It's about methodically changing ideals and values, with a particular end game as a goal. Since, you are familiar with tribalism, you may be able to relate to this as well. It is and always been about slavery in some form of 'ism or another. The collective thought of ideals and values of the family unit, the community, tribes, nations, etc are the glue that bind these groups and their strength in numbers. I would urge you to read "The planks of communism" and "The protocols of the elders of Zion". The former was presented before Congress in the 40's if I remember correctly and the latter was published in the early 1900's. Changing ideals takes decades and you will notice the majority of these steps have already come to pass. It's done systematically and methodically. There's a term used in dealing with and rehabilitating porn addicts called morphing. Picture and video ads will be posted in hetero men's pornography of bi, trans and homosexuality with the intent of conditioning, otherwise straight men into accepting it as natural and acceptable. Many, many cases of men no longer able to get off to straight porn any longer and morph into being attracted to bi's, tran's and homo sexual acts. Check out the website "yourbrainonporn" to get a better insight on this.
U hv an interesting valid point here.
Social media conditioning does apply. More so to those that has "herd mentality".
In furtherance of my previous comments, I'll expand and elaborate;
The last time my tribe headhunted for war trophy was in the 60's, and i grew up in such a society in the 70's, we had no television, running water and even electricity was sparse.
All the boys were expected to do manly work within the family/community - chopping wood, hunting, farming etc.
We were taught from a young age to be manly - to fight, to hunt, to kill.
There were some amongst the boys who were just plain "feminine". In other neighboring tribes too. Yet these boys grew up being taught how 2 be a man.
They had no exposure towards any social conditioning by the media.
Suffice to say, some of those feminine boys became full fledge homos later on.
How did they ended up being homos when they grew up in a very masculine society such as mine?
Where being feminine is looked down and whole families ridiculed and in severe cases punished by the tribe.
This is why I've come to the conclusion that homos€xuals r not conditioned but rather born as one.
This is why I think they hv defective genes.
I hv no proof just merely a believe, since a believe is not a fact then it's open to be challenged.