dealing with common sh!t tests


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
I seem to always have **** tests used against me by girls (particualrly the hotter ones), and i have a troubling identifying common ones , and afterwards dealing with these when they do arise..

Today i was with this chick, and it was all good until she met some of her friends, at which point, she said that she really liked one of the other guys there (who came and approached our group)

I have no idea whether it was a sh!t test for me, or she really likes the guy , but thats beside the point.

Anyway, what are some common sh!t tests u guys encounter, and how do you deal with them to come out on top


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by homi
she said that she really liked one of the other guys there (who came and approached our group)
' Yeah, he's a nice guy '

Originally posted by homi
Anyway, what are some common sh!t tests u guys encounter, and how do you deal with them to come out on top
Act indifferent and make her more confused !


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
she knew the other guy already, and she looked like she guienly was interested when she saw him, but the comment was out of notwhere. we werent talking about him up to that point, any chance was just pointing out another guy to make me jealous..

i didnt say anything about him, or why she liked him..

ive encountered other times when im not sure of a girls intentions, but it may be a sh!t test..


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by The_Shezzler
One common shit test would be for the girl to make little statements on the way you look/act etc

- Your too old/fat/skinny/tall/small etc -This is a test -dont fall into it.

Shit tests basically fall into 3 Categories: SC

1.Women intentionally doing something to get a reaction out of you and then judging that reaction.

2. Women unintentionally doing something doing something that gets a reaction out of you and then judging that reaction.

3. Women judging something that you say or do.

They will attempt to test you to see if you are the Prize.

Always make sure that you act like the prize and have the gall to reframe the test and regain control of the frame!!!

Sarge On...

ok reframe these.

"I don't know you enough to talk that way"

"I didn't like how you ordered food"

"You didn't say hi the the security guard. That wasn't very nice"

"Why haven't I meet your friends?"

"Why haven't you introduced me to your parents?"

"I wish you knew more about cooking"

(reads internet while you are trying to talk to her on the phone)

(lets you talk about something personal to you but never provides her point of view)

(in a conversation, never gives up person details about her family, political ideals, morals, values etc)

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
here's one:
last night one woman i'm seeing called me from her hotel -- she's away doing job interviews -- b!tching at me for "not calling to wish her good luck" and also to tell me she had "run into a really good friend" at her hotel and she was having a drink with him.

how would you react to such a thing? freak out?
[hint: the answer is NO]

(what she didn't know is that one of her friends was waiting for me in my bed. :D )


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Just react in such a way that shows she's not your priority.
When the girl sees this, your value goes up.

I remember on a first date with this girl, i was eating with her. Her friend calls and she picks up (too bad i dont know her language), talks for a few seconds and hangs up. For all i know she made this up:
"my friend wanted me to go drinking with her."
my response: "oh really? you should go then"
her response: "nooo its ok"


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
very nice points, im beginning to realize that this happens alot more than i ever noticed in the past..

its not that difficult for me because my natural personality is very sarcastic/laid back, so its just a matter of bringing that out when the time comes..

my main thing is that i cant seem to treat all girls the same, ie. people i just met , it takes me awhile to build a comfort zone, to say comments like some of those suggests.. but im improving at this
Jun 3, 2002
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daly city
ok this girl told me that if someone feelin her she she plays hard hard hard to get when he asks her out...wats teh best way to deal with this?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
00Kevin said:
ok reframe these.

"I don't know you enough to talk that way"

Don't worry. I won't tell.

"I didn't like how you ordered food"

Please. Continue listing my faults. *wink*

"You didn't say hi the the security guard. That wasn't very nice"

Oh sorry. I was busy checking out his/her ass.

"Why haven't I meet your friends?"

I warned them about you, and they're keeping their distance. Sorry!

"Why haven't you introduced me to your parents?"

Why haven't we done anal?

"I wish you knew more about cooking"

..and sewing. Don't forget sewing.

(reads internet while you are trying to talk to her on the phone)
I'm going to go masturbate now. Good night. *click*

(lets you talk about something personal to you but never provides her point of view)

Character flaw. Dump her.

