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damn in uni and I still haven't got laid.. school is almost over.. I HAVE to get laid


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
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jaymo said:
Yea, but it gets discouraging when you have to keep throwing away numbers because you try calling them and they either don't answer, are never available when you are (if the claims are true), or they flake out multiple times and you keep having to "next" them. It's like you know it's something you're doing or not doing that's f*cking you up, but you need someone to point out to you what that something is. It's not always easy finding that person :(
You're not doing anything wrong, those girls just aren't interested in you. There's no hidden meaning. The simple fact is that if a girl wants to be with you, she will find a way to be with you, not give you excuses.

Now, if EVERY girl is like that with you, then you need to analyze yourself and get your inner game fixed first.

But at the end of the day you are going to get rejected more than you get accepted. You need to be prepared to ACCEPT this or it will mess you up.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2006
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Vypros said:
You're not doing anything wrong, those girls just aren't interested in you. There's no hidden meaning. The simple fact is that if a girl wants to be with you, she will find a way to be with you, not give you excuses.

Now, if EVERY girl is like that with you, then you need to analyze yourself and get your inner game fixed first.

But at the end of the day you are going to get rejected more than you get accepted. You need to be prepared to ACCEPT this or it will mess you up.
Yea. How would you go about identifying and fixing those inner game issues?

Sometimes I wish I knew and can hang around people that are good at this and can teach it to other like Mystery and those guys. David D was really lucky to have people like that around him. I don't think he'd be where he is right now if his choice of friends were more AFC.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
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jaymo said:
Yea. How would you go about identifying and fixing those inner game issues?
I posted this on another message board once, and I think it'd be a good place for you to start:

Look chief, forget the pick up and seduction stuff. Seriously, that stuff is like covering up a crappy tasting cake with thick, frosty icing. Sure, the icing distracts you from the taste of the cake and SEEMS to work in making the cake taste better, but in the end the cake still sucks. Seduction art is the same thing. The things you learn WILL work, and it WILL get you hooked up with women, but it's not helping YOU any and it definately won't help you KEEP women.

That being said, I'm going to give you some solid advice that not only will work in helping you meet and date new women, but will change YOU to be more than just "seduction" material.

My advice to you is this:

1. First and foremost, DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT. This is VERY key element. How are you supposed to hook up with the girl of your dreams, if you don't even know what you want? Do you expect someone to just walk into your life, rock your world, and suddenly you wake up and go "OH! THAT'S IT!" Sorry man, but that isn't going to happen. Nada. Nix. You have got to decide what you want in a girl and what you can't live without. Don't get TOO picky (like saying "i'll only date a blonde" or stuff like that), just decide what traits you want in a girl. Is she outgoing? Does she like "x" type of movies? What is her relgious beliefs? Decide this type of stuff before hand, and keep it in your head at all times. Girls don't have to be perfect, but if you know what you want, you'll automatically start weeding out the girls that don't make the cut--or meet most of things on your list. This is key because this is making you "picky". You're not automatically going to cling to the first girl you hook up with. You know what you want, and you are confident enough to go after it and get it. This is EXTREMELY attractive to a woman.

2. Confidence, Charisma, and Character. The three C's. This is an internal struggle. This is all INSIDE of you. As someone said once, if you are shy it's because you are insecure about something. You have insecurities and you have fear and you have shame. If you are struggling with meeting and dating women, it's a good bet that you have one of these. These traits (insecurity, fear, and shame) are to a woman, what a fat woman is to a man--A MAJOR TURN OFF. Go down to the local bookstore and hit the self-help section and start reading. Get inside yourself, list your insecurities, and began to FACE them instead of running from them. Go to a shrink if you have to to rid yourself of these insecurities. Women can smell this stuff on you like skunk pee, and you can only mask these insecurities for so long before they bubble to the surface and turn a woman off. That's why you need to RID YOURSELF OF THEM.

