Dating Multiple Girls in Highshool


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
The OC, CA
So here's my story. I've been practicing my dj theory and have really made improvement in becoming a don juan. I've been dating one girl for almost a month now. It's been going pretty well. Up until my friend's party on thursday. I met a girl there I just made some small talk and just for the hell of it I got her number. Just recently I got a call and this third girl asked me out. Im not gonna go into details but my question is: is it alright to date multiple girls or is this gonna end horribly leaving me with no girls and a bad reputation?

Absolute Pimp

Don Juan
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm going to be trying this out myself. My final year of high school is fast approaching, and I'm going to pimp it to hell this year. I decided I had to make several changes to my life, the most significant being breaking up with my girlfriend of over two years. She took it VERY hard, but what surprised me the most was the feeling of absolute detachment I felt.

Instead of feeling down about it, all I could think of was the possibilities I had now.

I've been working one girl in my school as my main target, she's beautiful, smart and the like, but she knows how to play the game, acting interested one day and then not the next. I recently tried a new strategy with her, giving HER the LJBF treatment and letting her find out about my accomplishments to stir up jealousy and see what happens.

While this has been going on, I met another girl from my school over the past couple weeks, and went camping with my buddies and her friends this past Friday night, and ended up hooking up with her.

Nobody knows anything yet, since it's still the summer, but I'm very curious about two things. The amount of girls I can get going at once, and what will happen when we're all back to school together.

I'll keep you guys posted, this is like a great big science experiment for me. :D


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
The OC, CA
Well it might work out to be a pimp for a while djing every girl in sight. But a lot of people may get hurt in the process and since most of the time all these girls go to one school you're kinda gonna get your rep screwed over. Or would it be good to be a highschool pimp in terms of your rep.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Won't work, genius. Unless your highschool is the size of a large university, anyway.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
If these girls are at seperate schools, go for it. Don't lead any of them on though, or you're a bastard. You shoul dmake sure they know it's okay to date other people.

If these girls are at the same school...use your head.