

New Member
May 15, 2003
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Mays Landing, NJ
I have seriously noticed this that girls always love a guy who can dance.

I serious recommend those who have what to become closer to their partner take dance lessons in swing, ballroom, etc. its an extreme help.

Jason S.

Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Whoaaaaah, really ? This is awesome, thanx dude. I thought beein' clumsy and stiff is what turns girls really on. :D :D

No, honestly, it has been discussed like thousand times, it's a good advice though. ;)


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I suggest you learn ballroom dancing: swing, salsa, and cha-cha. You can mixup these moves with hip-hop at the school dances and house parties or dance-clubs. Then you can roll up to chicks and say, "Hey homegirls, in all modesty I'm an outstanding dancer and I'm going to make you look good." It'll be so true!

Jason S.

Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
I think it would make you look like a stupid arrogant dumbass, a dumbass that can dance in this case ;)

Dancing is expression enough for itself, no need to talk and brag about it.

Keep a smile every day.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
If you have something unique and cool (ie break dancing, or you are really good with mixing up salsa/swing/cha-cha with freaking the chick, then you will blow everyone out of the water and it helps ATTRACT the you will get social proof. Plus, it's sooo easy to makeout with girls once on the dancefloor.

Here's a more thorough explanation of the spin makeout move (based on dancefloor moves) from a reply to FR: Your My New Madison Girlfriend ( This is probably the greatest gift to the seduction community.


1. Handshake

You can either start this off by going straight for the handshake or you can give her a high five first (and then give her a handshake). Shake the hand isn't necessary, but you can if you want to do so. The point is to just clasp her right hand with your right hand. Once you have her hand in yours, you are pretty much guaranteed a kiss. Ha!

2. Grab her other hand so your arms are crossed

Reach your left hand out towards her left hand. As a natural and automatic reflex, the girl will immediately extend her left hand towards your hand. When she extends her hand, grab it and clasp it firmly. Notice that when you do this, your arms are now crossed. The girl will probably be gazing at you with curiosity right now.

3. Spin her so your arms are uncrossed and hers are crossed

Next spin her. Keep yourself in the same place while twirling her hands around her head. Make sure your hands are loose so that you can spin her hands around. Don't hold onto her hands firmly when spinning the girl. Let the girl's hands twirl around in your hands. You should end up in a position where your arms are
uncrossed and hers are crossed.

4. Push her arms over her head and behind hers

Now, quickly push her hands up and over her head. Then push them back behind her head. If she thinks you want to spin her, thrust your arms forward and separate him elbows. This should stop her spinning momentum and get her to face you. If she spins anyways, spin her again to get her back into the position
where her arms are crossed and repeat step 4.

5. Let go of her hands

Now that her hands are placed behind her head, she is in a position where her face is close to yours and she can't push or move away (so even if she is not sure she wants to kiss, she'll kiss). You need to quickly move through steps 6 and 7 at this time because you'll want to complete steps 6 and 7 while her
hands are still behind her head.

6. Drag your hands down her sides under her armpit

Quickly drag your arms underneath her armpits and downwards. you may even brush against her breasts while you are doing this. The point is just to add extra feelings of arousal. You may even want to keep going around her while you are moving on down so that you hands stop on or near her ass. Girls really get a
kick out of this cuz it's so smooth.

7. Pull her close to you and kiss her

Whereever your hands end up, use them to pull her close to you. Lean in and kiss her lips. The longer the kiss the better. If you are on the dancefloor, you'll want the kiss to be at least 5-10 seconds or the peck will seem cool, but the girl may laugh because she is so excited by your cool moves that she
expects much more. 100% Guaranteed Success.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
If you want to see how to demonstrate social proof through dance and how to lead a girl in a field-report from the FIND to OPEN to ATTRACT to QUALIFY to RAPPORT to SEDUCE to SEX, here's a field report from a dance-club, which contains tactics to use in pretty much any dancefloor situ.


Saturday night, Matador and I go to Ruby Skye to meet up with Christophe and a booze bus. We decided to pay $35 to go on the "3 Babes and a Bus" tour. Like a Cancun booze tour, this bus rolls with 3 "babes" and you bar hop from club to club, while getting free cover and an hour at several of SF’s hottest clubs.

9:30PM Sharing the Love at Caliente

The Party Bus arrives at a salsa club and, in all modesty, I am an outstanding dancer. So I immediately grab a girl and bring her out on the dance floor. She’s a large- breasted attractive woman and a great dancer too. And after a couple songs, I leave HB Latino Dancer and decide to work the room.