3. A strong identity. This is another key element in your journey towards meeting and dating women. This is your first step towards taking your inward struggle and facing it by going OUT into the world and taking on your ******d struggles. Seriously, it's time you TOOK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. Discover who you are, what you like, and what you want out of life. AND THEN START PURSUING THAT. Forget about meeting a woman. You want to pursue the life you want and do the things you want to do, so that you can shed off another major turn off: CLINGINESS AND NEEDINESS. This is the most important thing you can do, because it establishes a LIFE for you that basically says "I am happy with myself and what I like to do. If people don't like that then too bad. I am what I am and that's all I'll ever be. To hell with anyone who expects me to change." Granted, there's nothing wrong with comprimise or being polite to people, but not so that you are a doormat. Learn to pick and choose what YOU want instead of having others define it for you. Take control, and establish hobbies and build the career and life you want. If you can be happy with yourself, then others can be happy with you.

4. After all of this, THEN you are ready to get out into the field and start pursuing women. But if you take on steps 1-3, you'll find that you really won't NEED much more help, as once you get the INSIDE squared away, the outside things will start falling into place. As for your appearance, learn to BE CLEAN, dress nice, and present yourself in your own personal way, yet doing so with a hint of taste and style. Accentuate your attributes, so that the focus is not on the things that AREN'T so good about yourself.

5. Knock her off her f**king pedastool! SHE IS JUST A PERSON. No more, no less. Just because you think she's hot, doesn't make her some sort of goddess for you to follow after like a puppy. In fact, you are going to find that the HOTTEST girls, have really crappy personalities a lot of the time. Why? Because they are used to things falling into their lap and they don't really have to WORK to make boyfriends/friends. As a result they tend to be arrogant and a bit b**chy. But that's ok, because this girl isn't some goddess. She's a human being and she eats and craps and farts just like the rest of us. Plus, if you find that you don't like her personality, you're not going to just concede and change yourself. You are going to have the balls to tell her to get away from you. Stop worrying about what she thinks of you and start asking yourself this question "Is she good enough for me?" If you adopt this attitude, you'll find yourself getting a bit selective with girls, and in turn, girls will find themselves more attracted to you.

That about does it. The specifics haven't been laid out in great detail in this post, but those the the things you need to focus on. If you focus on these things, everything else will start to fall into play and you will accomplish the same thing as the seduction arts, only you'll be able to maintain a serious relationship if you want and you'll outright feel better about yourself and not constantly be worrying if you are running a "tight game" and if it's working or not. Be yourself, but be a confident you.
Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
:*( Vypros....Amazing Post! Very very note worthy and well done.


Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
I've come to the realization that getting laid is simply a by-product of living life to the fullest. :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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SHE IS JUST A PERSON. No more, no less. Just because you think she's hot, doesn't make her some sort of goddess for you to follow after like a puppy. In fact, you are going to find that the HOTTEST girls, have really crappy personalities a lot of the time. Why? Because they are used to things falling into their lap and they don't really have to WORK to make boyfriends/friends. As a result they tend to be arrogant and a bit b**chy. But that's ok, because this girl isn't some goddess. She's a human being and she eats and craps and farts just like the rest of us. Plus, if you find that you don't like her personality, you're not going to just concede and change yourself. You are going to have the balls to tell her to get away from you. Stop worrying about what she thinks of you and start asking yourself this question "Is she good enough for me?" If you adopt this attitude, you'll find yourself getting a bit selective with girls, and in turn, girls will find themselves more attracted to you.
Exactly what I needed. I've been getting there but the whole idea of a woman being more selective because she is hot and wanting someone "better" than I would get me down..

Wow, I am a freaking idiot. Better than I? Who the hell can judge that? What makes that guy better? Can he fvck better, massage your back better, tell funny stories better, be the life of the party better?!!!

Jesus christ, so much time wasted!!!!

And it is us guys that get hung up on our looks , we think "she is selecting based on looks!!!omgimnotgoodenough!!111" Oh.my.****ing.god.


Seriously, Wow.

I just came from the bars and what did I do? I had girls who were interested, but I somehow kept FVCKING MYSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN by drilling negative thoughts in my head.. i wasnt even saying anything, it was just that "eeehhh they don't want me" feeling.


I know for a fact there were at least 2-3 girls that were indeed at least CURIOUS about getting to know me better..and what do I think and do!?


How many times did it go from:

"Wow, she is so hot, i can't get her"

"Hmm..she seems like she likes me"


"Hey, we are hooking up!"

