What do you like to ask a potential Type C to find out if she's wasting your time?
Me personally, I would ask them outright when were they available to meet up/ hang out for a drink. If they gave a vague answer the first time around with something like "I'm not sure yet, I'll have to get back to you" or use any of the following words such as "Maybe" "Possibly" "Potentially" "I'll see" etc. That would set the alarm off in my head as this girl might be full of it but I wouldnt jump to any conclusions just yet.
I'd wait maybe a week or so and if I hadn't heard from her, I would attempt one more time by asking when she was available in the near future. If I'm met again with a vague or unclear answer such as "That sounds fun! but im not sure yet" or "I might have to go to my best friends B-day but not sure when she's setting it so ill let you know!".
Once I got this, I immediately deleted the number and got that vampire out of my life. What's comical is these types of girls will put exclamation points and emoji's to show their "Interest" but it's all BS. IF she reaches out to me by text in the future, I wouldn't recognize the number and genuinely ask "Who is this?". Then If i am met with "Omg you dont remember me? lol" or "Oh im a stranger now? haha". Once they revealed who they were, I would tell them why I deleted their number "Oh, Hey Melissa. No i do remember you but i deleted your number because you were never down to really hang out and hook up".
That last line did two things: Put them on the spot to either follow through or if not, they knew I would discard them. The ones who really wanted to hook up with you will follow through. The time waster will back off because she knows she's been exposed.