For discussion purposes (I actually lean towards it being a fairly realistic perspective);
...take that current number in the link above and cut it in half = 3,348,627,020 women on this planet.
Eliminate underage and undesirables (HB 5 or lower) by cutting that in half = 1,674,313,510
To be conservative let say we eliminate HB 6's by cutting that last number in half = 837,156,755
To be conservative lets say we eliminate HB 7's by cutting that last number in half = 418,578,377
To be extra conservative lets say HB 8's are fewer and farther apart than typical HB 6's & 7's so lets cut that last number down by 75% = 104,644,594
To be extra conservative lets say HB 9's are fewer and farther apart than typical HB 6's & 7's & 8's so lets cut that last number down by 95% = 5,232,229
To be extra conservative lets say HB 10's are fewer and farther apart than typical HB 6's & 7's & 8's or even 9's so lets cut that last number down by 99% = 52,322
So that means this HB 10 your so nervous about has
52,322 other HB 10's to compete with.
She's not so unique after all.