Sh1t tests are an OPPORTUNITY for you to get an A with a girl. Just like your high school tests, pass them, fail them or ace them with an A.
EVERY girl sh1t tests her man. Every single girl in the history of mankind has run sh1t tests on her man.
It is not the chick being a b1tch. It is in their nature, it is genetic.
The sh1t test is simply the chick asking you to PROVE that you are a quality man. A woman cannot invest her time, her 9 month pregnancy, her 18 years of raising a child unless she knows she is accepting the seed of a quality man.
Just like female peacocks choose their male mates by how big the male peacock's tailfeathers are, the sh1t test is a human female's way of determining how much of a man you are and whether you are worthy of her time, energy and her 18 years.
You should even smile when you are faced with a sh1t test. The girl is interested enough to test your tailfeathers.
Now why women use the sh1t test to test your tail feathers is normally a bit of mystery to us guys. Women do not accept big talk, they do not accept your simple word, they want actual verified PROOF.
If you don't like the term sh1t test, just change it to "Are you actually a man-test". Because that is what they really are.
Passing a sh1t test means you must understand "what is a real man" is to a woman.
Do a little thought experiment. From the time girls are 3 years old, they know they are different from the boys. By they time they are 17 years old, they know men play sports, they damn-near kill each other on the football field. They know men like to play hard, they damn-near kill themselves when they are drinking hard at a party. They know real men don't take sh1t from some other dude at a party, they beat him down when he steps over the line.
When they are 25, they know that real men are going to be successful in their carreer. They work hard and take overtime when the construction job runs behind schedule. The white collar guy doesn't take sh1t from the executives in the boardroom and he convinces them he is right and they give him a promotion afterward.
They know that they are very emotional and a real man will be their rock when the whole world is falling down around them. They know a real man can handle his emotions and will be calm and cool and solve problems when the whole world is falling down around her.
They know that a real man will find a way around the problem when she is flipping out about something very minor in their relationship. He is not going to lose his temper and walk away or hit her. He is going to look her straight in the eye and say "this is nothing sweety, get over it and let's go to dinner like we planned." Women know their emotional nature and they need a man who will fix relationship problems like they were born to do it.
I could go on and on and on here (and I have done so before.)
The sh1t test is just a test of your real manhood. Pass them, get laid as a reward, pass the next one too and they will diminish over time.
Just be a man and don't take sh1t from your woman. Put her in her place like a real man would. Sometimes this means coming down on her hard, sometimes this means laughing it off, sometimes this means ignoring it, sometimes this means finding an easy solution to the problem, sometimes this means taking her to bed and screwing her brains out hard, sometimes this means taking her home and telling her that you are not wasting your time with an emotional chick.
What would a real man do in this situation is the question and the answer to the Sh1t test.