Day Game Help


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have no problem approaching girls, at a party or in a bar, the issue is more in the day when I have more anxiety, anyway there's this one girl in particular I've see around campus, and I'm not really how to approach her.

Fist time I saw her was at Starbucks like 2 weeks ago, she kept looking at me and smiling but I never had the balls to approach her, then I saw her when I was out on a date with a girl, and she kept looking over at me again, I see her at starbucks again last week, and she didn't give as many IOI's and was with a friend so I made it as an excuse to not approach her. This week I've seen her like 5 times just walking to class or wherever, and the first time she eye f***s the **** out of me, every other time shes looked my way and smiled, so I was hoping she'd be at starbucks again this week but wasn't, not a big deal but I want to approach her, and I'm not sure how to go about doing it if I see her in passing. Especially if she's in a group of people, any suggestions would be great thanks.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
thats funny, i have this same problem...

in social gatherings im fine, but alone like that I just blowww at gaming


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Yea, I mean I feel like it's especially difficult to approach a girl while you are walking, it just seems weird to stop and start talking to someone


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Yea i have the same problem with the daytime approach


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
yeah i got no day game which sucks when your under 21, night game is limited when you can't get into clubs


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Alright well so far all that's been established is they most guys struggle with it, I asked a female friend about it and she was like almost every time the guy is creepy as hell, and she walks away. I can't really think of a way to make a girl stop and talk to you, if an experienced DJ has any advice feel free to chime in


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
I remember this chick I always wanted to meet but I never approached. I decided to grab the pair I received at birth and do this:

We were walking, she was coming my way. When she was about 3 steps away I said:

Me: Hey! Amanda! How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time *friendly smile* you changed your hair, didn't you?...wait a minute *serious look* you're not Amanda.

HB: *interrupts me* No, I'm not Amanda *Hit in the arm* My name is HB.

Me: Hi, HB. Sorry for the confusion my name's VdoubleR, nice to meet you.

A bit of small talk went on and then I bounced (way to use false time constraint and not #close, rookie mistake, I know). I was a stupid as$ for not #closing that time but I was proud I finally approached her.

So do better than I did and actually #close. I haven't opened many moving targets so I need some practice. Day game is difficult but I want to improve so I'll keep trying.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Go for it man, if she's giving you that many IOI's fvcking go for it already. There is no way she'll blow you out if she's been giving you so many IOI's.

Don't waste time, just rock up, stay cool and have a light and fun conversation.

"So are you going to come talk to me, or are we going to continue flirting at a distance?"


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
Lust thanks, I'm going to do that next time I see her, only question I have is would that be wise if she's in a group, especially if it's mostly or all guys?


Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
hondo928 said:
I'm not sure how to go about doing it if I see her in passing. Especially if she's in a group of people, any suggestions would be great thanks.

Before a give you an excellent excercise you can use today to eliminate, or help rid that anxiouty problem of yours, let me warn you NOT TO DELAY THIS MATTER ANY LONGER.


Well, the more you wait to approach a girl, the BIGGER your anxiety "attack" becomes. I won't explain why, its not important. What is imortant is making sure it doesn't get any bigger or else you'll never be able to shake it off. So, again, don't delay but before you go and approach her do this easy excercise:

for 20 minutes striaght, picture in your mind---imagine--you appoaching this girl. Keep it simple.Simply imagine you approaching her. This can be whereever, but try a choose locations that you'll most likely run into her at. Keep doing this until you FEEL the anxiety slowly fade away.

It's important to train your mind to give you the kind of reponse you want (in this case, feeling coool around this particular girl) it to give you, or else it'll just behave in the same way that you've unitentionally been training it to bahve: nervous

hope that helps


Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
A helful excercise for eliminating anxiety with a particular girl

hondo928 said:
I'm not sure how to go about doing it if I see her in passing. Especially if she's in a group of people, any suggestions would be great thanks.

Before I give you an excellent excercise you can use today to eliminate, or help rid that anxiouty problem of yours, let me warn you NOT TO DELAY THIS MATTER ANY LONGER.


Well, the more you wait to approach a girl, the BIGGER your anxiety "attack" becomes. I won't explain why, its not important. What is imortant is making sure it doesn't get any bigger or else you'll never be able to shake it off. So, again, don't delay but before you go and approach her do this easy excercise:

for 20 minutes striaght, picture in your mind---imagine--you appoaching this girl. Keep it simple.Simply imagine you approaching her. This can be whereever, but try to choose a location, or locations, you'll most likely run into her at. Keep doing this until you FEEL the anxiety slowly fade away.

It's important to train your mind to give you the kind of reponse you want (in this case, feeling coool around this particular girl) it to give you, or else it'll just behave in the same way that you've unitentionally been training it to bahve: nervous

hope that helps


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
hondo928 said:
I have no problem approaching girls, at a party or in a bar, the issue is more in the day when I have more anxiety, anyway there's this one girl in particular I've see around campus, and I'm not really how to approach her.

Fist time I saw her was at Starbucks like 2 weeks ago, she kept looking at me and smiling but I never had the balls to approach her, then I saw her when I was out on a date with a girl, and she kept looking over at me again, I see her at starbucks again last week, and she didn't give as many IOI's and was with a friend so I made it as an excuse to not approach her. This week I've seen her like 5 times just walking to class or wherever, and the first time she eye f***s the **** out of me, every other time shes looked my way and smiled, so I was hoping she'd be at starbucks again this week but wasn't, not a big deal but I want to approach her, and I'm not sure how to go about doing it if I see her in passing. Especially if she's in a group of people, any suggestions would be great thanks.
Dude. Assume that she already likes you, cuz obviously she gave you eye contact and smiled right?

Don't go indirect. Just catch her when she is alone and say:

"Hi.. *smile* what's up.. I'm blah blah. I saw you looking at me, I thought there must be something on your mind"


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
So I grabed a pair of balls, and went up to her, I was nervous as hell since I don't usually approach girls stone cold sober, I still number close her, I get home and said something to my roommate, and he's like I think I know her she's from X with brown hair, yea I got her number and I think she's into so and so. lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
hondo928 said:
So I grabed a pair of balls, and went up to her, I was nervous as hell since I don't usually approach girls stone cold sober, I still number close her, I get home and said something to my roommate, and he's like I think I know her she's from X with brown hair, yea I got her number and I think she's into so and so. lol
at least you did what u wanted to do. now don't waste time, and practice more cold approaches...the more you approach...the better prepared u'll be for something like this the next time.