Dealing with aggressive women


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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What do you guys think about aggressive women? is it normal for a woman to be aggrassive like a man and wanting sex right away as part of our fvcked westernize culture or should you be suspecious about it?

I went on a get together with some coworkers of mine in a bar. One of the coworkers is this chick in her early 20's that I knew she liked me but what I didn't know is how MUCH she liked me. Anyway we decided to stick around after the rest of our coworkers left and talk about some things. This girl went right to the chase telling me that she knows I like her as well (which I do) that she sees the way I look at her and that I'm full of myself if I think that she doesn't know it. At this point I was sort of held back and astouned at her brazen and accurate description. She then proceed to tell me that we should hook up and try this out (I am not too worried about losing this job by the way, since in a year I would be doing something different). At this point I realised that I am out of my element here because I am the one that is used to be the aggrassive and the pursuer and this girl sort of threw my balance and confidence away.

I told her that all I wanted to do tonight was go for a drink and I was not really sure about this since I am not used to someone laying out thick so fast so soon. She then said she is not really laying out thick and she doesn't see what the problem is.... she then stood up walked towards me and kissed me on the lips and said "lets take off from here". I was like to myself "wtf is happening here, have I reached a new level of DJism here or this chick is wacked!?"

My head was still thinking about this as we got to my car as I was about to let her go inside my vehicle, she turned around and pushed her pelvic towards mine and leaned over and kissed me. I felt like I was living in some bizzaro world where I became a chick for the night! I wasn't even trying. Then this girl tells me that she really liked me and that if we hook up she will fulfill any sexual fantasy I ever had (she was reaching in my pocket and feeling my c0ck as she said so). Apprently she got turned on really quickly and she bluntly told me "ok I am feeling really wet now, I think you should drive me to my place and have a good time". At this point I realised that I became the chick! because my gut instinct was telling me that something is not right here. I told her that I would drive her home but that I wouldn't go inside. She started saying "why? my gawed you are acting like a chick? what's wrong?". I told her that I was going on vacation in 2 days (which I was) and I needed to think about this but I would call her when I come back. She then said " I can't believe that you are rejecting me, no one has ever rejected me for sex! this is my first time ever".

When I dropped her by her house she still tried to persuade me to go inside. I told her that once I make up my mind I stick with it. She then told me that this makes her even more turned on, the fact that I said no to her. I told her that I would call her when I come back on vacation and we will hook up but we still have to talk. She said ok and then send me a text message when I left saying that she was sorry if it looks like she came too strong because she was nervous.

I wouldn't lie. I am intrigued by this woman prospect to "fulfill every sexual fantasy I have" but I am also feeling someone cautious and unease of the situation. It also gave me a different perspective for the first time ever what Chicks go through and how hard it was to say no even though I wanted sex but for some reasons my gut instinct and brain were working faster then my d1ck.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2002
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wow man that is one hell of a good story. i think you handled it good. i mightve caved in and banged her. But on the flip side i see what you mean about the way you now know what a girl goes through lol.
hey at least after a relaxing vacation, you know you have some tail waiting for you :p


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
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My buddy doesn't spend a lot of time with his girlfriend, so when we (the three of us, and others) finally hang out she's horny as hell.

I could make the conclusion this means he doesn't have to have much game to score, but that's not the point. She's crazy aggressive and wants to have sex right away. I think my friend feels that it wouldn't be proper to just leave me and the other people to ourselves, so I eventually joke about how he needs to "man up" or what-have-you.

Anyway, if a girl doesn't give a damn about society's expectation of them to be passive, she'll embrace her sexuality.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Haha, funny story.

You are right about what it is like when ANYONE comes on too strong. Even when a man is attractive and I am interested, if he just came at me like that I would be turned off immediately and probably forever.

Also goes to show how important it is for women to let men pursue. She should have used her womanly seduction tools to lead you.

Haha, funny story though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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so some of you are saying that its pretty natural for a girl with high interest to be this aggressive early on and try to take control if her date is not doing so?!