(in a conversation, never gives up person details about her family, political ideals, morals, values etc)

This is the same as the last one.

read the bold


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Humor always disarms sh!t tests. That's how we men win against feminism.

Think of what Owen Wilson or Vince Vaughn or even Cary Grant for the older crowd would say to a test. They always come back with witty humor. You guys have to think on your feet. Never let them see that they got to you. Remain unreactive and have a "devil may care" attitude. She'll hate you, but love you for it.

I got a nasty hate mail from a girl the other day that I f-closed 2x and then NEXT. Her letter had nothing to do about her and I, but was just an excuse for her to pull me into a sh!t test. I thought about defending myself, but than that would have played into her frame. SO! I wrote back two sentences, and you guys can try this out too:

"I shook my magic 8-ball today and it told me to tell you to "Ask again later. Oh... and btw. Happy Halloween"

Seriously though, you guys have to learn to not care at all about the outcome. If you're always meeting new woman, why get hung up on one? We are the prize.

One David D line I use often is "I'm glad you like it." if she hates the song that's on the radio, and I turn up the volume.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
girls who pull shyt tests are not as attracted to the guy physically as you'd want them to be.

HONESTLY i have met lotsa girls who loved how i look and i never ever got a shyt test, just sex/dating

on the contrary, a girl who's interest level is not so high in terms of looks WILL run shyt tests on the guy (but its possible shes just being a b1tch and doesnt like the guy anyway)....and she wants to see if hes got an attractive personality


i loved reading Shezz's ****y/Funny replies, any 1 of those would absolutely tear a b1tch up

but who wants to date a b1tch anyway??? I dont


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Whenever a girl I'm dating throws something like a sh!t test my way I just think about my bright future and how I don't want a girl intefering with that and a good response just comes naturally.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
All these games and tests they play are just so damn petty.

makes me feel like I always have to have my guard up, and cant just enjoy the interaction. it shouldnt have to be that way. you cant even talk a bit about your job without having to have some kind of witty one-liner ready to defend it. (just looking at one of the other current threads, about the guy with the job in railroads)

Usually once a girl tries a test, and I see it, I see how she is, and I immediately lose all interest for her (almost reflexively), because shes shown me that shes just interested in petty power plays. I usually call her on it, or one-up her, and cease communication after that date or conversation. shes failed MY test. oh shes usually pretty damn sorry, but by then its too late.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
"I don't know you enough to talk that way"

"I didn't like how you ordered food"

"You didn't say hi the the security guard. That wasn't very nice"

"Why haven't I meet your friends?"

"Why haven't you introduced me to your parents?"

"I wish you knew more about cooking"

(reads internet while you are trying to talk to her on the phone)

(lets you talk about something personal to you but never provides her point of view)

(in a conversation, never gives up person details about her family, political ideals, morals, values etc)
I had a female like this when I was first coming into the game, she'd qualify me and everything and I always failed her tests. She was physically attracted to me and we kissed one night, but ultimately I never fvcked her because I couldn't pass any of her tests... SHe was a great learning experience....

One thing I will say tho is that you have to always have your guard up. Females throw the tests really NON CHALANT and you'll fail without realizing it until 3 days later when you're like... "ohhhhhhhhhhh". I had one female a year ago that qualified the fvck out of me for 2 hours and it didn't hit me until I got home how much a pusssvy she made me over the date...

HER: Do you think guys think about sex more than girls ??
ME: Yeah its on our mind alot, eventho girls think about it alot as well...
HER: I think girls think about it more
ME: Yeah I could see that, girls probably do...
HER: But guys do think about it alot right ?
ME: Yeah guys think alot about it, its always on our mind
HER: More than girls ?
ME: Maybe its the same
HER: But you just said guys think more about it, which is it ?
ME: Girls think about it more I think
HER: I don't think so, guys are always thinking about it

**Didn't realize what she was doing, don't need to list I didn't fvck her**

Humor always disarms sh!t tests. That's how we men win against feminism.

