Dane Cook married a 24 year old at age 51!


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Never kept up with him for awhile now until they came across my feed! I admit for 51 he's not bad looking, BUT you can tell he's aging and he's putting on weight now and looks nowhere near like he did 10 years ago when he was toned and in shape and chad.

She was only 18 when he met her! However society, but also here on the SS forums everyone keeps saying hitting on 18-21 year olds when you're in your 40s comes off as creepy and a waste of time.

Should there be a different standard when it comes to the rich and celebs though versus your average sosuave chump on here?

Dane Cook Marries Kelsi Taylor in Hawaii Wedding Ceremony (Exclusive) (people.com)

Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
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That’s a legit question. If you think about it like an engineer, the foundation-level variable it all comes down to is - in the interaction does the girl accept the idea of dating an older man or not?

For many, an older man is a turn on.

For others, they don’t realize it’s a turn on so may be more resistant than default.

For others. they really will avoid it.

Ppl here seem to be about natural game and just improving themselves. Not really about understanding concepts, what thresholds have to be crossed in convo’s, understanding where you’re at in an interaction, etc.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Should there be a different standard when it comes to the rich and celebs though versus your average sosuave chump on here?
Whether there should be or not, there IS a different standard for the rich and celebrities. Which is not to say that more "regular" older guys can't get with much younger women. A lot of guys just assume they can't get anyone younger than themselves, and will dismiss it as creepy, thus striking themselves out without even taking a swing. In my experience, younger women are much more receptive to older guys than you, or even they, might think. If it's the right guy, age doesn't matter.

I read a recent article about Leonardo DiCaprio dating a 25 year old model, and there were all the usual hater comments about how creepy it was for a guy in his 40s to be with a younger woman. What the hell business is it of theirs? And who are they to judge? If they want to get together as two consenting adults, that's all that matters. Then there's an older guy like Steven Tyler, he's 75 (!) but his girlfriend is 39 years younger than he is. Yeah, fame has its privileges, but also the age gap taboo is BS.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Whether there should be or not, there IS a different standard for the rich and celebrities. Which is not to say that more "regular" older guys can't get with much younger women. A lot of guys just assume they can't get anyone younger than themselves, and will dismiss it as creepy, thus striking themselves out without even taking a swing. In my experience, younger women are much more receptive to older guys than you, or even they, might think. If it's the right guy, age doesn't matter.

I read a recent article about Leonardo DiCaprio dating a 25 year old model, and there were all the usual hater comments about how creepy it was for a guy in his 40s to be with a younger woman. What the hell business is it of theirs? And who are they to judge? If they want to get together as two consenting adults, that's all that matters. Then there's an older guy like Steven Tyler, he's 75 (!) but his girlfriend is 39 years younger than he is. Yeah, fame has its privileges, but also the age gap taboo is BS.
Fame and money are a big reason. Steven, if he wasn't famous there is no way a lady that young is going to date him. Just like Dane Cook. He's aged a lot and looks like a lot of guys now in their 50s. Anna Nicole Smith date that old prune for his money as well. You typically don't see huge age gaps unless the guy is wealthy.

But you don't see the opposite, usually. Like I'm about to hit 40 and lets say someone like Betty White was alive still. No way I'd pound that even being she's wealthy. I can't stomach that. Now let's say it's a 50 year old woman and they looked like Melanie Trump then yes I could go for that since it's not a huge gap and still attractive, granted post wall.

Females minds think differently. Sure looks matter, but females also look for other thing$ and the provider role. While your SS members we go by looks first. Men just think differently. Is she hot? That matters the most. Women also have the provider instinct as well which is why they want money, besides shopping.

Men hit the wall much easier. I don't look for the provider much in a woman. Granted at my age I'm not also looking for a min wage McDonalds worker.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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She was only 18 when he met her! However society, but also here on the SS forums everyone keeps saying hitting on 18-21 year olds when you're in your 40s comes off as creepy and a waste of time.
The article also mentions that they first met during Game Night at his house. They became friends first.