WHY THE HELL CAN'T I LEARN?!! I do this over and over, I've had some very cute girls hit on me, what the hell am I screwing myself over for?!

This is it. I swear, this is the end of this...

Right here..right now. She is hot? I don't care, I want to get to know her.
She is intimidating? I don't care, I want to fvck her. She makes me want to play that "bystander who is amazed at her beauty" card? FVCK THAT!!

I am not a little boy, I do not want to be your friend. I don't want to admire from afar. I don't want to second guess what you think of me.. I don't want to consider what guys in the building are better looking than I, I don't want to CASTRATE MY OWN CHANCES BY THE KNIFE OF MY OWN INSECURITY...

JESUS CHRIST MAN.. HOW MANY HOT HOT HOT AMAZINGLY HOT WOMEN HAVE YOU PASSED BY?!! I swear god. you could have had amanda, you could have had that hot blond in your class.. or the brunette... BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW, BECAUSE YOU DIDNT TRY. and why did you not try? BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT THEY LIKED GUYS WHO AREBETTER THAN YOU!!!

WEll of course they are better, they don't SECOND GUESS THEMsELVES and compare themselves to some dudes they DO NOT EVEN KNOW.

Oh my fvcking god...heahusd;na wow!!!


So here it is...



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
This helped me:

You may actually be quite surprised to learn how much the questions that you ask yourself will affect you. What you ask yourself WILL directly affect your self-esteem and confidence therefore increasing your anxiety when faced with approaching a woman.

We'll start by addressing the first statement.

"She's too pretty for me"

First of all, maybe she is and maybe she's not… it's up to her to decide and you to find out. And besides, haven't you ever seen an absolutely stunning girl with a guy that looks like he is no where near her standards?

And second:

When you make a statement like this to yourself, you are telling yourself your look far less attractive then her. When you do this, you will believe this statement and act accordingly to it.

She will pick up on the fact that the way you perceive yourself is lower to her, therefore affecting your chances of scoring a date which will most likely cause more anxious feelings.

So let's work on a line here that you can replace this statement with.

Here is a good one for you to replace it with;

"She's very attractive, in fact almost as good looking as me"

Ok, I know this can be quite a ****y little line to use. But you are only saying it to yourself, not out aloud.

By using this statement to yourself when a pretty little "bird" enters the room or the bus stop or where ever you may be at the time, you are placing yourself in the same category as her. Or maybe just a smidgen above, just to be a little more cheeky ;-)

She will pick up on this, and put you in "her league". And lucky for you guys, women are a bit of a sucker for a guy who can be a little ****y and show confidence.

Ok, let's now address statement number 2

"I'm not good enough for her"

Again, that is for her to decide and for you to find out . Besides, once you talk to her a little you might be the one cutting the conversation short because you might not even like the girl.

When you tell yourself a statement like this, you are telling yourself that she is a much better person then you are. And of course when you truly believe this you will act this way towards her, causing you to feel more anxiety then need be.

And women, they are pretty smart people. They can pick up on it when you put yourself in that lower category. Your body language pretty much SCREAMS "I'm not worthy of you, your royal heiress"

Let's be straight here. Especially if this is a woman you have just met, what could possibly make you think that she is of such high superiority to you? We're all unique and we all come with our good points and our bad points. Nobody's perfect, and if we all were, don't you think that would make life a little on the boring side? ;-)

So what's a better statement to replace this line with?

How about this one;

"She seems to have a lot going for her, but I might be able to give her a running for her money"

Yes, a bit ****y again, but you are still acknowledging her good points to yourself while also reminding yourself that you sure have some good qualities too!

Creating Positive Self Talk (Part II)

Ok, now for statement number 3

"Everyone's going to laugh at me for trying"

Now with this statement, you're not only running yourself down to the ground but you are also under the assumption that all your mate's think that you're a loser too. And you definitely do not want to give that vibe to your mates.

I'm sure there are plenty out there that given the opportunity to tease you at your expense will. I guess it's just one of those guy blokey type things ;-) . But don't give them that pleasure. If you give them any self doubt they just might make it that bit harder for you when you do go to approach her.

