I'm no spring chicken but I still mess up or sometimes don't do the right thing. So a couple of questions. Say you've been chatting with someone, you might have even gone out on a first date and you sense there's interest (she touches your arms, or tells you would love to get together again etc). Bottomline you know there's some level of interest. You then get busy with life, dating etc. Several days go by...how do you start the conversation up again?
Experience 1:
So this 8/10 woman (way out of my league), very sweet, funny and classy but with a boob job, botox etc. was very interested in meeting up. We met up around 7pm, sat outside the restaurant after they closed and didn't leave until past midnight, she touched me on my arm. Even grabbed me on my shoulders to shake me playfully then we hugged, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. A couple of days go by, I reach out to her and I get a response the next morning that she was busy etc etc. So we exchanged a couple of
texts and then I asked her when she was "free to get together again so we can pick up where we last left off"...two days later now and no response. It's not a huge deal or a loss, there are plenty of other freaks in the dating sea.
Experience 2:
Went out with this 6/10 girl. I think she was trying too hard...projecting herself as a big humanitarian which isn't a bad thing but she also came across as a bit needy, wanting validation etc. Anyways, at the end of the date, we hugged, she says 'we should do this again, if you're open to it'. I said 'sure, have a good night'. Two days later I texted her to see if she wants to get together last weekend. She says she has a friend coming into town and we'll have to schedule it for another time. I say 'sure let me know when you're free and enjoy your weekend'. Then throughout the weekend she sends me pics with her female friend...etc But then since Mon I heard nothing. I figured she might say something about her friend now gone and what her availability might be. At this point I too was struggling with how to break the ice again and ask her out. It just so happened that I run into another match online with a girl with the same name (and it's a very unique name, I'd never heard it before). So I think perfect I'll use that to break the ice. I sent her a screenshot (without the full face) saying 'so what are the chances of me running into another [name] in less than 2 weeks' - she responds with 'haha, lucky you, you should play the lottery lol' so far so good but this is where I messed up, I responded with 'lucky? oh not yet haha' - silence after that. I try to keep the sexual innuendos in texts to a min but at the time I felt it wasn't a big deal. I mean we're in our 40s! can't be that up tight about normal stuff like that. Anyway, I'm thinking I might let a couple of days go by and see if she's still interested (I hate double texting).
So how do you restart a conversation after a few or several days go by? Just a 'hey, what's up? how're you doing etc?' or something more interesting?