Dancing onto women...


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just needed advice on how i should approach a female when on the dance floor and dance with her... What kind of body language should I be displaying? I dont her to get bored after a song or two.... Im 6f2 and attract a number of hot females on the floor, but i cant keep hold of them for very long.. Is it due to my height that women might find it uncomfortable to dance with? Can anyone help me out?


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Always switch up what you do, rythm etc.

If all else fails face her face to face and pick her up and dance like that.

As for the approach, a good way is just enjoy yourself on the dance floor, make eye contact, and then walk or dance your way to her and proceed to grind her or have her grind you.

I wrote a guide on this, feel free to read it if you wish



Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
On spring break I had the most success getting girls that were already dancing. Make eye contact, then instead of just begining the grinding take them by the hand and pull them to you while looking in their eyes. Once she gives you her hand game over...do with them what you please. I find away to keep them interested is to change positions...i.e dance face to face, then turn her around and dance on her ass, then turn her around and push her away from you keeping distance before begining the next grind session.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
whichonespink said:
On spring break I had the most success getting girls that were already dancing. Make eye contact, then instead of just begining the grinding take them by the hand and pull them to you while looking in their eyes. Once she gives you her hand game over...do with them what you please. I find away to keep them interested is to change positions...i.e dance face to face, then turn her around and dance on her ass, then turn her around and push her away from you keeping distance before begining the next grind session.
Definetely, you MUST change up what you do while you're grinding, do anything even if it means pushing them away for a few moments.

and I've tried the eye contact hand pull thing, works like a charm, but I've only tried it once a while back, will definetely try again in the future.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Not all girls will let you grind your sausage on them, immediately. This is b'coz most girls want to portray a non-slvt image! What works for me is dancing towards them with a smile... most decent people would smile back and dance with me if I do the hand pull thing.... else I see them as ppl not worth knowing!

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
How about working on your social/verbal skills and your inner game?

Dancing is for girls. Girls dance with other girls. It's meaningless, and an indirect approach, which IMO, is weak. It's a crutch.

Indirect approaches are nothing but buffers to protect your own precious ego from rejection - F*** that. When I approach a woman and talk to her, she knows exactly why I'm talking to her, and what I want from the interaction.

And that is to f*** them. I don't go to dance clubs. Waste of time. All the AFC's dancing with girls, trying to impress them with the new moves they learned from MTV or whatever, practicing all week so they can impress the girls on Friday night. Weak. Weak as hell.

I go to the "Lounge" club type places where the women are there for a reason, and it's not to dance.

Think about it.

Now, I know all the dance club goers will flame me for this post. Go ahead.
I don't care. I'm not the one wasting my time trying to impress girls with the latest dance moves I learned and practiced all week.

I'll be the guy at the upscale lounge, gaming the Slims who are out that night for reasons other than to dance.

Again, think about it. It makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
In some situations, it's actually acceptable to say "Hey you wanna dance" or (to be more DJish) "Come on, let's dance." Those are mainly the more formal dances, such as swing/salsa parties, but I think they can work in wilder situations also. But you need to use judgment.

In horish-type dances or dances where it's difficult to communicate verbally, it's often best to
1) either wait for an IOI then just go after her and start grinding or
2) grab her by the forearm/hand and start dancing with her from the front

Sometimes I also go for the more wussy way of doing it and I'll get close to her and just try to dance with her first without actually touching. That works on some occasions, too.

I dont her to get bored after a song or two
This is actually a problem for me. I really think dances (of all kinds) were not designed for a single couple to stay together for very long. Even if you're a really great dancer, it's hard to keep being interesting all night long (altho a girl I took to a swing dance lately seemed to be fine dancing with me for 2+ hrs). What they said at Fastseduction.com is to REMEMBER WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO DO. In many circumstances, you're not just trying to bust out the moves on the dance floor. If you dance with a girl and she likes you, stay with her for a little while but after several songs: change venue, excuse yourself and come back, start making out with her on the dance floor, or just LEAVE THE DANCE AND BRING HER WITH YOU TO ISOLATE HER. If you're trying to score with a girl, the dance was a way to meet with her. If you're trying to sex her, you need to isolate her and sex her. If you're trying to get to know her in some meaningful (LTR-type) way, you need to isolate her and get to know her in other ways.

There's only so far you can get with dance-floor kino (most of the time).