Dealing with reputation


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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Reputation, in my opinion is the way people label and stereotype you. If you are shy they will always know you as the quiet, unsocial kid that sits in the corner and never talks. If you talk a lot they will know you as the anoying kid who talks a lot etc, etc...

Now, most of us came to this to change that shytty a$$ reputation that we had before coming here, and I know that because if you didn't have the reputation of the kid who "is not getting any" you wouldn't be here in the first place.

I did a lot of research about reputation in this forum and I didn't quite found what I wanted to find.

Now I'm asking everyone, specially those of you who went to "the guy who is not getting any" to "the guy who can get anyone" to discuss ways to change the reputation. Some people might think that is not a very important thing, and that I shouldn't care about what people think about. That is true. But since this is the "High School Forum", and High School is the era in which your life takes shape, and the cool kids are the ones that get the best girls, I believe that that is something to be concern about. :D
The ideas from here can be useful to answer the many common questions as: "how can I become popular?", "how can I talk to popular girls?", etc, etc.

I believe that reputation in High School is one of the keys to get laid.:cool: Seriously I do.:p


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
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In High School, I don't do as much pursuing as I do being pursued. I set out to get to know every single sophomore girl that I could. Word spread about me easily enough and for a few months there I had more girls flirting with me than I could handle.

So, I would suggest you just make friends and let the poon come to you. Go to parties and approach if you want to speed it up.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2004
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As you discuss in the first paragraph, reputation is a reflection of reality. Therefor, to change your reputation you must first change your reality. The best way to be known as the guy who gets all the chicks be a guy who gets all the chicks!

Now, if your current reputation is so bad that it prevents you from getting girls you already know, you have to resort to other measures. Try dating girls in a different grade, or even better, a different school. Bring these girls around to your school functions and people will begin to take notice, and change their perception of you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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Interpol you absolutly got my point my man. Most of the girls I approach already know me cause Im popular, not cool but popular, which means everyone in the school knows me. Thanks for the tips though, I'll try to date girls from other schools cause I know pretty much everyone from all the grades.:rolleyes:
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
If you want a good reputation, pick a sport, school organization, etc...

Its the easiest way of getting your name known by those who are apparently popular or cool. Go to the meetings, parties, cookouts these organizations hold and meet people and whoever you like, you hang out and go from there..

Its all about networking.

My popularity in school was set in one year and it was 9th grade. I joined football because some preppy dudes that I was cool with persuaded me to play, so I spent the summer working out and meeting these new people and a couple of girls. And although my affiliations with my school's football program have been slightly tarnished, people know who I am. They know I'm a bad ass, and I know all the hot chicks.

That's the easy part. The hard part is getting laid and getting good grades.

You've got to network and overall be smooth about it. Keep your cool and just chill. And don't be afraid to do something outrageous for the sake of a few laughs or overall a good time. People will appreciate your entertainment skills.

Always, always, always remember to take your vitamins.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
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I walk around being me and do the stuff I do. My rep follows what I do. I don't take a special interrest in it because you are bound to **** it up.

Honestly, who the hell cares? I couldn't give 2 squirts of piss about anyone's rep. That is just an image... a personality. I'm looking for character.

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
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!Robin Hood country, Uk!
I don't wether that advice about joining sports teams is valid for Brit Dj's as in my experience girls don't watch sports. You have to be seen with the "right people".

Bah. I'm too tired, i'll elaborate on this later.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
I was just stating a more easier way compared to trying to get the chicks all on your own without nothing for social proof.

You are just going to have to convey that you are a bad ass dude to hang out with. Some people will like you, some won't. Everyone is different so expect the unexpected. Always be networking and getting to know different people through your different friends.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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I do play sports and I am part of many groups, I play football, wrestle, play volleyball, I know almost all the kids in my school, and pretty much everyone knows me cause i hang out with some of the coolest kids at school, but my reputation is not as good as I want it to be:( that's why I post in the forum for some help


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
Isn't this kind of offtopic?

What's popularity have to do with getting girls?
High school popularity is pretty much what determines whether girls go for you or you go for girls.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Really? How? Because if it does we must have flown to another planet, lol.

You mean to tell me that if you're popular in HIGH SCHOOL, then you're going to be getting girls for the rest of your life!??


