Originally posted by Click Here
i choked on 2 cold approaches today... and then i saw this post and remembered it. If only i woulda saw this this morning...
Hmm, similar thing happened to me.. amazingly hot chick sat a few seats down from me on the train... made occasional EC, but I choked on approaching since there was some one else (not with her, or talking to her) sat on the same table..
I always choke if the chick isn't alone.. goddamn ego caring about other peoples impressions!!!
Yeah, I think the board really benefits from threads like this, every time I read one it reminds me that I'm no different from everyone else, I'm not a quasimodo or social retard and so therefore theres no reason why I can't do it either..
the more we read about people getting out and making an effort, the moe it motivates you to make an effort yourself..
in a way reading about others being scared of approaching only serves to give you an excuse to justify your own fear (every one else is scared, therefore its ok for me to be)
reading about people getting out there and doing it, has the opposite effect..