So it's not like a 40-year old trawling for 18 year olds and trying to pick up a young chick.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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The article also mentions that they first met during Game Night at his house. They became friends first.

So it's not like a 40-year old trawling for 18 year olds and trying to pick up a young chick.
Most men on here use cold approach to meet girls and that's why they ask for advice on how to hit on women much younger.

Do you think that's why most guys struggle on here? They're like 30 to 50 years old trying to hit on 21 year olds with cold approach.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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Social proof is a powerful motivator for women to be attracted to men. In fact, it is probably more important than the $ itself, although the two become interlinked many times. It is why big time actors (DiCaprio) are going to be seen as higher SMV that a guy who is just rich. Remember the the pics of DiCaprio and Bezo's wife? Perfect example.

Older men who aren't national or international celebrities can use social proof to get younger women too. I have seen it pulled off many times.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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Dude was killing it back in the day, we used to share all his jokes with classmates in our school, probably the first comedian to really go viral, it's a shame he's fell into somewhat obscurity


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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hitting on 18-21 year olds when you're in your 40s comes off as creepy and a waste of time.

Should there be a different standard when it comes to the rich and celebs though versus your average sosuave chump on here?

Dane Cook Marries Kelsi Taylor in Hawaii Wedding Ceremony (Exclusive) (people.com)
There is a different standard for more normie range 40 something men with 18-24 year olds and elite level men. Elite level men in their 40s can get 18-24 year olds. More normie range 40 something men will need to get women closer to their own ages.

Granted at my age I'm not also looking for a min wage McDonalds worker.
I can imagine that it would be somewhat difficult for the typical 30s/40s white collar worker male to date a min wage fast food worker.

There's not a lot of leisure time social interaction between those two groups of people. How would they meet? The only way it could happen is if the guy hits on the woman at her place of employment. In general, the odds are stacked against those men. Men are also more likely to hit on Hooters/Twin Peaks type waitress or Macy's/Nordstrom like retail store workers than most fast food workers. The only fast food workers I've heard of men being attracted to are baristas. I've heard of men having a thing for Starbucks baristas. Additionally, there are bikini baristas in a few areas. Bikini baristas attract men in a similar way to Hooters/Twin Peaks Girls. The key challenging in seducing department store workers, brestaurant workers, and bikini baristas is meeting them outside of work.
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Mar 6, 2017
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Everyone keeps saying hitting on 18 year olds when you're in your XXs comes off as creepy
Its a narrative pushed by femin@zis, single moms, post-walls, cougars, White Knights, SJWs, and Captains Save-a-h0


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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There is a different standard for more normie range 40 something men with 18-24 year olds and elite level men. Elite level men in their 40s can get 18-24 year olds. More normie range 40 something men will need to get women closer to their own ages.

I can imagine that it would be somewhat difficult for the typical 30s/40s white collar worker male to date a min wage fast food worker.

