DanZy's Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
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Johannesburg, South Africa
I'm DanZy, been involved in PU (if that's what you want to call it) for about a year and a half. I'm 17, live in Johannesburg, South Africa and my life is ****ing awesome. It didn't use to be this way, I was social but useless with women. Now I'm even more social and women are stupidly easy. I'm pretty active on HSPUForum and TG.
A little more background info:
I'm a fan of natural game. Mention anything about mystery to me and I may just kill you. The dude's a tool.
I play water polo and rugby, therefore I keep myself in quality shape. So I'll be contributing to the fitness threads
I have a gay man's fashion sense, so I'm pretty much always the best dressed man in the room. Fashion is a big thing for me
I love photography, the only art-form I'm any good at. If anyone wants help photography wise just PM me
I'm in my final year of high school from January next year and I'm ****ing excited. :rockon: :cheer:
I find it hard to keep with one girl, I feel a need to have multiple women in my life at all times
Greatest PUA related achievement(other than getting laid): pulling a quality MILF

I'll be contributing where I see fit around here. The fitness threads look to be severely lacking in any good information so I'll probably start there. I look forward to writing about my future sexual conquests:)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I'm proud to have referred you here. I'll go ahead and delete your double thread post.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hey man, good to have you around. I appreciate that you have multiple interests, one sided people bore me.

And about being good at art, it's all about the time put in. I'm sure you took a lot of photos before you started getting ones you liked. Not saying that there's anything wrong with sticking to one medium, but never feel confined to it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Nino-Tk said:
Ma man! Where in JHB are you at? welcome dawg.
I'm in Greenside, yourself?

@NDJ-Thanks mate

@LearningSlowly-I get what you're saying. I do tend to restrict myself to one medium but I'm not the normal photographer. I use all manner of lenses I can afford, my Lensbaby Composer being my favourite. Combine that with several different optics and I've got an arsenal of awesome tools to use. On the other hand, drawing and painting bore me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Christmas Sex

I'm currently in Mauritius, AKA the greatest place on Earth. I'm here for 14 days over Christmas and new years. Yesterday was Christmas, last night I ****ed a French girl I met the day before.

I speak a little French as I do it at school, but I'm nowhere near fluent. This girl speaks less English than I do French. We started out drinking at the bar with a group of more French people, all around my age. I'm the only South African in this group and thus pretty much all the conversation is in French. I was struggling, these people speak far too fast for me to understand everything they're saying but every time I got the chance I chirped in with something. I was also teaching them English etc and busting on the 3 girls whenever they ****ed up.

I take the girl to the beach, we smoke a joint. I don't know where she got it from but it was **** weed. We end up making out etc on the beach. We stop and go up to the club, she's already agreed to go back to her room later. We dance, drink whatever, bla bla. We go back to her room and ****, was pretty good. Her parents were in the room next door

The point of this post isn't just to brag but to make a point, body language and kino are HUGE I could barely speak to this girl because of the language barrier and I still managed to pull it off. Now to find a new girl for new years :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
So it's been awhile since I posted here, school has been a ***** and well I've just forgotten to do so. ****'s been good

Last time I wrote this, I was in Mauritius. Had ****ed a French girl etc. That was all before new years, from about the 28th to the 4th I was in a holiday relationship-type thing with another French girl. She's one of the hottest girls I've pulled, blonde, amazing eyes, tight body etc and of course she was French. That was a fun 2 weeks, best 2 of my life. During the day I chilled, at night we drank on the beach and partied like mad. Bought "Big Daddies" 2 and a half litre bottles of cane and consumed them everyday. **** I miss that place.

Now school has begun, matric is a *****. The workload is pretty severe. Pulled the same girl a few times, I'm bored of her. Finally found a girl that I'd want to date, I'm really picky. The current situation is a long story that doesn't deserve to be told. But things are going to workout and then I'll be happy.
Had my interview for my gap year placing, have a long wait for confirmation. I'm pretty damn excited for it.

RAMfest is next month. Get to watch In Flames, Netsky, Infected Mushroom etc. **** I'm keen. It's a huge party.

I turn 18 on Friday, meaning I'm legal to do everything I already do. Ive also developed a taste for artisan and craft beers. The stuff is amazing. I'm rambling...

DanZy out


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
DanZy said:
But things are going to workout and then I'll be happy.
Had my interview for my gap year placing, have a long wait for confirmation. I'm pretty damn excited for it.

