OK, I'm done being nice to your mamby-pamby ass. I never said anything to incite such vitriol from you, but that's all over now.
You rationalize your lack of ambition by pretending to be "above it all", mentally masturbating on some exalted plane of existence. Flailing in your weakness, you attack me with baseless accusations of being simple, being a sheep, and other meritless slander. Like all other men who gave up at trying to make something of themselves and achieving material wealth, you stand on the sidelines of life and throw stones at those who are strong enough to keep on trying. I CAN, you CAN'T; that is where you are coming from. The level of anger you show against me is completely ridiculous, and based only on account of your own nagging conscience. You gave up, you are a 37 year old quitter, you are the slack hand. Maybe you can't understand what I'm saying because you don't have anything to lose anyway, and you don't live on the same planet as me. Maybe you're a woman.
I can't believe I'm having this debate again. In your ignorance, you equate money to simply representing the carrot on a string of those poor fools who are beneath you. In reality, money is the ultimate yardstick of a man's existence and contribution to humanity. A real man realizes this, hopefully before the age of 37. Only if you have money, can you have freedom. Only if you have lots of money, can you make the lives of others better through your charity. GROW UP and realize that as a man, you are less than NOTHING if you don't have money. It is your job on this earth to acquire as much as you can, and to then put it to work on behalf of humanity as you see fit. A man should be ashamed to die before acquiring a fortune and giving something great to humanity. Sure, some men give great things to the world without becoming wealthy, and they are to be commended, but unless you are a Thomas Edison or an Edgar Allen Poe, you'd better realize that your best contributions will come from your pocket.
Additionally, you spin my words against me as if I have some inferiority complex because I can add 2+2 and clearly watch events transpire in the world. I cannot make it any more simple than that. Every man who could come into this forum has seen the kind of sh!t I am talking about unfold around him. Don't place false presumptions upon my words, I have never bitterly whined against women as you do against me. My anger is for the injustices against men, and for the sh!tty way by which society caters to the entitlement of women. I've never said, "To hell with women", I have said, "To hell with losing my farm and money to a woman."
Lastly, to answer your slanderous attack of my manhood, listen up: I grew up on a farm, which means I was tougher at 10 years old than you are now. I went into the Marines right out of high school, just in time for 9/11 and the war. In the war, I eventually led younger Marines into combat.
So let me ask you, did you ever lead Marines into battle? Did you ever kill a man? I know you didn't, you're too much of a pvss. You are not half the man I am, I say this because it is a TRUTH that I have earned.