She doesn't seem interested and you're delaying the inevitable. I figured you've done this enough to realize that women would rather you take the hint and disappear than come out and tell you directly. That or they string you along for attention and/or make you a distant plan B.pyros said:so this chick replied to my text today, almost one day later, here is the convo:
me: "hey X it's Pyros"
me: "how are you doing?"
her (one day later): "hi, Im good thanks. I wont go to dance salsa until Sunday"
Do you notice that I did not even mention salsa in my text? wtf?
I have to say that I met her in a salsa club, and before getting her number I asked her if she came everyweek etc, but I did not say a word about this in my short text.
I am planning to reply to her tomorrow, and send her either a mere pinnaple emoticon (just to mess with her head), or a few emoticons implying drinks and sex.
All that's required is she say "yes" to a date then you take it from there. Don't waste time trying to make her like you. You danced with and got her number, just ask her out and be done with it. The faster you do this the faster you can move on.