Global warming is false??
Well, scientifically we have evidence of fluctuating temperatures throughout history, such evidence goes back hundreds of millions of years. There is no denying that global warming is real.
Question should be, do humans cause global warming, or is it natural?
Obviously volcanos are known to cause global temperature change. In recent recorded history, lets take 500 years, it draughts and colds were documented due to high concentrations of voulcanic gasses in the upper atmosphere. There is no question that composition of the admosphere has to do with temperatures, as the composition of our atmosphere is controlling "intake and exhaust" of heat into and from earth.
It is not that simple. There is what is called underwater conveyer belt, all the currents inside oceans. Those are responsible for global warming as well, and although this is a new theory, I believe they have evidence that links last ice age (think Erick Red..... Iceland, Greenland, wineland, Vikings) to mulfunctioning/alterations from normal of this conveyer belt. Could atmosphere and the amount of heat intake and exhaust cause this alterations?
There is no question that humans pollute the Earth. Do you have doubts? Go outside and start your car, then smell the exhaust.
Well, a small factory would equal to many cars, and there are many factories in each state, millions in the United States, many more globally.
I have a question. How many species (animals, fish, insects, plants, etc) are extinct daily?
The number is in the thousand to 2 thousand range. 1000 to 2000 species are estimated to be extinct daily!!!!!!!!!!! A number I learned in college about 5 years ago. 1000 to 2000 species are gone and will never be found on the face of our planet, every day, 7 days a week, 30 days a month, 365 days a year, every year.
Is this natural?
Do you like polar bear? What about polar bear? I heard its about time for it to go.............. Naturally??