RAMfest is next month. Get to watch In Flames, Netsky, Infected Mushroom etc. **** I'm keen. It's a huge party.

I turn 18 on Friday, meaning I'm legal to do everything I already do. Ive also developed a taste for artisan and craft beers. The stuff is amazing. I'm rambling...

DanZy out
Watch out for those ", then I'll be happy" statements. You should always be happy :)
Im so sure I cant go this year, but when is RAMfest? Im sadly going away over easter.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
DanZy said:
Yea Im pretty much always happy, you know what I mean by it
Joburg is the 10th of march, cape town is the 11th. It's not over Easter
Hmm. Cool. I might be able to go.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
I turned 18 last week. Made some major progress with that girl I intend to date, let's call her K. Lifes looking good there.

This weekend was half term so I got a long weekend (Thursday to tuesday). Went to a party on Thursday, was pretty awesome. Here's the report.

I meet up with my mate Ryan at out usual pre drinks bar. He's brought along a new guy, Tristan, who I hadn't met before. This dudes pretty cool, about a year younger than me. Ryan goes off to grab some bud from a buddy he works with and tristan and I are left at the bar. We talk a lot, he wants to make a change to his life etc. Tristan blazes a bit, I have like one puff just for the sake of it. Barely ever smoke anyway, like once every 3-4 months max. Ive got a couple drinks in me anyway. We leave the bar and head to the party.

We walk to the party. We get there early. There's just the guy who's hosting it (it's his 18th) and the few guys who helped him set **** up. These guys all go to a different school to me but I know them all through Ryan so ****s chilled. A few girls rock up and I start teasing them for ****s and giggles. I open the cooler box and grab drinks for everyone. They're all bottles and we can't find a bottle opener anywhere. I grab them all, put the cap against the metal back of a chair and open them. A little social-proof right there, through the night guys come to me to open drinks and show them how to do it without cutting their hands to pieces. I start flirting with this one girl, well I flirt with everyone but I aim at her particularly, a 7-8 can't make up my mind. I'm pushing down her top with my beer bottle etc, it's fun. The party begins to fill up, I decide I'm going to leave her for later if need be.

I'm going from group to group, I find Ryan talking with some group. Can't remember the exact number of people or who there was in it other than two of them. The one girl was distinctly the hottest, black hair, pale complexion, red lips, nice ass and boobs etc. Let's call her G, she's an 8. Her friend was pretty average, a 6.5 I'd say. I grab them and Ryan and we begin talking. Kino starts early and I know G wants me. I grab her and tell her to come to the jumping castle (yes this dude had a bouncy castle at his 18th, ****ing awesome). She and her friend are pretty hesitant, I call them boring, run and do a flip onto it. They see the fun it and join me. Ryan tackles me into the sidewall and since it's made to keep in 5 year olds, I flatten it and smash the back of my head against the pump. I presume I'm fine and jump back on. It takes about 2 minutes for me to put my hand to my hair and realize I'm bleeding. I excuse myself quickly, "****, I'm bleeding. I'll find you girls later", and run to the bath room. I wash the blood out of my hair into the sink and grab some toilet paper to absorb any more. Get my friend to check it out and it's not serious. I'm lucky. I have mark's (the guy hosting the party) sister panicking but quickly calm her down. A bit of pressure and it stops bleeding; I'm all good.

I go back up to the party, grab a drink and find G. I'm staying well away from the jumping castle this time. I grab her hand and I know I have her.
Side note: I've noticed, and I meant to share this ages ago, when you get the girls hand; you have her. It's weird; as soon as you're fingers are interlocked, you're in. That little compliance means a lot.
I pull her a little way away from her friends and pull in. She's a pretty decent kisser. We find a dark corner, continue making out, unbutton her pants and start fingering her. She then says "Aw, you're wearing a belt"; said belt is opened shortly after. She gives me a really ****ty hand job, the norm from girls. We go into the house and find a room.

Kissing on the bed, her bra comes off, start taking her pants off and my mate bursts through the door. He's panicked because it's the sisters room and the mom is pissed. Clothes are quickly put back on, I escape the room with haste. Find G outside again 10 minutes later, have to give the standard "no one thinks you're a slut" speech. Get everything sorted, spend the evening making out etc. She leaves pretty early due to her parents.

