Cutting 10 lbs


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
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I think my ideal weight should be 155, i'm 5'6.5 . Currently 165 lbs
I play soccer 4 times a week, 2 pickup games and 2 league games, and I actually gained 5 lbs. Pickup games are 3 hours, league games 1 hour.

I'm need to eat a lot of carbs daily b/c of the type of work I do , lot of mental work. I also eat whatever I want, but no soda, no beer / alcohol. Minimal fats.

Any ideas what I should be doing? maybe adding some weight lifting? tho i hate doing stuff in the gym.


speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Playing that much sports should be helping you keep alot of excess weight off. Look in the mirror at your midsection. If it's fairly flat, you're doing fine.

Obviously it always helps to eat healthier. Make your carbs whole wheat, fruits and vegetables. Take in a fair amount of protein and don't eat garbage. And it doesn't hurt to eat some fats.

Also, carbs + mental work ie stress = fatness and diabetes. Just a tip.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
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write down everything you eat

use fitday and find your metabolic rate, go 500 under. I recommend cutting carbs to about 100 and continue your current excercise, add weights 3 times a week.

Monday- Bench/overhead press/pull ups/dead lifts/ dips.
Wednesday- Squats/lunges/leg curls/ front squats
Friday- Same as monday.


New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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If you really want to cut your weight and fats then it is your time to join exercise program and change your fat into muscle to look fit and healthier.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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bob2007 said:
I think my ideal weight should be 155, i'm 5'6.5 . Currently 165 lbs
I play soccer 4 times a week, 2 pickup games and 2 league games, and I actually gained 5 lbs. Pickup games are 3 hours, league games 1 hour.

I'm need to eat a lot of carbs daily b/c of the type of work I do , lot of mental work. I also eat whatever I want, but no soda, no beer / alcohol. Minimal fats.

Any ideas what I should be doing? maybe adding some weight lifting? tho i hate doing stuff in the gym.

You need to increase your fat intake. Fat does not make you fat, high glycemic carbs make you fat. Fat is necessary for production of testosterone ad it is synthesized from cholesterol which comes from fat. Your body also requires new fat to be taken in before your liver will release fat from fat stores. Without intake of new fats, your fat burning is slowed to a crawl. Also every 7 days yiu should have an all out cheat day which resets your leptin levels. Leptin is a master normone that controls the rate at which your body burns fat. After as little as 6 days of following a strict diet, your leptin levels can plummet, greatly slowing down your fat burning in the process. Leptin levels can be reset in as little as 12 hours of eating high carb/high fat foods(see junk food). It defies logic, but you will lose weight faster by eating junk food once a week.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2012
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Weight loss/gain = Calorie Input - Calorie Output

It sounds like your problem is that your eating too much. You can lift weights and exercise as much as you want but if your eating enough calories to match your energy output you won't see any fat loss. The solution is this:

Eat less calories than you use.

This forces your body to find other means of energy, and thus it starts using up its fat reserves. 1 lb. of fat = 3 500 calories, so if you want to lose 10 pounds you'll have to eat 35 000 calories less of what your body needs.
You can pace it how you want, but don't expect to lose 10 lbs. of fat in 2 weeks (if you lose that much weight in 2 weeks, its probably caused by water and muscle loss). The most fat you can lose in 1 week is 2 lbs, any more and your body starts thinking it's in a survival situation and actually tries to preserve it's fat reserves.

There's plenty of calculators on the web to find how many calories you use in a day. You will have to start the habit of watching how many calories you eat. You can get should get an account on or to do this.

Anyway hope that helps