I talk to all of the girls in the house, joke around, high five guys, and have girls kiss me. After 30 minutes, my face is covered in lip stick with kiss marks, and girls and guys are approaching me and telling me that lipstick is on my face. I reply, "The ladies are marking their territory."

Well, after dancing with a few other hot babes, I decide that built enough massive social proof and re-approach HB Latino Dancer. A dance and a rune reading later, I am kissing HB Latino Dancer and she introduces me to her friends. One of them is a psychic and is celebrating her bachelorette party. Her friends love me.

10:30PM Making Out on the Bus

Soon, the bus is off and I sit down next to Christophe and Matador. We talk about the club while the rest of the passengers are getting aboard. One of the groups on the bus is a set of several AFCs with HBs. Walking down the aisle, one of the attractive girls looked at me and said, "Where are you from?"

I laugh at her and say, "Where are you from?!? Is that the best pickup line you’ve gone. You kiddding me!!! Where you from?"

She says, "No. Really. Where are you from?"

I retort with a "Joey from the TV show, Friends, accent", "No, baby! Where you from?"

She decides to sit down next to me as I pretend to be trying to dodge her and says, "Tell me where you from."

I continually reply to her silly question, "Where are you from?" in a louder and louder voice until I just grab her and start making out with her. One of the chumps she came with pull her off of me and drag her to the back of the bus. Matador is afraid that the guys want to start a fight with me, but I shrug it off cuz it’s not a first.

10:45PM Free Shots and VIP Fun

The next club is a large dance club and I see an attractive waitress that is selling jello shots. I walk straight up to her and say, "Mmmm. Hey, give me a jello shot for free." She refuses so I say, "Hey, come on! I’m the most entertaining guy that you’ll meet all night. And you’ll give me a free shot cuz I’m going to give you a Cube reading. I’ll ask you 4 questions and tell you deep insights about you and you’ll love me for it and give me a free shot." After cubing her, she gives me a free shot and I move in for a kiss, but she refuses with the claim that she’ll get in trouble for kissing a customer. I decide to work the room and return to her later in the night.

Christophe and I sneak into the VIP Lounge area of a private party for a record company by lying to the bouncer. We joke around with a set of girls, bust their balls, and write on a notepad to pass funny notes to them Capt_BL style. However, the bouncer eventually finds out we are not part of the party and we eject the area, and go to the next club.

12:00 My Midnight Make Out Sessions

There’s a gorgeous blonde girl standing alone near the dance floor. So as soon as I see her, my natural lion instincts is to grab her and say, "Come with me." I bring her to the bar and tell her, "Now, I’m going to show you something. You have a good energy and something special about you so I’m going to show something that I don’t usually show to others." She says, "Yeah. You probably do this to everyone." So I "bust her balls" and say, "Hey. You’re trying to rip on what I’m want to share with you. Fine. You’re not getting any love tonight, baby!" She smiles and I continue with a rune cast. Then I point to my left cheek and say, "Give me a kiss." She complies. I then point to my right cheek, and say, "Give me another." She kisses again. So I point to my lips and say, "Now, give me a big children’s kiss" and I pull her head to mine and we start making out. After chatting and joking around, we both get up from the bar and return to our friends. I see HB Latino Dancer dancing alone so I open her again.

I decide to bring her to the center of the elevated stage and I decide to really show off to gain social proof in the club. I’m mixing up dance moves between cha cha, salsa, techno-club dancing, and swing. She’s loving it so I start kissing her. She stops and says, "I like you." I say, "I like you too." She replies, "Really?" and I smile.

She says come with me to the bathroom. I think that we’re going to **** in the bathroom, but it’s full of other women and all the stalls are full so I decide to wait for her outside because she decides that she really need to use the toilet. I wait outside of the bathroom and talk to Christophe.

HB Latino Dancer approaches me and Christophe says that he wants to take a picture. She says, "Sure!" and grabs me and starts kissing me while Christophe takes pictures on his digital camera. She says she is going to meet up with her friends and leaves me with Christophe, who asks me if I’m going to **** her tonight and I say, "Yeah."

I find HB Latino Dancer with her friends and befriend the group with some jokes, smiles, and funny negs. All of her friends love me and are making jokes about how my face is covered with kisses. Her UG friend wants to kiss me too, but I say that my face is full and point to my neck. She laughs and the bus is about to takeoff so we board the bus.

