David D is good, but if you're still relying on systems after his Advanced Stuff, Sexual Communication, and E-Book, step away from the crutches. $500 for dating material? Come on now...
C&F is the 'label' given to the frame men USED to have with women when we were younger. The playful vibe where they were "JUST GIRLS". These were the PRE-PUBERTY days when you didn't see a woman as a means to an end (i.e. sex), but as the person she was. And if she was goofy or childish, or silly, or smelled bad, you send something, jokingly, almost immature. This was the girl v. boy polarity.
Then dumb guys get super possessed by Testosterone, d!cks go erect at the site of playboys or maxims, and now they're afraid to face women because they DON'T see women, they see sex, or porn, or images, or some end that they're looking to achieve through her. Some sexual release. No wonder guys are frozen solid. You get programmed with images all day long in mags, it kinda ruins the beauty and purity of each woman. I'm not getting all religious here, but seriously, you sabotage yourself with all that crap and porn and images. Same as women do...
What's cool about David D is that, unlike most, he's not afraid to provide the SOURCES for his theories and information, try them, and then put on seminars to put his face in public. ALOT of stuff is made by guys on sites claiming alot of dating info, and while it might work for them, it may not work for you.
He presents the books he used to get where he got to...which is what EVERY guru needed to create a system to sell, but won't release publicly.
David D's steps are very easy to use and easy to employ. They're not 100% with every girl, but it is a fun mindset to get into. As my friend K says...
"Stop worrying so much, and just enjoy whatever it is. DO what you want to do, so long as you're not hurting anybody."