Look chief, forget the pick up and seduction stuff. Seriously, that stuff is like covering up a crappy tasting cake with thick, frosty icing. Sure, the icing distracts you from the taste of the cake and SEEMS to work in making the cake taste better, but in the end the cake still sucks. Seduction art is the same thing. The things you learn WILL work, and it WILL get you hooked up with women, but it's not helping YOU any and it definately won't help you KEEP women.
That being said, I'm going to give you some solid advice that not only will work in helping you meet and date new women, but will change YOU to be more than just "seduction" material.
My advice to you is this:
1. First and foremost, DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT. This is VERY key element. How are you supposed to hook up with the girl of your dreams, if you don't even know what you want? Do you expect someone to just walk into your life, rock your world, and suddenly you wake up and go "OH! THAT'S IT!" Sorry man, but that isn't going to happen. Nada. Nix. You have got to decide what you want in a girl and what you can't live without. Don't get TOO picky (like saying "i'll only date a blonde" or stuff like that), just decide what traits you want in a girl. Is she outgoing? Does she like "x" type of movies? What is her relgious beliefs? Decide this type of stuff before hand, and keep it in your head at all times. Girls don't have to be perfect, but if you know what you want, you'll automatically start weeding out the girls that don't make the cut--or meet most of things on your list. This is key because this is making you "picky". You're not automatically going to cling to the first girl you hook up with. You know what you want, and you are confident enough to go after it and get it. This is EXTREMELY attractive to a woman.
2. Confidence, Charisma, and Character. The three C's. This is an internal struggle. This is all INSIDE of you. As someone said once, if you are shy it's because you are insecure about something. You have insecurities and you have fear and you have shame. If you are struggling with meeting and dating women, it's a good bet that you have one of these. These traits (insecurity, fear, and shame) are to a woman, what a fat woman is to a man--A MAJOR TURN OFF. Go down to the local bookstore and hit the self-help section and start reading. Get inside yourself, list your insecurities, and began to FACE them instead of running from them. Go to a shrink if you have to to rid yourself of these insecurities. Women can smell this stuff on you like skunk pee, and you can only mask these insecurities for so long before they bubble to the surface and turn a woman off. That's why you need to RID YOURSELF OF THEM.
3. A strong identity. This is another key element in your journey towards meeting and dating women. This is your first step towards taking your inward struggle and facing it by going OUT into the world and taking on your ******d struggles. Seriously, it's time you TOOK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. Discover who you are, what you like, and what you want out of life. AND THEN START PURSUING THAT. Forget about meeting a woman. You want to pursue the life you want and do the things you want to do, so that you can shed off another major turn off: CLINGINESS AND NEEDINESS. This is the most important thing you can do, because it establishes a LIFE for you that basically says "I am happy with myself and what I like to do. If people don't like that then too bad. I am what I am and that's all I'll ever be. To hell with anyone who expects me to change." Granted, there's nothing wrong with comprimise or being polite to people, but not so that you are a doormat. Learn to pick and choose what YOU want instead of having others define it for you. Take control, and establish hobbies and build the career and life you want. If you can be happy with yourself, then others can be happy with you.
4. After all of this, THEN you are ready to get out into the field and start pursuing women. But if you take on steps 1-3, you'll find that you really won't NEED much more help, as once you get the INSIDE squared away, the outside things will start falling into place. As for your appearance, learn to BE CLEAN, dress nice, and present yourself in your own personal way, yet doing so with a hint of taste and style. Accentuate your attributes, so that the focus is not on the things that AREN'T so good about yourself.
5. Knock her off her f**king pedastool! SHE IS JUST A PERSON. No more, no less. Just because you think she's hot, doesn't make her some sort of goddess for you to follow after like a puppy. In fact, you are going to find that the HOTTEST girls, have really crappy personalities a lot of the time. Why? Because they are used to things falling into their lap and they don't really have to WORK to make boyfriends/friends. As a result they tend to be arrogant and a bit b**chy. But that's ok, because this girl isn't some goddess. She's a human being and she eats and craps and farts just like the rest of us. Plus, if you find that you don't like her personality, you're not going to just concede and change yourself. You are going to have the balls to tell her to get away from you. Stop worrying about what she thinks of you and start asking yourself this question "Is she good enough for me?" If you adopt this attitude, you'll find yourself getting a bit selective with girls, and in turn, girls will find themselves more attracted to you.
That about does it. The specifics haven't been laid out in great detail in this post, but those the the things you need to focus on. If you focus on these things, everything else will start to fall into play and you will accomplish the same thing as the seduction arts, only you'll be able to maintain a serious relationship if you want and you'll outright feel better about yourself and not constantly be worrying if you are running a "tight game" and if it's working or not. Be yourself, but be a confident you.