1:00AM Nick Lays HB Latino Dancer

The bus is returning to our original destination, but stops halfway there and I see HB Latino Dancer getting out of the bus with her friends because they are in front of their hotel. I run to the front of the bus and yell, "Hey! Where are you going?" HB Latino Dancer wiggles her finger at me as if to say "Come with me!"

So I jump out of the bus and enter the hotel with HB Latino Dancer and her 3 friends. While going up the elevator, HB Latino Dancer starts acting like a little schoolgirl and says to her friends, "Look what I’m bringing home tonight! Look at the gift I’ve got to bring home tonight! Look at what I’m bringing home tonight!"

We walk towards her friends’ hotel room and HB Latino Dancer asks if we can borrow their room. She says we need to drive to San Mateo to go to her house. So we call a cab, and HB Latino Dancer gets in and says, "I don’t know what you’re expecting, but we are not going to have sex tonight. We can smooch. But if you are expecting more than that, well, maybe you should get out." I respond with an innocent smile and say, "That’s cool. That’s cool." So we take a taxi out to San Mateo to her friend’s house. And then her friend drives us to her apartment. She’s hungry so decides to make a midnight snack for us, a Mexican omelet with lots of hot sauce over it.

We take the food upstairs to her bedroom, which is one large floor with a bathroom. I look around and all the walls and the ceiling are covered with large mirrors. She looks at me and says, "I know what you’re thinking, but I bought the place this way. My friends joke around because they say, ‘I know you and why you have the mirrors’ (laughs)."

After eating some delicious food in her bed, HB Latino Dancer puts on a lingerie dress and gets into bed. I start to slip under the covers while she turns off the lights. She stops me, "You can’t go into my bed wearing your clothes. Undress." I comply and take off all my clothes and hop into bed and she takes off her dress, but keeps her panties on.

I start kissing her, fondling her large breasts, and am getting very aroused. I’m going to **** this girl with or without a condemn tonight so I start fingering her and begin to jab my **** at her *****. She says, "You can’t **** me without a condemn." I say, "I have a condemn." She replies, "Ok (in a sweet and innocent girlie voice)."

I jump out of bed and can’t find a condemn so I ask her if she has one and she says yes. She gives me the condemn and takes off her panties. Then I get on top of her and **** her. The sex is really good and I want her to ***. So even though I came, I continue ****ing her and ask her to get on top.

She rides me while exclaiming how good my **** feels and how wet she’s getting. After she says, "I need to stop after I feel so really good." And she asks if I came all over her cuz we are both really wet. My concern is that the *** leaked out of the condemn while she was riding me like a bronco.

We take a break to chat, drink some cool water, and relax in bed. However, I’m getting aroused lying against to this beautiful woman’s naked body so I end up getting hard again. So I ask her for another condemn and we continue ****ing. We continue this routine the entire night.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
IMO swing dancing, salsa, and cha-cha are great skills to learn for the d-floor. You can mix these up with freakin, hip-hop, and break-dancing skills and you'll be da man of the, the coolest spins and flips can be used off the dance-floor as fun gimmicks. This is how I came up with the 100 Percent Handshake Spin Makeout move. And once I get the flip down pat, I'll be doing this EVERYWHERE.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
Reaction score
Dude I love to dance, swing especially, and the women absolutely love a guy that can cut the rug. I love swing music too.

I've recently gotten into a little bit of latin too. You don't typically meet skanky girls if you go out to a place that has swing or latin, or if you have a new girl and take her there she is usually impressed. Especially if she doesn't know how and you can teach her some stuff.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
dance is the essence of flava. ladies love the moves i put out . what i have noticed more than anything else is the style of dance the women in my state love the most is popping. the type of popping im talking about is the sisqo-ginuwine type stuff. trust me if you can work on your body movement and gliding, you can develop your own stlye and mix it in with other forms of dancing. but also most importantly, the style of dance depends on the style of girl. i dont think i could impress a country line dacing girl with popping.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
dance is the essence of flava. ladies love the moves i put out . what i have noticed more than anything else is the style of dance the women in my state love the most is popping. the type of popping im talking about is the sisqo-ginuwine type stuff. trust me if you can work on your body movement and gliding, you can develop your own stlye and mix it in with other forms of dancing. but also most importantly, the style of dance depends on the style of girl. i dont think i could impress a country line dancing girl with popping.