I get you. I used to think like you too. Be their friend and that will surely prove you are worth access to her orifices. Nope, doesn't work. Being nice to them. Nope, doesn't work. Sending them flowers to work and home. Nope, doesn't work. You know what does work? Building mystery and treating them like you'd take them or leave them. You don't care. It makes no sense and completely against what I would like, but it works. Rarely, does treating a woman with niceness, respect and/or admiration ever works (including LTRs and marriage). You need to always be aloof and show you care very little about you and her. Why? Keeps her guessing? Why is this guy paying me little attention. Ahh, she'll think you're playing the game rules. No call in 2 days, 3 days, a week, etc. No prob. You switch that up. If you call a week from Monday, next time, call on Tuesday, then Sunday, then Wednesday, etc. NEVER, and I MEAN NEVER call or
text out of the blue. You are too busy to talk or text. Let her think you are building an empire (if you run your own business), bettering your education (if you are in college), screwing other b!tches (jealousy from her to you). You need to treat them like children (in terms of relationships/sex/etc.). It sucks, and again, it goes against what and how I was brought up, but that's what works. When she calls, answer sometimes, then, out of the blue, let it go to VM. Shows you are putting her at a lower priority in your life. They want to be a high priority, but when you put them there, no puzzy and they lose interest.
First dates, if you want to fvck her, cool, make sure it's known. Direct eye contact, happy convos, and always go for the kiss. Even if it is a quick peck on the lips, it's something. If she turns her head, try again. If you end up on her cheek, then she has little interest and throw away her number. I have one of these women in my rotation. Attractive, professional, and seems interested. Calls all the time and texts. I sometimes take her call, but only for a few minutes (15 mins. max), I never call her unless to setup a date. She texts, I text back 40 + mins. later. Why? Shows you are living your life and YOU come first. We went out for a intro, she initially moved her face to her cheek, but then rearranged to give a quick lips to lips kiss. I assumed low interest, so I didn't pursue. She texted she had a nice time and looked forward in seeing me again. Texted me again the next day, and over the course of the text convo, she asked me to do something over the weekend. I then turned it into a Saturday night date. She initially said she doesn't know if she could make it, so I said, no biggie, next weekend then. Amazingly, she changed her plans. We'll see what happens. Point being, whatever your heart says to do, do the opposite. In love and sex, there is sexism. Women are attracted to mystery and people who go after what they want. The more you pursue, the less she's interested. If you act like you don't give a fvck, she will be more interested in you (if she already has medium to high interest).
The biggest favor you can do for yourself is get that book from Corey Wayne. How to be a 3% man. Today's women are children and are not like your parents or older. Marriages and relationships lasted then. Now, due to their own doing, most are only good for one thing; and I learned this the hard way. Do not invest more than what she's investing in you.