Ucde is crazy. But also right at the same time. However, it is tough to garner the correct sentiment of his logic in type. So, lets just table that for now and address the question in this dimension shall we.
1st. I would love to know the venue. Bar, coffe shop, street, library, campus, mall???? The setting is important. Different settings come with different attitudes if you are a woman. All with different levels of gaurdedness. Why? Im going to get into that.
2nd. I hate to curtail your #s game because I think volume of approach is important. The more you do the more you get natural at it.
But, try to only approach women one day that return your eye contact. Heres how to spot a elevated level of interest. Make eye contact. When they look away, look away, then within a few seconds, look back...If they also look back within 15-20 seconds you have an elevated level of interest. Approach.
Use compliments sparingly and if at all. Try to "make friends" with your words but make love with your eyes and body language. Your eyes and body should move smoothly. Speak friendly and try to make them laugh, but when they talk check them out. Nothing below the collarbone though. Looking slowly back and forth around the face ears and neck. This confuses the guard and it crumbles. "Is he into me? Or is he just friendly?"
Also, if you feel you are really struggling, lower your HB level for a time or two. Get to know the flow of what its like to have a girl be amazed and into you right away because she has a lower SMV than you. It will give you confidence and poise with hotter woman. Its practice. You can learn alot about fishing by catching sunfish. And when a big bass bites, youll know what to do by muscle memory. For those that dont fish... You can learn alot about driving a motor cycle by first learning to ride a moped.
AVOID interview mode. No more than 2 questions per conversation. I understand with a stranger that there is not much to go on so most guys go into interview mode. Most girls are sick to death of this. One way to avoid this, as you learn, is to turn questions into guesses instead. (This is gold people. Works amazingly!)
For instance, If you approach a girl of obviously ethnicity...Instead of asking her what nationality she is, GUESS! Now, its not a journalism question, its a way for her to open up to you. Two things can happen, both are good. You will most likely guess wrong and she will correct you. No matter what her answer say" Ooo even better" she will want to know why you said that. Dont tell her. Now, you create mystery and interest. Or, you guess correctly and she will be impressed. Both responses though will get her hamster spinning and get her asking you stuff. Now be a player! Go with it.
Works with anything. Guess her perfume. Guess her occupation. Anything. Girls are simple creatures and love games. They are kittens waiting for a new string. Deviate from the crowd and youll be halfway home in the first sentence.
I hate to brag but I have realized (and even been told) my cold approach is very very good. My day game, even better. So I think my advice is worth it.
Research my user name and check out some of my other tips I have dropped around here. So I dont have to repeat them.
However, I will give you one of my favorites for you lazy ones that wont look things up.
Use other women as an opener. Think its crazy? Nope. One of my top choices.
Ask a hot girl if she likes your shirt, watch, hat, or my favorite, cologne (makes them get close to you) for your date(with another woman) tonight.
"HB. I have a hot date tonight and you might be just as beautiful as her. What do you think about ‘this’? ( I have used my date plan, shirt, cologne, etc etc.)
If you get to talking you can always say" Well, this has been really helpful. Thank you. You know, you actually seem cooler then she is. Maybe if it doesn't work out I should take you out instead. Give me your number, you know, just in case." Works amazingly.
So bringing it back to you. (And others)
Whats happening that you are hitting a rough patch, in my opinion, is you are setting off a "fear" response in your approaches. No, I dont mean rapey or creepy or anything like that. I mean we as humans gauge every interaction with another human immediately on a subconscious level, as, comfortable or uncomfortable. Fight, flight, or freeze. This is the guard I am talking about. Every girl knows, what every guy wants. They are training their whole lives to reject this. Even, when they want it too. Thats why women are so confusing. Even when they want you they are constantly convincing themselves not to. Antislvt defense right boys? What you need to do is remove that guard.
Just approaching them in general sets it off. Questions make it worse. To have them let their guard down you need to confuse it by showing them something they have never seen before, and or, make them feel comfortable right away. You can do this by giving them the sense of control over the interaction and removing any "threat" you might be by convincing them that they want to talk to you. This is done by them convincing themselves. Be interesting with guesses. Be sexy with your eyes and body language. Be funny. Treat every interaction like you do not want anything from them.
Specifically, drop hints about talking again and let them seize. "Hey, this has been really nice actually, most pretty girls are *****y. TO BAD WE MIGHT NEVER SEE EACHOTHER AGAIN. We could have some fun." Most girls will chase the goodbye.
HB-" Well this doesnt have to be the last time?" Hand her your phone. Done.
See as an example. You instead of triggering a guard by asking for something from her, you trigger her wanting. Suggestive selling. Now she is comfortable GIVING her info because she thinks it was her decision. Now, also, when you call, she is excited. Again, because she thinks it was her idea. She picked you up. She would feel rejected if you didnt call becasue she will be wondering when she is driving home that night..."Why did I give that guy my number? I hope he calls." Hahahahaa. They are so simple in their complexity.