I guess I am used to women who act submissive and not too sexual early on (or at least pretending too so I don't think they are slvts or something like that) then women who are very sexual and open about it. I acted aloof the entire night and it frustrated the hell out of her but it ended up turning her on even more.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
so some of you are saying that its pretty natural for a girl with high interest to be this aggressive early on and try to take control if her date is not doing so?!
Natural? Not really. Women are generally more reserved up front.

Abnormal? It's happened to me a handful of times, so I wouldn't say it's abnormal.

Some chicks just have that type of personality.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Well first of all I had a few girls be this aggressive towards me, but they were not hot. I had an overweight 21 year old with a pretty face tell me that I am such a bad ass and she wants to suck my c0ck. Now this girls a little nuts, and I am tied in with her at work. Plus I am not attracted to her. But if this girl was an HB7 and above I would take her up on the offer.

DJ Damage I don't see what the problem is? If you are attracted to her and she is hot than you should probably just bang her. Make sure you use a condomn and have some fun. Us men spend all our lives chasing the pu$$y and now your the one being chased and your going to back out of it.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
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United States
Not saying you did wrong, but there aren't a lot of situations where a hot girl that I'm attracted to grabs my be the package and I say "you know what, I'd rather not."

But, whatever works for you.

I'm just saying -- it's not like Babe Ruth ever refused to swing at a hanging curveball just because it was too easy a pitch to hit.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I like it.

I'm almost offended when a girl lumps me in with every other dude thinking I'm 100% erect penis ready to put it just about anywhere. Turning down the sex is almost worth it to see the look on their face.

Rejecting women is awesome. They're always so shocked, and it's nice to turn the tables. Fvck her for assuming the sale! Who does she think she is! ;)

But yeah I usually turn things around on them and let them pursue. I get them practically climbing on top of me when I've yet to make a move on them. Patience is awesome. It's sort of a weird aggression they have. They can push their crotch into your body but they still wait for you to kiss them first. Silly.

No it's not often they say "fvck me" so blatantly but they do make it pretty obvious in other ways that still makes them the aggressor often. My concern would be just how often this girl does this sort of thing. Probably a hell of a lot if she has no problem being that forward.

I like how she said you were acting the girl while she was the one who initiated the gender reversal. Then reverted back to chick mode with the i'm sorry txt msgs.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Well every one you reject is one you never have...this Lady is horny and likes the cut of your jib,don't try and exact some sort of moral purity from your lack of really were unprepared and will live to regret your move...with a condom you would be OK and have a great night...she would have lots of stories and you could learn a lot...


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
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Yeah, you get old enough and have enough interactions under your belt, you will eventually run into aggressive women. And let's not lie, it's a pretty good ego stroke. Thing is, you don't really have to be some great-looking superstud to experience this...if you catch a woman on a good day, the right kind of woman, you might get the aggressive treatment.

Recently I dropped in at a local Mexican restaurant for nachos and a beer and I'm sitting at the table and this chick just walks up to my table, takes a nacho, says hi and starts grinding her tits into my shoulder. At the most, I would rate myself a 6 or 7, tops....but throw in some booze and nachos and bam, you're in the position to fend of some horny stranger :rockon:

I was kinda shocked and put-off though. I just smiled, made a little conversation and basically ignored her and she left. Overly-aggressive women turn me seems like a violation of nature. Let me be the one damnit. I'm a man, you just smile and use the right body language, I'll be all over you. Just don't come over sitting on my lap if I don't know you...I can pay a stripper to do that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
i have a feeling that she will not be AS agressive when you get back in town.

no matter what anyone says, i think that you did the right thing simply because based on how you felt, it would have been uncomfortable, unnatural, and very akward seeing that you had some reservations with it.

so your best option would have been the one you made IMO.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
In about a week I come back so I will probably have a talk with her. I would let her know subtly that I am still up for hooking up but it has to be done right with my own input. She seems to be the type of a woman who likes to take charge and dictates the flow of any relationship she been with a guy (afc) but now she is dealing with a MAN (DJ).

If it doesn't work out no sweat, there is this young french blonde chick that I think wants me too.:D


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Saginaw County, MI
I LOVE aggressive woman.

The last three dates I went on ended with them ramming their tongues down my throat.

