Originally posted by DA KID
What should I do. I'm black and I try to hang out with everyone I tend to hang out with the kids I play sports with who are mainly white more then I do my black friends. Now people are starting to say damn you mite as well paint your self white cause I'm going to prom with some of the white kids. What can I do? I don't want to look like a sellout but wtf.
Well in reference to the above post:
DA KID: What you need to do is simple... If you have a problem with something a white kid says to or infront of you, then point it out to him that u do not appreciate him saying that suff and that you wold like him to stop. He will respect you more for that, than when u would just laugh it off. By u laughing it off shows them that u are ok with it, when u are really NOT ok with it.
It is excellent advice. However, if they are so immature to propose such a ludacris idea (rasist comments) what makes you think they can possibly fathom and "respect" ~equita~s advice.
It is possible, and it is worth a try. Do it. I am not against it.
My two cents:
The first cent --
Racists are practically impossible to deal with. They are narrow-minded people, thus throwing reason and logic at them is akin to throwing a pebble at a building. The building won't break. Seriously.
Move on. Spend time with your true friends. Doesn't it strike you as odd. African-American students calling you racist. When you, yourself are African-American, hanging out with ANOTHER race. In my humble opinion, they are NOT worth your time. Just fvck it, and move on. (Excuse my french). Would a FRIEND do what your African-American "friends" did?
hell, no... Your friends are the racist. After all, why don't they JOIN you and play with your white friends...
Your options:
- Hang out with both groups, together
- Or "Just Fvck it and move on."
Now, ask yourself: Are they really worth it?