dealing with rudeness when ur with ur girl.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score

so the other day i was at the bank, and there was no queue and all the tellers were free. so me and my girl just walked up to the closest teller without bothering to wait in the imaginery queue line that wasnt there.

the old ***** with sand in her ***** decided to raise her voice on me and yelled "go wait next to the sign!" and pointed to the sign that said "wait here untill next teller is free".

now im a young guy and didnt know how to react, i dont want to discuss whether or not it was right for me to just go to the teller, but i felt pretty pissed off and yelled at her and called her a **** and left. needless to say, my woman wasnt impressed. my question is, how DO you deal with disrespect/rudeness? especially while with a date?

this could be a rude waiter, anything. cheers


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
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Go read 48 Laws of power by Robert Greene. Then you'll learn and know exactly what to do in a situation like this.

Next time stop and analyze the situation. Think before you act. Next time in a situation like this, pretend and act like it doesn't bother you. Who cares, it's your reality, you decide who YOU want to enter it, not the other way around. You can't show emotion in this type of situation, you have to be in control of them and not let outside influences control the way you act.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, your girl wants a guy to stand up for himself, but she also wants a guy with self-control who doesn't throw tantrums about crap that doesn't matter.

What's the answer? Humor, if you can muster it.

"What sign? You mean that sign there? But I'm not going to the sign, I'm going to the bank."

They stop doing that crap when you get older. A guy my age might walk over to another teller and close his account right there. Maybe you should close it now, and mention that PMS lady to the manager when you do.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Or just ask the rude person: "Oh, I see my money is not valued at this bank, I guess I'll have to withdraw everything and send it to another bank and tell your manager it's your fault so you can get fired. Is that what you want?"

Say it in a cool, matter of fact tone, and get her name and everything before you start with that line.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score
thanks guys

the thing is, if i asked for the manager, what if the teller said, "you can talk to the manager, but go wait at the queue" i would still look stupid. i mean, you cant just demand the manager come out right that instant right?



Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
You're learning man...

The correct way to handle any situation is with self-control... girls like guys with a mature perspective, not somebody who calls out names and loses their cool about the smallest things... that's why a lot of those young chicks date guys a couple years older because so many guys still lose their cool about silly things when they shouldn't...

This chick at the bank was having a bad most likely, everybody has them... as you get older you'll learn that you never know what went down in somebody's life that day... they might have got hit with a big ass bill that morning and it fvcked their whole day up... maybe her boss gave her heat for something that he really shouldn't have given her heat for... the way you deal with this kind of sh!t is to show you've got perspective, and you tell her that you assumed she was free and as there was no queue you simply came to the desk... then kindly explain to her that you don't think it's necessary for her to raise her voice in that manner when this is a situation that doesn't warrant it...

You know... all that threat nonsense is BS... you go around threatening people you just make enemies... threats will just see the situation escalate... if you explain sh!t to people and make it blatantly obvious to them that they were out of line they end up feeling guilty and apologetic... when somebody is guilty and apologetic they're putty in your hands and you can even turn a good deed and brighten their day... life is about making an impression on everyone you meet, that chick would be at home that evening thinking about how you did that sh!t... I'm telling you that is the mature way to handle these kind of situations... just think about it, if you saw some dude in the same situation and he came out and pulled off that turn around you'd be fvckin impressed... well, that dude could be you...