One of my mates has brought a blowup doll and is parading around the party with it. I grab it and begin fingering it on the table. *****es be laughing. Pull my fingers out and use the standard smell my fingers **** on people. ****ing hilarious when people look at the doll, smell my fingers and smell *****. Mind fvcked them decently. I continue drinking and partying. Found the girl from earlier, decide to leave her for another time.
Jump in a car and go home. Pretty awesome night.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
DanZy said:
One of my mates has brought a blowup doll and is parading around the party with it. I grab it and begin fingering it on the table. *****es be laughing. Pull my fingers out and use the standard smell my fingers **** on people. ****ing hilarious when people look at the doll, smell my fingers and smell *****. Mind fvcked them decently. I continue drinking and partying. Found the girl from earlier, decide to leave her for another time.
LOL. Good story, good close.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
It's been awhile since I updated this, guess I should do so more often. Quite a lot has happened since my last post but I can't really remember much of it so i'll just start from now.

This coming Saturday in brief:
I intend to destroy parktown at rugby. I'm playing like a monster at the moment.
Craft beer festival. 16 local microbreweries are attending. I'm excited, quality artisan beer really is my thing.
Homegrown VS Science Frikshun. Crazy drum and bass party in town. Last time I went I had an awesome time.

Now more detail, mainly about Science Frikshun. Last time I went to this sort of party I was backstage most of the night. So now I've got contacts within all of it, know all the djs etc. Hell I even MCed a little. That night I encountered a girl I met ages ago. I kissed her but then she dissapeared and I couldn't find her in the crowd. I know she's going so I'm going to hit her up on facebook because I'm certain there's sex in it for me. She bought me two shots of jagermeister, bless her soul.

School is currently a major ***** but I'm working hard and seeing the rewards. It's one last push before I'm done with school so why not.

Gained a good deal of muscle mass. I intend to cut down to about 10% body fat. I've done it well before but I want to do it even better now so I'm taking it seriously. Tracking my lifts and meals. Gym 3x a week, all compound lifts. And diet wise I'm sorted, internittent fasting is awesome.

Women wise I'm in a good position. I've acquired a FWB, max, which is pretty sweet. Katie and I are going really well. Two other girls (mentioned the one in the science Frikshun post) want my **** bad too.

I'm bored of rugby but I'll keep playing. I'm playing flank and 8th man so it's actually quite fun.

That's all I can think of, I'll update this more often.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
I think I'll try to meet up with you.

Strongs with school and rugby.I play lock,wanted to play center or 8th man.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Lock is probably the worst position on the field, especially when scrums keep getting reset. I hated playing tight so I switched to loose.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
I'm busy studying integration and it's no fun, so here's a little field report:

Last Saturday two of my mates host a joint 18th, the theme being "Boats n' Hoes". Now this is like Deadliest Catch without the crabs; we won't go down cause my **** can float if you will. The venue is right down the road from my house and they have a good sized tab, ****ing awesome.

That morning we played Pretoria Boys at rugby (apoco and NDJ will understand this). We play really well, I tackle a ton of those bastards but ultimately we lose; I was pissed. I shower, drive home and prepare for the night's pillage. Since I'm not going to dress as a hoe, I have to wear something nautical themed. A "wetsuit" it is! Now by wetsuit I mean an actual formal suit coupled with armbands (floaties, water wings, whatever you want to call them). I'm so punny.

Skip forward a few hours and I'm getting (wet)suited up. SMS a friend, he's already there. It's early but there's a tab to be used so I head down there. I arrive and it's mostly guys. Chilled they're all my mates and we're here to start drinking. I hit the tab, I like free drinks.
Assorted women begin to arrive, more dudes too; nonetheless the ratio begins to even up. I'm still convinced there were more guys than girls, I don't really care.

So these females are not those that I'd wish to fornicate with, they look young and full of moral value. God bless their prudish souls. (I keep my eye on such girls, waiting until they have a boyfriend breakup with them etc and then I pounce. God loves sluts more anyways.) I continue drinking, they might be my only option. I proceed to get them drinking, I like drunk highschool *****es.
At this point my social value is pretty ****ing high: I have guys high-fiving me, girls running over to hug and greet me. Either I'm the messiah or it's the fact that every time I ***, I produce a quart. Whatever, I'm awesome

See a good female friend of mine, I'd never pull her but she's cool and her friends love me. Start talking to her, catching up etc. See some of her friends, they're not hookup quality but are cool enough. One them is the girl whose head I smashed into a glass door the last time I saw her. It was an accident, she was furious at the time though. However now we just laugh about it. I get bored of them and quickly dismiss myself with "I'm off too find a girl with less than good morals". They all laugh and I dissapear.

