When I first started changing the way I look at things, I used DD's material... which is how I found this site (I've been here since 2002, but never really wanted to post as I was still doing my own personal bootcamp and was totally messed up by my self esteem at the time).
I did start to get things and was able to get the correct mind-frame. I wasn't trying to be someone I'm not, but changing to the person who I am supposed to be and who I want to be... a man.
Then I'd go check out fastseduction, read and applied the stuff from there to mix it all up from the things I read in the DJ Bible -- I was trying to create my own style. I was more into the GWM style, and didn't really pay much attention to MM, and only thought it was for groups (which now that I read more about it, it wasn't really about that).
I didn't apply the C&F at the time (which isn't really the main focus of DD's for those who think C&F is pretty much what DD's 'technique' is -- if you delve more deeper into it... its not.); My personality at the time was just Alpha male crap and lots of sarcastic humor. It was unbalanced so, the results I'd get from females were a bit skewed.
I did field test the Mystery Method and an example would be -- I was able to isolate and F*ck the girl that I wanted at the time; in about 4hrs. I know I messed up because it takes about 7-10hrs to get a girl into bed (using his 'method'). But I didn't care, I GOT HER.
I became a player -- and that's not what I really wanted to be.
I did get laid, but I wasn't able to get into a LTR, but STR's -- but mostly one night stands...which resulted in Mystery's term "Buyer's remorse".
I stopped watching tv (and its been probably 2-3 years already). I focused on myself and wanted to find congruency and a balance in my life. I read the DJ Bible and read more of DD's.
I was able to be in a LTR for a year and 3 months after I was able to find a balance. Now that I got my work ahead of me, I don't have the time... I can focus on myself.
I don't wanna drag this on, so I'm gonna say both the MM and DD work... but it just depends on who you are and how you apply yourself... its not a magic pill out of the matrix. Its how you control the matrix that is life.
Whoever has the bigger frame of reality will 99.8% win the game. Confidence, intergrity, congruency, etc. are just the steps to find the 'main road'... and that's what a Don Juan is.
All negativity is shut off from me, I don't let it affect me -- BECAUSE, it does NOT HAVE TO. Being positive is infectious -- It got me gifts from women, co-workers, got me laid, respect (and all the good things in life)... and I'm being promoted at work soon.
People who dislike or is jealous of me... Does it really matter? I know it doesn't really make their life any better...