There's not a lot of leisure time social interaction between those two groups of people. How would they meet? The only way it could happen is if the guy hits on the woman at her place of employment. In general, the odds are stacked against those men. Men are also more likely to hit on Hooters/Twin Peaks type waitress or Macy's/Nordstrom like retail store workers than most fast food workers. The only fast food workers I've heard of men being attracted to are baristas. I've heard of men having a thing for Starbucks baristas. Additionally, there are bikini baristas in a few areas. Bikini baristas attract men in a similar way to Hooters/Twin Peaks Girls. The key challenging in seducing department store workers, brestaurant workers, and bikini baristas is meeting them outside of work.
Would you consider Dane Cook still at an "elite level?" When he was in the mid 2000s, this girl like only 9 years old and probably never even heard of him. Last 10 years hardly ever heard his name until it popped up recently.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Do you think that's why most guys struggle on here? They're like 30 to 50 years old trying to hit on 21 year olds with cold approach.
No. I think most guys struggle on here because they cannot establish social proof easily, so women are hesitant to trust them. If you have good social proof, the young women are easier to become involved with, because they feel safe around you. Most 30-50 years old are hitting on young women for all the wrong reasons, and that shines through in their approach.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Would you consider Dane Cook still at an "elite level?" When he was in the mid 2000s, this girl like only 9 years old and probably never even heard of him. Last 10 years hardly ever heard his name until it popped up recently.
It depends upon what his net worth is. He likely still has a higher net worth than many. He's also 6'0" too and he has good hair, which completes the @Mike32ct combo of Height, Hair, and Money.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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It depends upon what his net worth is. He likely still has a higher net worth than many. He's also 6'0" too and he has good hair, which completes the @Mike32ct combo of Height, Hair, and Money.
His face looks puffy now though like a lot in their 50s looks like. Not chiseled like it was back in the mid 2000s when he was fit.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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We know she has BPD and married for the money. Both are predators!
I wonder how much he even has. His brother and sister in law went to prison for taking a lot of money from him and he doesn't work a lot now. Granted, he's still probably a millionaire though.

Dane isn't a bad looking guy, but he's hit the man wall for sure. He's got that puffy face look most guys his age gets. Looks a lot different now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Social proof is a powerful motivator for women to be attracted to men. In fact, it is probably more important than the $ itself, although the two become interlinked many times. It is why big time actors (DiCaprio) are going to be seen as higher SMV that a guy who is just rich. Remember the the pics of DiCaprio and Bezo's wife? Perfect example.

Older men who aren't national or international celebrities can use social proof to get younger women too. I have seen it pulled off many times.
This, I know older guys who date younger women all the time granted One my buddies is 44 and lives in San Diego he's in decent shape and he still dates women in their 20s frequently. Myself I was dating a 21 year old just a month ago, it can be done.

No. I think most guys struggle on here because they cannot establish social proof easily, so women are hesitant to trust them. If you have good social proof, the young women are easier to become involved with, because they feel safe around you. Most 30-50 years old are hitting on young women for all the wrong reasons, and that shines through in their approach.
BINGO a lot of guys here are lone wolves nothing wrong with that I've been a lone wolf on and off most my life. The main thing is when dating younger women is access are you the old guy trying to pick up hot 21-year-olds at the club at 40? or are you the guy living a lifestyle where you meet younger women organically like Cook did? (yes I know he's famous but he met her through "Game night")

Answering OP's question the average sosuaver (I'm not talking about @AmsterdamAssassin who is the exception to the rule) who is 50+ is gonna have a tough time meeting&attracting 20-year-old women if they don't have access or a lifestyle that brings those women in. Can you meet younger women through apps? of course but you better be attractive or in great shape for your age, even then if you meet younger women on apps do not be shocked if they view you in the guise of a sugar daddy, and want your sugar! ha ha. I'm 40 and have had younger women propose "SB/SD relationships" to me and I kindly declined.

So if you 50+ as the average sosuaver how can you meet younger women organically? First you need access. By Access It can be anything from living in a target-rich area that has younger women, to having a social circle with younger women in it,. Could he meet younger women through cold approach or at the club? yes of course but remember at 50 you better be in great shape unless he wants landwhales. The truth is at 50 I would find it weird if you trying to meet 20-year-olds at the club every weekend. I use to see older guys in the past doing this and rarely did I ever see them have success. Cook has status and fame even though it's not like it was nearly 17 years ago. However the average sosuave if they have local status or social proof that can go a long way. However for most on sosuave like Amsterdam says don't have social proof.

Cook met his wife through game night which means he had social proof (along with social status of course)and access. The truth is most men on here don't even have a social circle in their age group hence so many guys are regulated do dealing with women on swipe apps which is the bottom of the barrel in general.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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dealing with women on swipe apps which is the bottom of the barrel in general.
Yes, this is correct. That's one of the worst ways to meet women and you would tend to meet lower quality women that way as compared to other ways.