All you need to know about this post is Latinoman's steak/hot dog analogy.
Young men -- including your's truly here back in the day -- waste too much time on the first gal that winks their way. Older divorcees are either looking for saviors or sex partners. It's not worth the emotional energy, even for a quickie.
Besides, if you want a quickie, why not focus on the excellent 20-30 age group that is right in front of this guy?
Also, gals in their 20's are much better to be in LTRs with than 30 something divorcees. Trust me, done both in my 20's.
I'm giving out this advice because I've been there and it was a huge mistake. In your 20's, focus on women in their 20's. These women are at the prime of their lives emotionally (they've yet to become bitter and/or divorced), baggage-less (usually not with kids), goal striving (if they're in college or trade school, they're developing their intellect and skills), and usually physically fit.
I'd kill for a time machine, to be honest, to go back and re-write my stupidity in my 20's.
When I went back to grad school after 15+ years of working in the media profession, I was reawakened to the beauty and excitement of younger women. I forgot that women actually smiled, laughed, had fun, enjoyed life, and truly enjoyed being around men instead of hating them. (Trust me, the Pacific Northwest is the man-hating capital of the Earth.)
Window of opportunity: In your 20's that window is large and open. As you get older, it gets smaller and starts closing. I'd suggest taking advantage of the young age-appropriate/no-baggage women that are at your fingertips right now.
I'll be p-ssed if you don't.