Any form of squat or deadlift will ofcource build your waistline. But after x amount of years deadlifting and squatting, your waist might be one or two inches wider. Does it really matter when shoulders, back/chest, legs also grew 10 inches in the process? No, it doesn't matter. Symetry is better than ever before and your strong like an ox. The difference might be that the deadlifter has a whole lot thicker back than the one who chose not to deadlift. Same with the glutes. They dont grow out of proportion. The legs grow alot faster than the glutes. Look at olympic lifters. They have strong glutes going as deep as they go in the frontsquat. And still no out of proportion asses.
@Hockey Playa
Youre just too weak yet. Remember that rome was not built i a day. It will likely take few years. Build your strenght, eat healthy and in time, size will come. Take your time and build up a 315 bench, 500 squat and deadlift.