burn your credit card, sell your car (europe has excellent public transportation) and rent your house.
the entire western economy has a motto "BORROW MONEY"
you need a good credit score to get loans , jobs , insurance etc....see what is happening?
if you don't have a credit score , which means you have never borrowed money in your life,then they will give you 300 points.
now if a school janitor buys the titanic, the Eiffel tower, CN tower , a few casinos and maybe Disneyland on DEBT
he will fail at his obligations, apparently he also gets 300 points.....i know fvck logic.please correct me if i'm wrong.
so a bad borrower and a decent guy who only spends as much as he earns are the same.
BUT a guy who borrows a lot and pays it back on time A.K.A "good serf" is favored by 500+ scores.
so the system encourages borrowing and LOVES "surfs"....yes we are back to the medievel times, and yes most of us are surfs, but this time we are not working for a duke or baron but for some international bank or credit union.
the banks tell us that to buy a house we need loans and mortgage ...wtf is a mortgage? wtf is a loan?
look the entire western ...no the entire planet has self entitlement issues.
my grandpa taught me something "if you can't afford it by cash , then you don't deserve it." he was filthy rich btw not a sore poor bastard.
he always said " you think you own your house? try not paying your property tax, the real owner will show up."
its better to rent a house than buy one, if you wanna buy one pay everything in cash no mortgage or loan BS,
you might say "switch is a clueless idiot" , but as i said if you can't pay 300 000 dollars in cash then go for rent
cash is the solution, and i mean cash BACKED BY REAL GOLD.....
apparently the US federal reserve started to print fake money the minute they stopped backing it by gold.