I walk outside, it's winter in Joburg so it's ****ing freezing. (All the Canadian guys will probably laugh at me, it's like your summer I'd reckon) I see this girl standing on a table next to one those gas heaters, with the outfit she's wearing I'm not suprised. I think to myself "There's a nice lady, I'd like to spank her". I approach, she quickly introduces herself. Let's call her HBsnow. She looks young but her tits are fantastic, she's not fat either. Turns out she's 19, I'm shocked. I bull**** here and there, bust on her for the school she goes to etc. It takes about 5 minutes from meeting her to openly grabbing her boobs, I like her boobs. I'm constantly escalating and making use of great sexual innuendo. I grab her hand, interlock fingers, I logically should be in. But no, some how she's come to the conclusion that she's going to be a challenge for me. She definitely wants to pull me but her stupid mindset stops her. I get bored of this fast, plus some dude is trying to ****block me hard. ****ing ****. I tell her I'll see her later.

I go back inside, I want shots. I love jagermeister, I don't know why. My mate and I hit a shot each, I'm buzzed already. I see a girl I met several weeks ago and have kept intermittent contact with. It's obvious she wants me so I grab her hand, lead her outside to a hidden bench and pull her. It's pretty average, stops me fingering her too. Doesn't even touch my flesh arrow. I get over it pretty quick because she's not that hot like a hb7 at best. But I'm actually drunker than I think I am so my judgement is clouded. We bounce, go back inside, grab a drink and start talking to other people. No drama therefore is awesome.

I go back to the bar, see another girl I know. I know her from polo. Due to the theme she's wearing a skintight swimming costume, one of the ones that covers your legs too. She's pretty hot, like an 8 because of her body. Her tits look great but in this outfit her ass is lackluster so obviously I tell her:
DanZy: You know I'm disappointed
Girl: What? Why??
DanZy: Your ass looks pretty damn average.
Girl: (She agrees, laughing the whole time, commenting how it's an old costume etc. Her friend is looking at me agast, she can't believe how forward I've just been)
DanZy: I see you half naked on a regular basis so I'm pretty much the voice of authority on this issue.
She agrees once again and her friend is no longer quite so suprised. I've never hooked up with this girl but I want to save it for later, so I eject.

I'm chilling with my mates at the bar, more shots, when I see a new girl that I'm yet to meet. I approach, she's American. I automatically think "sexual to-do list", I read too much Tucker Max. She's also 19 and in college, she's from Miami too. She's pretty hot so I obviously want to do her in the bottom while she drinks sangria. I start talking to her and her friend (also American).
Her: Why are you wearing floaties?
DanZy: This is my wetsuit!
She laughs at how brilliant my wordplay is. I make a sarcastic remark, she actually asks if it was sarcasm or not. Why don't you yanks get sarcasm? She comments on how my armbands aren't fully inflated, I tell her that my arms are just too huge. This leads to her feeling my muscles and commenting on my great body. She says she's going to blow them up. Now I have her and her friend blowing up an armband on each arm. HBusa (that's the main girl) is blowing up the one on my right and her friend is doing the same on the left. (I think they've got a photo of this, I want it) I begin to utilize sexual innuendo and proclaim to the bar:
"Have any of you ever been blown by two American girls at the same time?!" I'm awesome.

We have a drink, dance, kiss etc. Easy pull, will setup the lay soon.
I have to leave so I get her number and kiss her good night.

I get home eat like I've got crazy munches and go to sleep. I wake up with minimal hangover and great memories. I love my life.

(Please note that the way I wrote this was for self amusement. I'm not that egotistical)


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
DanZy said:
(Please note that the way I wrote this was for self amusement. I'm not that egotistical)
I noticed, but it made the report much more fun to read. Arrogance easily forgiven.

I've had girls stop me like the 19yearold tits one. I hate that, it adds so much stress to a fun interaction.

As to the American. How long is she around? Make sure things happen quickly enough.

Good work.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
LearningSlowly said:
I noticed, but it made the report much more fun to read. Arrogance easily forgiven.

I've had girls stop me like the 19yearold tits one. I hate that, it adds so much stress to a fun interaction.

As to the American. How long is she around? Make sure things happen quickly enough.

Good work.
The American girl leaves joburg tomorrow but comes back on the 3rd next month, I'm on a short break then so I'm sorted. She's off to Cape Town.

So last night I organised to go out with this girl who's really into me but knows we're not going to have a relationship.
Long story short, got some decent head in the back of my car.
Life is good.