hey hey,
Yesterdays workout (A)
drank a pint of milk/milk power immediatly before hand, which was stupid as it made me feel really sick and lethargic, no more food in the 30-60 mins before workout.
squats- warmups to 3x5x90kg.
The first two sets felt really really hard, the third suprisingly was slightly easier, no idea why.
I was going as low as possible, below parallel, my flexibility is definatly improving but still work to be done.
Going so low did mean my form suffered a little, with my hips rising before my upper back on some reps, but this should clear up as I get stronger and more flexibile. Will Iron out all form/flexibility issues before I shoot for 100kg.
bench- warmups to 3x5x60kg.
Nothing special to report here, but did feel good using the 20kg plates finally!
workset- 115x5 PR
Long warmup for these, Because I was going for 5 kg more than last time and wanted form to be spot on. The work set felt like the entire planet was hanging off my arms, but I got through it, no grip issues this time.
120kg next week!
Ill persevere with the cleans till the end of the 6 months I think, hopefully they will improve and I will learn to like them, I can see the benefits of the movement.
I could do no pulls ups at all a year and a half ago, gradually improved till I could do about 4-5, but that was 6 months ago and Ive not improved since, I always get stuck on the 5th rep if I use proper form.
I will switch to pull downs, good plan, till I can do 10 reps at body weight, then try pull ups again.
With the body fat, Its not as much of an issue as I made it out to be.
I've always been very skinny wtih a tiny ammount of body fat (inner thights, belly). In the past few months Ive put on an inch or so round my waist, which will need to dissapear at some point, but I can still see my abs If I flex them, so its not anything to worry about!
I just meant that at some point Ill want to strip off a few % points.
My cardio is random cycling everywhere, plus the odd run/dance class. I dont need to do dedicated cardio becasue I have a very active lifestyle, always have, hence why Ive only put on weight since I've been stuffing my face!
Over christmas Im going to wales for a week, So I will indulge in some fell running! If that doesnt get me in shape I dont know what will!
Yesterdays workout (A)
drank a pint of milk/milk power immediatly before hand, which was stupid as it made me feel really sick and lethargic, no more food in the 30-60 mins before workout.
squats- warmups to 3x5x90kg.
The first two sets felt really really hard, the third suprisingly was slightly easier, no idea why.
I was going as low as possible, below parallel, my flexibility is definatly improving but still work to be done.
Going so low did mean my form suffered a little, with my hips rising before my upper back on some reps, but this should clear up as I get stronger and more flexibile. Will Iron out all form/flexibility issues before I shoot for 100kg.
bench- warmups to 3x5x60kg.
Nothing special to report here, but did feel good using the 20kg plates finally!
workset- 115x5 PR
Long warmup for these, Because I was going for 5 kg more than last time and wanted form to be spot on. The work set felt like the entire planet was hanging off my arms, but I got through it, no grip issues this time.
120kg next week!
Ill persevere with the cleans till the end of the 6 months I think, hopefully they will improve and I will learn to like them, I can see the benefits of the movement.
I could do no pulls ups at all a year and a half ago, gradually improved till I could do about 4-5, but that was 6 months ago and Ive not improved since, I always get stuck on the 5th rep if I use proper form.
I will switch to pull downs, good plan, till I can do 10 reps at body weight, then try pull ups again.
With the body fat, Its not as much of an issue as I made it out to be.
I've always been very skinny wtih a tiny ammount of body fat (inner thights, belly). In the past few months Ive put on an inch or so round my waist, which will need to dissapear at some point, but I can still see my abs If I flex them, so its not anything to worry about!
I just meant that at some point Ill want to strip off a few % points.
My cardio is random cycling everywhere, plus the odd run/dance class. I dont need to do dedicated cardio becasue I have a very active lifestyle, always have, hence why Ive only put on weight since I've been stuffing my face!
Over christmas Im going to wales for a week, So I will indulge in some fell running! If that doesnt get me in shape I dont know what will!