like2jam said:
Well, each date that I go on, I'm learning to read more and more subtle IOI and that's good. You can look back and think about how this went or that. It's a b!tch when there are mixed signals though.
Instead of paying so much attention to signs of interest, you should simply look for signs of DISINTEREST, since they are much more obvious.
Just because she strokes her hair, while talking to you doesn't mean she wants you.
What I'm getting at, is if you are advancing with a girl.
Contact > Asking Her Out > Date = you should ASSUME interest.
The reason you are trigger shy & over-analyzing so much is because your not truly confident in yourself. I don't mean that as a dig, just as perspective into helping you develop inner game, which is ESSENTIAL to becoming a rockstar with women.
When you truly are confident, you don't worry about how many days to wait to contact etc; you do things when & because you want to. Of course there's always an element of game to it, but women will sense your truly confident nature and be drawn to you.
Simple things like, does she face you when you're standing up together outside, as the date is ending.
This is over-analyzing & just making it more difficult on yourself. Don't get me wrong, its good to know and recognize signs of interest, but I see way too many guys rationalize why they didn't go for the close because they didn't receive enough signs of interest.
Not every girl is going to show interest the same way, some of the best pick ups I've had over the years were from girls who showed absolutely no interest initially.
Again it goes back to operating out of the fear mentality. You are basing your actions upon the woman. That's not the way to go.
Do things because you want to; if she rejects you, then she rejects you. Then post here and we can help you improve & break down where you might have went wrong or tell you the girl was no good.
I think working on kino, working on making her laugh, trying not to talk too much about yourself ( short answers ) and planning for a kiss close.
Kino yes.
Making her laugh, always good.
Talking depends on your conversation skills; if your a gifted talker, you can get away with it. If its hard for you to maintain conversations, then yes, keep the focus on her. Women love to talk about themselves always.
Kiss close yes and don't wait for the perfect moment or even the end of the date. If the vibe is good, you guys are connecting, kiss her. Kissing her sooner, rather than later will make the rest of the date that much more fun and interesting.
Another thing that I've had success with in the past was going for a simple walk after the drinks. I might suggest that earlier from now on. Have a drink and if the woman doesn't want a second, ask her if she'd like to go for a walk. If she says no, then you are getting a good clue right there.
I think your over-thinking it again. Its good to have some type of game plan, but go with the flow.
You need to learn to read the situation better and have that unbreakable confidence to go take what you want.
Also what I think would really benefit you, is to start cold approaching regularly and start a journal here. Then we could give you some really good feedback. You would develop your confidence and I'm positive you would see the results you want.