentioned for another reason to keep body fat down, those toxins affect your mood.
Since this is a website concerned about males, I can mention another very rarely mentioned fact. Around your c0ck if you have more than an 1" on your waist is a mound of body fat which steals erect length. So the leaner you get, the more of your c0ck you and females can see. On the average man, he's easily losing 1" or more of visible c0ck size because of being a "normal" body fat level..
High performance athletes. Olympic level sprinters for example, have a body fat of approximately 5%. On 5%, you'll see all the abs and muscles in the glutes, as well as throughout the rest of your body. Body fat in their game is not a trivial matter, because each 1% increase or decrease in body-fat percentage results in a 2% increase or decrease in athletic performance. Body fat is dead weight that's carried.
So if you are 9% body fat, stripping down to 5% body fat would yield 8% increase in sprint speed.
You CAN go days without eating, if you have an excessive body fat. Extremely obese people are often put on water-fasting to reduce excess body fat. In the absence of food, the body will consume it's stored calories which is excess body fat.
The reason for excess body fat today, is that people are less active than in the 50's. Many people work jobs that you sit in a chair and relatively not a lot of movement, but they consume enough carbs and fuel for a very active person or someone much larger than themselves, the body over time stores this as body fat.
It is best to work with a dietitian and make your doctor aware of your weight loss goals, but keep in mind that for MANY years, bodybuilders and fitness people were well ahead of the doctors when it comes to REAL WORLD knowledge and results.
Your initial thoughts in my opinion are reasonable. And in my experience, any short term "metabolism" change for the worst case can be improved through recovery and rest. Plus what does not get discussed is physical activity raises the metabolism regardless.
The USDA was throwing around a 3000/day calorie number for males for years, which is grossly wrong for a majority of men. It's 1000 too high, and would make you fat. Most men need closer to 2000 calories. 3000 calories would make sense if you are working in a warehouse and loading boxes for 8+ hrs, then you do need the fuel. In a sit down job that same calorie level will gain you 2 lbs per week of straight fat!!!