Since you haven't even had the date yet, I don't think it shows particularly high value to have already decided to be impressed You should send that if she actually impresses you! Which she may not...Moof said:Good point, that would have been a lot more smooth. Anyways it went like this i called her, she didnt answer. got a text saying "Hey! im at the library can i call you back in 30 mins or so?". I didnt respond. Two hours later she calls, im alseep at this point, so didnt pick up. I call the next day, she doesnt answer, but i found out she was at work.
The next day i call again, she picks up. We have a great 20 minute convo about my injury. During the whole phone call she is laughing at pretty much every joke/witty remark i make. She told me that she has been swamp with her pre-med stuff. She started explaining some of the bio homework she was doing and i drop some negs saying " wow ur such a nerd". Towards the end of the convo i say the pizza guy is here and i ahve to go, and that me and my friends are going downtown to the bars (where she works) this weekend and i might pop in. She says great! i will text you if im working that night. Then end of convo.
I think it went really well, she said that she has two tests monday and that after she should be more free.
So basically, her texting me after my call, then returning my call, her laughing at everything i say, her indicating she would be more open next week= Im in good shape.
I will either text or call her on monday potentially saying something like " Hey ___ if we don't hang out soon , im going to consider cheating on you" or something like " Thursday night after work im going to need a drink, you can tag along."
Even though it has been a while since our last date, i think it was pretty legit due to midterms and her major as pre-med. Im still gonna go out and "spin plates" until its locked down. Next date im gonna F-close and potentially get a GF out of it. Ive got a great text ive been saving to send her after our next date saying "You really impressed me tonight, and i dont impress easy" which i think shows high value.
Anyway, sounds like you are doing fine - just keep up with the calling and less of the texting. I'd try and avoid 20 minute long conversations about things too, you aren't one of her girlfriends.