dealing wit guilt


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
my ex has become a defacto ****buddy even though i did want the relationship to so happens tht she lives in other town and everytime we meet we end up doing stuff after which she feels guilty abt it and tells me this is the last time we're meeting and talking.again we start talking, things improve..and same pattern.

last week this hapnd.we did normal things like goin for coffee as i wantd to take things slowly as we were meeting after 2 months but she wasnt enjoyin it & said tht it doesnt feel like earlier and i shud drop her off at her parents place..i was like u need to stop comparing how it felt earlier and now n just go with the flow.later we had a major make out session in my car.while we are at it shez like this is wat i enjoy doing the most with u but it shudnt be so, normal things shud also be exciting.i was like yea bt der was just too much tension n frustration coz we're meeting after so long..but she said no we need to end things.

also next day she went for muvi with sum friends while she had made plans for muvi with me 3-4 days earlier.tht day i was pissed off and i askd if she viewed me as a sex object as she wasnt receiving or returning my calls.she said thts the sickest thing she has ever heard and disconnected.she called bak n i told her tht it might sound offensive bt i feel tht way wen u dnt return my calls after wat hapnd last night n go for muvi with 2 other douchebags who are not even your friends but your (female)friend's boyfriend n his friends.

shez like hez a good friend n they dint go alone and tht its none of my business who she hangs out i rubbed it in her face tht good its tht way coz i also met some gal who i dated in high she said great and disconnected.later she called i dint receive then txtd a long sorry msg i dint respond..her friend calls me up saying shez upset i tel her we're not on talking day she calls me up n we decide to meet at my place.we screw like crazy all the while shez acting jealous abt me meeting tht chic frm high school.i tell her tht she did da same thing by goin for muvi with sum dudes while she made tht plan wit me.she checks my phone n gets more jealous abt a few gals text msgs and tells me tht she dint kno i talkd wit so many gals as shez not talking with any other guy on a regular basis.i chekd her phone n she was sayin the truth.

we kinda had breakup sex (the 5th time) n cuddling n having a good time & she said this is the last time we're meeting or talking as she feels guilty and like a *****/slut after the act.i tried to xplain tht i dont view her tht way n tht we hav a history n this is not the only reason im meeting her for but no avail.later she calls me up accusing tht i dnt ask her if shez hungry or anything & am just interestd in getting laid in a teasing way again on phone i askd if she wants to meet late at night for coffee n conversation..she made excuses n said shez sleepy.later at night around 12 am she calls bt i dnt the morning we talk n she says she feels guilty abt wat hapnd yday n all.i calmd her down wit sum humor but she still feels guilty abt it even though she has talkd abt doing it on phone when shez in the other town.

now how do u deal with her feeling guilty abt becumin a (defacto)****buddy & bringing it up even during da act even if shez enjoying it & doin it whole heartedly..i dnt want to completely leave her but i also kno tht long term with her is not possible..


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Yr Inglish expreshun cr*ps mi off. Not 2 mention yr spellin.

Annoying post.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Yr Inglish expreshun cr*ps mi off. Not 2 mention yr spellin.

Annoying post.
are u a goddamnd english professor in community college ?
this isnt a grammar forum so piss off if u dont have a good advice


New Member
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
jawbreaker73 said:
are u a goddamnd english professor in community college ?
this isnt a grammar forum so piss off if u dont have a good advice

No one can give you any advice on a thread that is too painful to read. I'm not a huge spelling nazi, but buddy, you aren't texting us, there's a keyboard in front of you.......UTILIZE IT.

If you'd like some advice, I suggest you go back through and retype your post so that one can actually read it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
I tried to read it, but was unable. Self improvement includes communication improvement. Start there.


Don Juan
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
it was like reading Huck Finn
haha but seriously,

said tht it doesnt feel like earlier and i shud drop her off at her parents place..i was like u need to stop comparing how it felt earlier and now n just go with the flow

shez like hez a good friend n they dint go alone and tht its none of my business who she hangs out i rubbed it in her face tht good its tht way coz i also met some gal who i dated in high she said great and disconnected.
this girl spews out sh!t tests more often then plumbers. lol idk what that even means

now how do u deal with her feeling guilty abt becumin a (defacto)****buddy & bringing it up even during da act even if shez enjoying it & doin it whole heartedly..i dnt want to completely leave her but i also kno tht long term with her is not possible..
I had the same problem with my girl. She used to make everything "unnatural" she kept interrupting the sexual current. like for instance, she would exclaim "Ughhh.... fine!" if I told her to do something. like shutup *****, if you dont enjoy it why are you here.

if you know a LTR is not in the horizon + you are looking for a LTR... do the math.
follow your dreams man

if you are happy with her as a fb, it seems she is UNhappy.
like her goals conflict too ex.::
i calmd her down wit sum humor but she still feels guilty abt it even though she has talkd abt doing it on phone when shez in the other town