I hate to tell ya, but high school, besides the diploma, is going to be the most insignificant aspect of your future or your life. More than likely, NOTHING that happened in high school is going to carry over into the real world....ESPECIALLY your popularity. At the college I go to, I know WAY TOO MANY guys who are such dateless AFC's because they are so used to being popular back in high school. Yet when they get to college, women couldn't CARE LESS about how popular you were.

High school is meaningless. It teaches you NOTHING about the real world. People cry and everything when they graduate from HS because they think they're going to miss it. Hell, not only will you not MISS it, but you'll be so much happier OUT of it that you will began to wonder just how the hell you survived High school.

I hate to break it to ya, but high school is almost NOTHING like th real world. NOTHING. ESPECIALLY the dating scene.

Something else.

When I was in high school, I was very popular but I got zero dates.

You can be more popular than the president, but if you're not good with girls, you are not going to get any dates. The reason why the popular guys tend to have more dates is simply because they KNOW more girls. That's it. Girls are not going to feel attraction for you just because you're popular. It just doesn't work that way.

And besides, why would you even WANT to date a girl who is only interested in you because you're popular? I know some say that popularity or doing something impressive is going to make girls want you, but I'm here to tell that it will not. The best way to start dating the girls you want to date is to actually learn the skills that it takes to actually make them fall for YOU, and not your status or popularity.

I've been reading quite a few of the posts, and I hate to break it to some of you, but you sound as if you're trying to come up with ways to impress people and win their approval. This sounds like AFC stuff. It's fine to join clubs and organizations, but if you're going to do that, do it for YOU, not to please others or make girls think you're cool. Who cares what girls THINK about you, the only thing you're concerned about is if the girl feels ATTRACTION for you.

In a nutshell, there is no use in trying to win the approval of other people when pursuing a girl. If you find yourself interested in a girl, popular or not, just go up there and talk to her. Just because she's more popular than you doesn't mean that she's out of your league, so there's no need to try and bring yourself up to her "level" by doing things that you aren't really up to doing.

High School is the era in which your life takes shape, and the cool kids are the ones that get the best girls, I believe that that is something to be concerned about.
I think all of that sentence is wrong. Whoever made up that saying is misguided. High school, like I said earlier, is a point in one's life where he is cut off from the real world and in to a zoo. You might has well your freshman year, died, woken up in four years, and get handed your diploma - that's how little high school will actually teach you about the real world.

In fact, a lot of people who try to carry their high school lives over to the real world end up in trouble.

And what's this I hear about the "best girls"? So the popular girls are the "best ones" now, huh? Not all popular girls are good people. I don't think I have to tell you that, do I?


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Savannah, GA
I agree with Craig. In High School I didn't date any popular girls. This wasn't because I couldn't. It's because I DIDN'T WANT TO. Almost by definition, the so-called "popular" girls are the most ignorant, stupid, flaky bltches in the entire school. They're the ones most used to be put up on a pedestal and worshipped. Why the HELL would you want to date someone like that? o_O My suggestion to all you guys bothering with reputation is just to be chill with EVERYONE and not worry about it. Eventually, people will realize you're alright. And if they don't, they're probably not worth your time.

And, for chrissake...grow some balls.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by deslite231
High school popularity is pretty much what determines whether girls go for you or you go for girls.
You are pretty much what determines the relationship between prejudice and stupidity.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
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Alexandria, VA
I think the man was trying to say that your reputation and popularity in high school is pretty much what determines your reputation in high school. Nothing more than that. And to a large part, I agree. There are fun, good-looking guys who get laid less than boring ugly guys because the boring, ugly guys happen to be popular. It's the way life is for those four years.

I completely agree that reputation is one of the keys to getting laid in high school. I'll be working plenty on how to change mine come September, but htat's a different discussion for a different time. For now, I'm interested to see the ideas people come up with for the question at hand, when they're not shooting the guy down.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
Getting chicks in highschool isnt as much about reputation as it is about respect. You don't have to be super popular as long as you're respected by your peers. I guess this is kinda tied into your reputation, but I'm not gonna go into detail as I already have a topic all about this.

Also check out some of the other posts in the high school bible.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
Reeves is absolutely right. Especially with joining sports or other school sponsored organizations. Do it because its something that you like and want to do and not to get popular or get chicks.

I'm glad I've only got 1 year left of this freak show because it is a freak show after all. And it's funny how people take high school so seriously.

No matter how many cute girls there are in high school, it is a place I am anxious to leave.