Guys, you may think my language is a bit harsh.(This is not aimed at any ONE individual in particular) And believe me, really m trust me on this...I apologize for my candidness beforehand. I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings...I'm trying to help you all be Men.
But think of me as your big brother OK?, a guy who has been there, done that and wants to give you advice.
Stop being a little pvssy.
You're going to meet the wrong guy, he'lll realize you're a *****, and he will fvck you up.
And it will be easy for him...
Because, well.... you're a pvssy....who can't fight.
And instead, takes advice from people who have never been in life or death, or even physical confrontations where they HAD to bash another guy's face in.
You may find yourself in one situation. And you will quickly realize "Goddamn. That guy totally kicked my a$$. I wish I could've learned how to fight. Now I feel stupid, and I'm fvcking embarassed for never taken this into consideration."
Don't be pvssies.
I'm sorry, guys...but pretending, or running away, or ignoring, or trying to "make a plan" on what to do is totally...pvssy behavior.
Read this list (I know some of you may laugh, but that only means you are NOT getting the POINT I'm trying to get across here)
A Masculine Man, and especially an Alpha Male (whom excels at these traits) is the following:
Why would any real man think about not learning how to fight? Not thinking Self Defense is "necessary enough"?
Training for a worst case scenario is IN YOUR BEST INTEREST, Gentlemen.
You fight, only because you have been given NO OTHER CHOICE.
And please, don't try to use the "law" as an excuse to not learn how to reallly defend yourself (the overwhelming majority of RBSD systems include a comprehensive explanation of how the law/s work in regards to countless scenarios) , or think that the Police wil be there with you every step of the way and rescue you.
God help you when/if you find yourself in a "now way out" situation, with your back to the wall, and you don't even know how to make a fist.
God help you then...
"cause you know NO ONE will come to rescue you.
Are you guys understanding the underlying message I'm trying to give you?
This is going to get you really deep, deep inside your subconscious...if you're reacting to this...that means you've got to get this situation under control.
Look again at those Masculine traits I wrote.
Which one are you missing??
Think about what I'm saying here.
It's not all just about "fighting", or dealing with a "bully".
THere's much more at stake here, guys.