The second to the last had her hands into my pants, jacking me off within the first 30 minutes. She did the same at the second bar we went to. When we went back to the first bar she had me jacking her off. I don't tell people this because no one will believe it. Kind of like a Bigfoot sighting.

Aggressive women are the best!!!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
mrRuckus said:
Rejecting women is awesome. They're always so shocked, and it's nice to turn the tables. Fvck her for assuming the sale! Who does she think she is! ;)
You been following me around , Ruckus ?
That look on their face IS priceless - it is as if they really believe that they are handing you the winning lotto ticket - arrogant baitches !


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
You been following me around , Ruckus ?
That look on their face IS priceless - it is as if they really believe that they are handing you the winning lotto ticket - arrogant baitches !
Absolutely it is, because as far as most western women, and a few of the men on this site are concerned.
They, the women, CHOOSE you. You have no say in the matter.

Oh Im not talking about women who are open and aggressive in their pursuit. It's more than that. Im talking about the women that have already decided, youre going to sleep with them

So it is a quite a shock to those women. When you show, that youre not a "disposable live dildo".


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
ok, i've had this situation a number of times and screwed it up before just like you did. :)

this chic would have made the perfect f*ck buddy. she would never have made a good girlfriend though.

this chic thinks like a man - chics like this are awesome. she just wants to cut through all the bullsh*t and get down to the nasty. she's figured out that what men want is sex and is cool with that.

now, the only problem with chics like this is that you have to be ok with the fact that while she's in to you right now, a couple months from now she might be in to some other guy. so you have to be ok with her banging other guys.

but these chics tend to be VERY freaky in bed. i had a chic like this that i use to work with - one day she sent me an instant message saying 'lets go out at lunch, i want you to f*ck me in the *ss in your car.' haha.

now the problem with these chics is that if you dig too far beneath the surface they tend to have emotional problems.

my advice in these situations is to ALWAYS wear a rubber (which i always do regardless) and just have fun.

yes, it does throw you off when a woman comes on strong like this. and i've blown them off just like you did. when you do that they take it as rejection and their interest in you goes down. they might still bang you, but they will do so only as a means of getting back at you. they will bang you once or twice, get you hooked, then cut you off (its their way of letting you know what you missed out on).

my advice is that if this ever happens again, nail her and put her in the f*ck buddy category right away.

as for only average looking women behaving like this. i've had extremely hot milfs do this.

i also don't think only sl8ts do this either. most of the women who've done this with me weren't sl*ts. they actually shunned most of the males that slobbered over them. ironically, what they seemed to like with me was that i was a 'nice' guy (note: nice does not mean beta male). they felt like they could have fun with me and not be judged for it.

the other thing worth noting is that these women aren't always like this. sometimes its just a phase. for whatever the reason they are at a period of life where they are super horny. you might check back in with them in 6 months and they have reverted back to your normal chic behavior.

anyway, you kind of blew this one and it will be hard to re-establish the frame she was setting.

and yes, its odd when this happens because it almost feels like shes trying to take control of the situation. but you shouldn't look at it like that - you should look at it like she's chosen you for a mutually beneficial exchange. no one is dominant in situations like this - its just a f*ck buddy scenario.

as it stands right now she probably went home and cried herself to sleep that you rejected her. she probably thought to herself 'am i so ugly that even when i throw myself at him he won't f*ck me?' or 'he won't f*ck me because he thinks im a slut.' (remember what i said, most of these women have issues, and for all their extrovertedness, low self esteem tends to be one of them).

after crying herself to sleep, she probably woke up the next morning and gave one of her other male friends a called and banged him to make herself feel better.

you missed the bus on this one man. but you learned a valuable lesson at hte same time - when opportunity knocks be prepared to open the door.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
What do you guys think about aggressive women? is it normal for a woman to be aggrassive like a man and wanting sex right away as part of our fvcked westernize culture or should you be suspecious about it?

It's funny, because a couple months ago I went out with a woman like this and it turned me off. She wanted it bad and I was on another planet and didn't lay the pipe.

It was because I wasn't that into her, and the reason for that I was thinking about another woman. But now I have cleared my head... bring on the aggression!