Good. I know you originally wanted to send her a birthday
text as a way to show indifference,but the problem here was,you had two opposing issues competing with one another.
You had her ego,for one. The other was you wanting to be indifferent. Sending her the B-day text here in this situation,her ego getting fed would have overshadowed you attempting to look indifferent. Reason why is cause of all the flaking and games she's played,her disappearing for days at a time,etc,etc. If you had sent her the b-day text after her being gone for 8 days,or 21 days,her ego would have gotten fed because after all she's done,it'd look like your interest in her is as strong as ever.
Now...if you two had been dating for a while,had known and been around each other for some time,then she pulled away for 8 days,
then I'd agree with you.
"Ego" takes. It gives nothing,or give the least it can,the bare minimum...but only in order to get itself fed even more.
Let me put it this way....if she contacts you and tries to get something "emotional" out of you that pertains to her,it's ego. It's unlikely that she's gonna contact you wanting to see you all of the sudden out of the blue after all the flaking and games she's done. So it's a pretty safe bet that
ANY CONTACT out of her towards you will be to boost her ego. So to avoid her ego boosting set-up,don't say anything that displays interest.
DON'T ask her out...
DON'T tell her you've been thinking about her
DON'T tell her you've missed or miss her
DON'T ask her when you can see her again
DON'T flirt...yes,I said DO NOT flirt with her
DON'T tell her you "saved a dance" for her
Don't say or do anything that'd indicate interest on your part towards her.
Here's an example of something she might try to get an ego boosting response out of you...
Let's say she calls you,or texts you.....and she asks you if you know what yesterday (her birthday) was. If she asks you that,she's trying to get you to acknowledge that it was her birthday. If you say it was her B-day,bam...she won. She'll get her boost,then disappear for who knows how long til her ego "gas tank" gets low,then she'll come seeking you out again for another fill up.
So if she contacts you and asks you that,be like,"Yesterday? was Friday,wasn't it?" If she keeps pressing you,be like,"I don't know,what.....was it a holiday or somethin'?" If she continues to press,just be quiet for a few seconds,like you're really in deep thought,trying to figured it out,then go..." was your birthday yesterday,that's bad. I been running around so much lately,it just totally slipped my mind,my bad. Yeah,umm..Happy Birthday...hope you had fun yesterday".
There. If a convo goes down like that between you two,her ego won't get anything out of it cause she had to work and invest to jog your memory for you to acknowledge her B-day. This is why you failed when she mentioned something about coming to some place where you dance,and you said,"I'll save a dance for you". You messed up there.....shouldn't have said that.
I basically gave you the info in my signature. It's ok to talk to her if she reaches out. Just DON'T SAY ANYTHING about a date,thinking about her,wanting to see her,asking her out,complimenting her,flirting,or anything....Don't say or do anything displaying interest towards her.....also keep the conversation short,tell her you have to go after a few minutes. There IS a time for showing interest,but not when she's in AW (attention w**re) mode. Everything you do or say showing interest while she's in AW mode goes straight to ego boosting.....all of it.
You have to get her out of that state first if you ever want to anywhere with her.
Date other women. If this girl contacts you,fine,you can figure out how to deal with her later....but see other chicks. Don't put your dating life on hold waiting for this nonsense with this girl out pan out,cause it might not.