Dealing with aggressive women


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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I'm sorry, but you just committed the biggest insult you can deliver to a girl.

Whenever a girl literally throws herself at you and you reject her in this manner, they take it very, very personally.

You will have trouble hooking up with her again. She will try to pre-reject you in advance the next time just to manage her self-esteem. She might even question if you are gay or something or how much of a masculine man you are. She will self-talk herself into being less attracted to you.

Do not wait until you get back from vacation to get in contact with her again. Talk to her now and be very forceful in letting her know you are attracted to her and want to hook-up (don't literally say it, just let her know through your actions.)

When you do this, you will get resistance for the first few times while she is still trying to massage/recover her self-esteem. Just stick with it and she'll come around after awhile.

But when a girl throws herself at you, you have to play along. You don't have to seal the deal but you have to come close or this is what happens.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
stay Emotionally detached from this Cluster B, or you will not only live out every sexual fantasy you ever had, you will experience Nightmares you could never dream of.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I wouldn't diagnose her with a mental illness just yet. But it's good advice.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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you can never take one behavior and deduce the whole of a person.

some women are highly sexual and highly functional also. whereas some are highly sexual and highly dysfunctional.

always weigh the totality of a person before coming to a final conclusion.

but when a woman is overly aggressive, its definitely good advice to remain emotional detached until you learn more about who she is as a person.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
Being THAT aggressively promiscuous says much more about her than she simply "loves" sex. Who doesn't? This is far far from normal female behavior and is a warning sign that major problems lurk beneath the surface. Think about your ideal woman, the one you want to Marry. Is this the way she behaves? Is this the woman you could safely introduce to all your boys and not have to worry about "what next?". Even having her as a FB is dangerous because they are extraordinarily adept at drawing you in emotionally. Like I said, if you get sucked into being Emotionally involved, and they are experts at doing just this, you will end up in the fetal position whimpering in a corner.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Persistant Exaction catches a lot of stuff about these Cluster B people that even I miss so I wouldn't discard his post as jumping the gun that she could be one of them.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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persistent exaction said:
if you get sucked into being Emotionally involved, and they are experts at doing just this, you will end up in the fetal position whimpering in a corner.
This is very true. And that's on a good day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
Go back to "Fatal Attraction" and carefully observe the Glen Close character AND the Michael Douglas character. Who was the aggressor?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Well it's the chick, the one I was with was overly agressive as well. She seduced me then kicked me in the nuts.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
AFCs tend to "find" these women because AFCs don't like to "work" to get dates, to get laid, etc. The AFC does not like to risk rejection and with super aggressive women that's not an issue. These women meet the AFC far more than "half way", making things easy for the AFC, who often can't believe his good fortune. These women seek out AFCs because they can be in total control, and often have their cake and eat it too by cheating. They also know they will be worshiped and put up on the pedestal by the chump because, given his history, he has never had it so good. DJs see through these women and may avoid them altogether, and in any case, are quick to kick them to the curb. These women know the DJ will hit it and quit it, and they don't want that kind of encounter unless they are acting out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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I have nothing against aggressive women. I believe every HAREM should have one.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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In my case I was an easy target I suppose, but it didn't take me long to realize I was being emotionally manipulated and I started fighting back. I sure let her have it. Then it got bad.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
there are four types of people out there:
1. aggressive
2. passive
3. passive- aggressive
4. assertive

aggressive people like to try to control everything and have their way or they get mad and loud about it.

passive people fear confrontation and often sulk to themselves about things that upset them, rather than work through it.

passive - aggressive people fear confrontation, but will do mean things in secret to right the wrong they feel.

assertive people try to go for the win win in situations and work things out with compromise when possible.

which type of people do you meet on the average day?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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joekerr31 said:
this chic would have made the perfect f*ck buddy. she would never have made a good girlfriend though.

this chic thinks like a man - chics like this are awesome. she just wants to cut through all the bullsh*t and get down to the nasty. she's figured out that what men want is sex and is cool with that. .
Yeah I sense that it would be best for me (when I come back) to let her know that at this point in my life I am not interested in anything long terms and I just like to go out dating and have fun.

