HATE oneitis! Oneitis only happens to men who are lacking in options. I've had oneitis for the same chick since October of last year. We had a class together last semester and we are a class together this semester.
I really want to get rid of the damn feeling. Good suggestions on how to get rid of oneitis.
Wolf said:
Yeah thats the absolute best way to get over oneitis. Simply don't see her anymore and the feelings will fade. Thats how I've gotten over all cases of oneitis that I've had. Unfortunately it sucks knowing that I'll have to add her to the pile of girls I've had oneitis for but I've never gotten. I think she's number 11 or 12. What sucks even more is that I still know all their first and last names, and where I knew them from.
The semester is over at the end of May so I have about two more months of suffering with oneitis. Once that passes, she will be nothing more than another painful memory
Wolf said:
. Meet other women (second most important)
Meeting other women isn't quite good enough. You have to actually be doing stuff with them. Will my oneitis go away if I'm having sex with another girl? I'd like to think so. Unfortunately I'm not screwing anybody and I don't see it happening for a long time.
Basically if a guy is seeing other girls, then it's really difficult to even get oneitis.
Wolf said:
. Focus the passion on something else
Yeah, if you have something to keep your mind busy then you won't be thinking about her. The less you think about her the lower your interest in her will drop.
I don't have many passions so only a few things cause me to take my mind off of her. Unfortunately when I'm at school or doing homework I'm usually so bored that my mind drifts over to her.
Wolf said:
. FIND something else you are passionate about
Same as above. I need to have some passions but it's not that easy. You can't exactly tell somebody, "Get a passion."
Wolf said:
. Realise you aren't the only one
I'm not totally sure what you mean by this. Here is what my guess is. I'm certain that I'm not the only one that has oneitis on her. In the class that I have her in she is a 10 and every other girl is basically an 8 or lower. There are 4 other guys that try to hover around her. I know that every guy in the room would love a piece of her.
Wolf said:
. Realise she's not as special as your mind is tricking you to believe
I don't know about that. The fact that she is one of the most attractive girls I have ever met. She has a great personality. The only faults that I have seen is that she sometimes acts a little too goofy and immature for a 20 year old.
Wolf said:
. Realise it's all in your head and can be giving similar effects to beer goggles
I'm certain that my very strong desire to have a girl is greatly magnifying the normal interest in her that I would have. If I wasn't so desperate she would be nothing but another hot girl.
Wolf said:
. Chances are you are a better individual than her
I don't know her well enough to make that kind of call. I haven't seen that many negatives about her.
Either way, oneitis is an AFC disease. It should be avoided at all times but sometimes that's easier said than done.