Think of what Owen Wilson or Vince Vaughn or even Cary Grant for the older crowd would say to a test. They always come back with witty humor. You guys have to think on your feet. Never let them see that they got to you. Remain unreactive and have a "devil may care" attitude. She'll hate you, but love you for it.

I got a nasty hate mail from a girl the other day that I f-closed 2x and then NEXT. Her letter had nothing to do about her and I, but was just an excuse for her to pull me into a sh!t test. I thought about defending myself, but than that would have played into her frame. SO! I wrote back two sentences, and you guys can try this out too:

"I shook my magic 8-ball today and it told me to tell you to "Ask again later. Oh... and btw. Happy Halloween"

Seriously though, you guys have to learn to not care at all about the outcome. If you're always meeting new woman, why get hung up on one? We are the prize.

One David D line I use often is "I'm glad you like it." if she hates the song that's on the radio, and I turn up the volume.
A very intelligent man...

I'll say one more thing, after the 2nd date with my current girlfriend I called her and asked her out for sometime in the week and she responded with...

"I had a great time with you, you're really positive and a great person but I'm getting back with my ex-bf now and I think we should just be great friends"
Yeah we definitely enjoyed ourselves these past few days. I wish you nothing but the best, good luck in the future

Needless to say, I fvcked her a week later ;)



Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Sh1t tests are an OPPORTUNITY for you to get an A with a girl. Just like your high school tests, pass them, fail them or ace them with an A.

EVERY girl sh1t tests her man. Every single girl in the history of mankind has run sh1t tests on her man.

It is not the chick being a b1tch. It is in their nature, it is genetic.

The sh1t test is simply the chick asking you to PROVE that you are a quality man. A woman cannot invest her time, her 9 month pregnancy, her 18 years of raising a child unless she knows she is accepting the seed of a quality man.

Just like female peacocks choose their male mates by how big the male peacock's tailfeathers are, the sh1t test is a human female's way of determining how much of a man you are and whether you are worthy of her time, energy and her 18 years.

You should even smile when you are faced with a sh1t test. The girl is interested enough to test your tailfeathers.

Now why women use the sh1t test to test your tail feathers is normally a bit of mystery to us guys. Women do not accept big talk, they do not accept your simple word, they want actual verified PROOF.

If you don't like the term sh1t test, just change it to "Are you actually a man-test". Because that is what they really are.

Passing a sh1t test means you must understand "what is a real man" is to a woman.

Do a little thought experiment. From the time girls are 3 years old, they know they are different from the boys. By they time they are 17 years old, they know men play sports, they damn-near kill each other on the football field. They know men like to play hard, they damn-near kill themselves when they are drinking hard at a party. They know real men don't take sh1t from some other dude at a party, they beat him down when he steps over the line.

When they are 25, they know that real men are going to be successful in their carreer. They work hard and take overtime when the construction job runs behind schedule. The white collar guy doesn't take sh1t from the executives in the boardroom and he convinces them he is right and they give him a promotion afterward.

They know that they are very emotional and a real man will be their rock when the whole world is falling down around them. They know a real man can handle his emotions and will be calm and cool and solve problems when the whole world is falling down around her.

They know that a real man will find a way around the problem when she is flipping out about something very minor in their relationship. He is not going to lose his temper and walk away or hit her. He is going to look her straight in the eye and say "this is nothing sweety, get over it and let's go to dinner like we planned." Women know their emotional nature and they need a man who will fix relationship problems like they were born to do it.

I could go on and on and on here (and I have done so before.)

The sh1t test is just a test of your real manhood. Pass them, get laid as a reward, pass the next one too and they will diminish over time.

Just be a man and don't take sh1t from your woman. Put her in her place like a real man would. Sometimes this means coming down on her hard, sometimes this means laughing it off, sometimes this means ignoring it, sometimes this means finding an easy solution to the problem, sometimes this means taking her to bed and screwing her brains out hard, sometimes this means taking her home and telling her that you are not wasting your time with an emotional chick.

What would a real man do in this situation is the question and the answer to the Sh1t test.