This chick does think like a man. She bluntly told me that she thinks she has a high testosterone because she craves sex alot.

joekerr31 said:
now, the only problem with chics like this is that you have to be ok with the fact that while she's in to you right now, a couple months from now she might be in to some other guy. so you have to be ok with her banging other guys.
Actually this one told me that she hasn't been with a guy in over a year after she broke up with her ex. She said that one of the reasons she picked me is because she is tired of taking control and dominate other guys and she sees me as someone potential to the challenge (thanks sosuave!).

joekerr31 said:
now the problem with these chics is that if you dig too far beneath the surface they tend to have emotional problems.
Yeah she does seem like she has a few issues but what women doesn't???!

joekerr31 said:
yes, it does throw you off when a woman comes on strong like this. and i've blown them off just like you did. when you do that they take it as rejection and their interest in you goes down. they might still bang you, but they will do so only as a means of getting back at you. they will bang you once or twice, get you hooked, then cut you off (its their way of letting you know what you missed out on).

my advice is that if this ever happens again, nail her and put her in the f*ck buddy category right away.
Yeah I think that is what is going to happen. She was kinda pissed that I didn't want to bang her, she tried to reason with me as to why I should bang her for the night saying stuff like " my pvssy is tight like an Asian girl"and she even half jokingly told me: " you got two choices you either you come inside my house right now and do me! or I am going to rape you right now in your car!" haha mind you that she is like 5'2 and weighs 90 something pounds only.

joekerr31 said:
the other thing worth noting is that these women aren't always like this. sometimes its just a phase. for whatever the reason they are at a period of life where they are super horny. you might check back in with them in 6 months and they have reverted back to your normal chic behavior.
Yeah she is going through some difficult times right now and she does want a distraction so I can see that.

joekerr31 said:
you missed the bus on this one man. but you learned a valuable lesson at hte same time - when opportunity knocks be prepared to open the door.
Yeah its a good lesson. I just wasn't feeling it that night and I thought that if I don't try nothing will happen. I guess I should always be prepared for something out of the blue and be ready for sex no matter where when and how. I just hope that if I see her at work that she won't ask me to meet her at the broom closet or something because getting caught and fired for something like this ain't worth the risk although I would become a legend there:D.

JustDoItAlways said:
I'm sorry, but you just committed the biggest insult you can deliver to a girl.

Whenever a girl literally throws herself at you and you reject her in this manner, they take it very, very personally.

You will have trouble hooking up with her again. She will try to pre-reject you in advance the next time just to manage her self-esteem. She might even question if you are gay or something or how much of a masculine man you are. She will self-talk herself into being less attracted to you.

Do not wait until you get back from vacation to get in contact with her again. Talk to her now and be very forceful in letting her know you are attracted to her and want to hook-up (don't literally say it, just let her know through your actions.)

When you do this, you will get resistance for the first few times while she is still trying to massage/recover her self-esteem. Just stick with it and she'll come around after awhile..
You are probably right but for some reasons I am not too worried about the outcome, whether I get sex from her or not. I know there are other women potentially lining up for me so it kinda doesn't bother me as much as it should.

JustDoItAlways said:
But when a girl throws herself at you, you have to play along. You don't have to seal the deal but you have to come close or this is what happens.
Well that is exectly what I did. I played along, I turned her on as much as I could without fvcking her but she wanted me to fvck her and seal the deal.

persistent exaction said:
Go back to "Fatal Attraction" and carefully observe the Glen Close character AND the Michael Douglas character. Who was the aggressor?
haha you know I was thinking about that movie "Fatal attraction" as she was coming on to me. I will definantly stay unattached emotionally from her because she seems a little bit like a loose firecracker. She did tell me both her divorced mom and sister are mentally crazy so I was thinking about that. Before I came to this site I dated a chick with borderline personality disorder and I was deep emotionally attached to her and she almost drove me insane. Now I know better and if I see too much bvllsh1t going on then I am cutting her loose.

seagull said:
It seems like you were cynical and full of self doubt and have missed out on the easiest opportunity you will probably ever have to get laid!

You will probably regret this one day, see the "Most Obvious Come On Missed" thread in the Archive forum!
You might be right. I am used to women being submissive's who let me be the aggressor and press them for sex and its the first time in my life that it occured the other way around and I started to doubt myself and her intentions. When I will come back, I will hopefully have a word with her and let her know why I did what I did (I won't tell her because I doubted her but because I didn't know her very well and due to my experience with women of all walks of life, I need to know who I crawl into bed with so there won't be any misunderstanding or hurt feelings down the road).

I will keep you up to date of what is going to happen.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score

I came back from vacation and she was having a small house party and invited me as well. As soon as the guests left she was on me like a monkey on a tree. She did not seem to hold any grudges against me and was really happy to see me. I was still a bit tired from my vacation so I couldn't really stay hard for long (anxiety performance as well) so I fingered her until she came and she sucked me off like a pro. She seems to really enjoy herself but told me that next time I better be ready and have my hard c0ck inside of hers :D

anybody got any ideas how to combat performance anxiety? it always happens to me with someone new.

All in all she agreed with my terms of seeing each other on a casual basis because she too is not looking for a relationship right now.