So a better line for you to say to yourself would be;

"The guys sure are going to be jealous when I score a date with this beauty"

Oh, did I forget to mention I am an aussie woman? ;-P. So if I sneak in a few jargon words, you know where it's coming from <grins>

Yes, yet again a bit ****y, but hey no-one else can hear it, and the self esteem and confidence boost will be really worth it!

The more reassuring statements/questions you ask yourself the less anxious you will feel when you do approach her.

Ok, on to this one.

"Why would she even be interested in me?"

Well the first thing I'd like to ask you here is why not? Do you have a twin out there with your exact same personality that she happens to already know and spend time with?

The fact is, we all bring something different to everyone's lives, and something that no-one else can give. Of course to get her initial attention you need to come up with something crafty. But right now we are just focusing on taking away the anxious sensations when you approach women.

The truth is, if you don't think you're interesting, then why she should she?

So let's work on a better line to ask yourself.

"She seems like an interesting woman, and I'm sure I can interest her with a few of my qualities"

Now you're telling yourself you think she is quite interesting, but also reminding yourself that you too have some great qualities that you can share with her in return.

And you DEFINITELY do, because there is no-one else out there like you!

And for the final statement

"She could do far better than me"

Ok then, you better put your tail between your legs and waddle on home then. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just kidding. Must be that dry humour in me?

And let's think for a moment, there are billions of men on this planet and I'm sure many of them are "better" than you. So statistically, this is true. And if that is true, than any woman can do better than you.

This all makes mathematical sense, but is complete stupidity when it comes to relationships.

When it comes to relationships: How can she do better then you? You are unique. There is NO-ONE at all that is the same as you on this planet. You may share some similar traits with others, but no-one else comes close to being just like you.

So what would be a better statement to replace with this one?

"She will never meet anyone just like me"

Its dam true isn't it?

There really isn't anyone like you. And that's what makes you unique and interesting!

REMEMBER: The way you question yourself will have a direct impact on the way you feel and will reflect on the way you will behave and present yourself.

It's extremely important you change your self questioning to positive statements in order to make you feel more confident which will directly effect how anxious you will feel when you approach a woman.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score

Calm Down.

The next two months are going to be very hard for you, simply because you're going to be wanting to get laid so much that you will try and get it at every single opportunity. This is bad because it makes you very frustrated and desperate.

I suggest just calming down and ensuring yourself that "it doesn't matter" and just going out every other night and just talk to as many girls as possible. Don't come accross as sex mad and you will get laid, believe me.

Just my 0.2


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Oxide said:
WEll of course they are better, they don't SECOND GUESS THEMsELVES and compare themselves to some dudes they DO NOT EVEN KNOW.
You kidding me? The hottest women are the most insecure. lol

why do you think neg-hits work so well on the hotter women?

Women do this all the time chief. In fact, it might help you to realize that women do the exact same thing you are doing here on this message board, except in a different way.

They study us. Study what we like. What we don't like.

Don't believe me?

Next time you are in a store, take a look at the magazine rack and tell me what you see.

Why do you think girls are into things like Cosmo or Glamour. They are doing the same thing you are doing here!!!!

Next time you are in a store and you notice a hot girl buying a Cosmo, recognize that she is probably INSECURE. She wants to know what she has to do to herself to make YOU like her. She worries. Day in, day out, about EVERYTHING.

I'm saying that to help bring her down to reality to you a bit, and maybe calm you down a bit.

You want to learn a different perspective about women? Go out and buy women's magazines. I wouldn't worry so much about learning the content (unless you are gay lol), but just take a look at what they are reading, talking about, etc. This puts you into their "language".


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
I like what you said right there, that's good advice..

The quote above is about other guys, not women :)

Women are insecure as hell, and I know how to push some buttons, but I just do not really like to, since it seems like im playing a game that's not my own.

The ones I might use time to time is "Have you gotten enough sleep lately, you look tired" or "Wow you are such a dork!"...and even that's rare


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Most freshman guys don't get any their first year. Wait until you are a junior, then you will notice the opportunities.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Find the sluts,lower your standars or both.

If all you want is sex ascap then all you really have to do is go after the easy chics.